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Jul 13 2023

John Kerry Says Ukraine War Is Offensive to Climate

The Biden Regime has a regret regarding wasting well over $100 billion of our money to keep the war in Ukraine going. Never mind all the death and destruction; if our rulers cared about that, they would not commit an acknowledged war crime by sending cluster bombs. Never mind the possibility of stumbling into a nuclear war. Biden’s Climate Czar reveals a more serious concern: septic tanks have been damaged, thereby releasing greenhouse gases that are offensive to the climate:

“But when you have bombs going off, and you have damage to septic tanks or to power centers, etc., you have an enormous release of greenhouse gas, of methane, you know, all of the family of greenhouse gases,” he continued.

“And the result is it’s adding to the problem,” Kerry said on how the Ukraine war is affecting climate change.

Does that mean instead of showering no-strings money on Zelensky we should pressure him to negotiate an end to the war, even if he loses some territory that is populated by Russians? Of course not:

“I’m not, you know, believe me, that’s eh, the fight in Ukraine is a fight that we have to make, that the world has to make,” he said.

We can just make it up to the climate by waging war on air conditioning.

On tips from Barry A and Varla.


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One Response to “John Kerry Says Ukraine War Is Offensive to Climate”

  1. […] there is not much chance that a President RFK Jr. would give Dechert John Kerry’s […]


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