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May 15 2023

Green Energy and Pseudofood Harm Environment

We all know that green energy is devastating to the economy, because it drives up inflation through grotesquely excessive wasteful government spending, as with the insolently Orwellian Inflation “Reduction” Act. It is just as harmful for the environment:

• As the Biden administration pushes for more wind power and solar energy, renewable energy industries will soon generate tons of waste.

• A wind turbine is recyclable, from the steel tower to the composite blades, typically 170 feet long, but most ends up being thrown away, a waste total that will reach a cumulative mass of 2.2 million metric tons by 2050.

• Currently, about 90% of end-of-life or defective solar panels also end up in landfills, largely because it costs far less to dump them than to recycle them.

In the name of the environment, leftists want to restrict not only energy but also food. Here too the demented cures they seek to impose are worse than the supposed disease:

A shocking new study suggests that lab-grown meat (aka animal cell-based meat, or ACBM for short) could actually be far worse for the environment than traditional livestock. By the study’s estimates, if current techniques were scaled up to supply the market, they could produce between four and 25 times more CO2 than rearing and slaughtering animals…

The increased levels of CO2 are associated with the fossil fuels needed during purification processes that supply cultured cells with nutrients. …

Assuming the continued use of highly refined growing media, the researchers estimate that each kilogram of ACBM produces 542 pounds (246 kg) to 3,325 pounds (1,508 kg) of carbon dioxide emissions. Based on these figures, they calculate that the global warming potential of cultured meat is between four and 25 times greater than that of retail beef.

Good thing for pseudofood investors like Bill Gates that none of this is really about CO2, the harmfulness of which is debatable.

On tips from Steve T.


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