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Oct 17 2022

LA Mayoral Candidate Rick Caruso Denies Being White

Maybe our moonbat rulers will spare Columbus Day, now that Italians are no longer white.

During a mayoral debate in single-party Los Angeles last week between Karen Bass and Rick Caruso, Telemundo moderator Dunia Elvir put the election in the usual identity politics terms, proclaiming that the next mayor of the rotting city “will be either an African-American woman [Bass] or a white man [Caruso].”

Not so fast:

Desperate to avoid the stigma of being a white man, Caruso immediately declared: “I’m Italian,” whereupon Elvir said, “An Italian American,” to which Caruso responded: “Thank you, that’s Latin, thank you.”

Just like that, everyone with Italian heritage from Julius Caesar to Al Pacino stopped being white. Now they are Latin, or more PC still, Latinx.

We have not quite reached maximum moonbattery. To get votes in moonbattery-addled LA, Caruso has switched from Republican to Democrat and Italian American to Latin, but he still identifies as a man, even if his spinelessness in the face of wokeism makes that an exaggeration in his case.

Alberto Retana, who is the president of the Community Coalition of South Los Angeles (“Uniting Black & Brown”), was appalled and wasn’t about to let Caruso slither out of being white: “Wow, did Caruso just say he is Latin?” Retana tweeted. “That he is not a white man? I am floored. We cannot let him do this. Terrible.”

Pretending not to be white is the Cultural Marxist version of stolen valor. Caruso is hardly the first to lay false claim to the many advantages of oppressedness:

The white Jewish professor Jessica Krug passed as black for years. So did Rachel Dolezal, the former NAACP official who famously turned out not to be a CP at all. Still at it is Shaun King, aka Talcum X, who strenuously insists that he isn’t white despite photographic evidence he was a light-haired white child before he was woke. Elizabeth Warren passed as Native American and was even hailed as the first “woman of color” on Harvard’s faculty. Muslim “feminist” activist Linda Sarsour said in a Vox video published in January 2017: “When I wasn’t wearing hijab, I was just some ordinary white girl from New York City.” But in an April 2017 interview, the hijabbed Sarsour referred to “people of color like me.”

Please welcome Rick Caruso to the Racial Impostor Hall of Shame.

On a tip from Blackjack.


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