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Feb 16 2022

Misadventures in Green Energy

The science is settled when it comes to green energy: it doesn’t work, except as a means of laundering taxpayer money to pay off campaign donors à la Barack Obama. Fossil fuels and nuclear energy are sufficiently efficient to keep a modern economy afloat. Windmills, ethanol, et cetera are not.

This story from Wales is emblematic of wind turbines, which are expensive, unreliable, hideous, and deadly to endangered birds:

A huge 300ft wind turbine collapsed at a wind farm near Gilfach Goch.

Photos taken at the Pant Y Wal wind farm on Monday morning (February 14) show the huge turbine lying on the ground, separated from its base with its blades completely destroyed.

Check out the scale of these monstrosities:

No one knows why the turbine decided to fall down. Maybe the wind blew:

Storm Dudley is expected to affect the UK on Wednesday night and Thursday, bringing a period of very strong and disruptive winds, while Storm Eunice is likely to hit on Friday, leading to more very strong winds that could cause significant disruption.

If the wind doesn’t blow, there is no power. If it does blow, the pricey turbines might fall down.

No worries. Taxpayers have plenty of money to build new ones. Disposing of the dead turbines is no trouble; they can be repurposed as bridges:

On a former train track bed connecting the towns of Midleton and Youghal in County Cork, Ireland, workers recently excavated the rusted remains of an old railway bridge and installed a pedestrian one in its place. The bridge would have been an unremarkable milestone in the development of a new pedestrian greenway through the Irish countryside, if not for what it’s made of: recycled wind turbine blades. …

Creative solutions will be necessary to deal with the wind turbine blade waste that’s coming. Averaging over 150 feet in length and weighing upwards of a dozen tons each, wind turbine blades take up huge amounts of space in landfills. Once there, the ultra-sturdy, fiber-reinforced plastics they’re made of don’t break down easily. Decommissioned wind turbine blades, if they’re not just stockpiled, are often destined for landfills today. The main alternative, incinerating them for energy, creates additional pollution.

If the bridges collapse, this will have the added benefit of discouraging people from traveling, which makes it be too warm outside, according to the same leftist ideology that has us wasting money on windmills.

Ethanol doesn’t make sense either:

Researchers found that emissions from changes in land use to account for the growing demand for corn make corn-based ethanol no cleaner than gasoline.

In fact, they determined that these changes likely make ethanol’s emissions at least 24 percent higher than those for gasoline, according to their study, which was published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.

However, ethanol subsidies help politicians get votes from farm states. Green energy is what you get when politics is put before energy.

On tips from Steve T.


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