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Mar 17 2023

Minnesota Pushes Transsexualization of Children

A bill is under consideration that would make Minnesota a sanctuary state for subjecting children to horrific procedures, including genital removal surgery, that are banned in more civilized parts of the country. Governor Tim Waltz signed an executive order supporting sexual mutilation on behalf of transsexualism. Lieutenant Governor Peggy Flanagan is on board with the agenda:

Flanagan addressed the crowd as she wore a shirt that read “Protect Trans Kids” with a picture of a dagger on it.

Actually, they are more likely to use scalpels than daggers to cut off children’s genitals so as to recruit them for life into the politicized ranks of the sexually abnormal, but close enough.

“Let’s be clear: this is life-affirming and life-saving health care,” she declared. “When our children tell us who they are, it is our job as grown-ups to listen and to believe them. That’s what it means to be a good parent.”

If your young daughter declares she is a mermaid, toss her off a pier. That’s what it means to be a good parent.

Wonders one commenter,

If 9 year olds can decide to chop off their parts, why not allow them to drink, drive 18 wheelers, or pole dance?

Liberals have no problem teaching small children to pole dance. Driving an 18-wheeler would offend the climate though.

A primary duty of parents is to protect their children from depraved fiends like Waltz and Flanagan. This duty will become increasingly difficult as leftist kooks consolidate power. Flanagan’s rhetoric implies the threat that if you are not a good parent, the state may have to intervene.

Lest they be subjected to procedures that would have sent Josef Mengele himself rushing toward the restroom with vomit spurting from between his fingers, parents may have to make plans to get their kids out of jurisdictions that have succumbed to moonbattery. The federal government has already weighed in on sex change surgery for children, with the figurehead of the liberal establishment declaring this satanic procedure “close to sinful” not to inflict. If effective pushback doesn’t start soon, bugout plans may have to involve not just other states but other countries.

On a tip from Franco.


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