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Dec 25 2023

Italian Church Presents Lesbian Nativity Scene

Bad enough that in Europe, nativity scenes are beheaded or torched by Islamic colonists. This is worse, because the attack comes from the inside. In place of Mary and Joseph, a depraved nativity scene in Italy presents Jesus in the manger with lesbian mothers, one wearing the rainbow colors of politicized perversion:

The priest at the Church of Saints Peter and Paul, in Capocastello di Mercogliano, a hamlet in the province of Avellino about one hour’s drive east of Naples, has defended its depiction of the birth of Jesus.

“I wanted to show with this scene that families are no longer just the traditional ones,” Father Vitaliano Della Sala told Reuters.

Destroying the family so that the human race can no longer thrive and prosper is not a Christian objective but a Satanic one. The same goes for the celebration of sin.

Father Della Sala, known in Italy for sympathising with LGBT and left-wing causes, says his attitude is in line with that of Pope Francis, who this week, in a landmark ruling, allowed priests to bless same-sex couples.

The Bible condemns homosexuality adamantly throughout both Testaments. But the Bible will become irrelevant if leftists succeed in hollowing out the content of Christianity, leaving the outer shell in place to be refilled with its opposite: hatred of humanity and the worship of sin.

On a tip from Jack Bauer.


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