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Jan 22 2024

Moonbat Media Extols the Mexican Muxe

What could earn even greater admiration from the media than cross-dressers of creepy nonbinary sexuality? How about indigenous cross-dressers of creepy nonbinary sexuality from the Third World? The Seattle Times can hardly contain itself:

The muxe (pronounced MOO-shay) are Zapotec people who view themselves as neither man nor woman, but instead a distinct “third gender.” Identified as male at birth, they embody female characteristics — in presentation, behavior and professions — which once earned them contempt and scorn.

Nowadays whatever was universally regarded throughout the ages as warranting contempt and scorn earns praise from social engineers.

Elvis Guerra, 30, the queen in waiting, explains that the muxe stand in solidarity with burgeoning gender rights movements worldwide, pronouncing themselves trailblazers of cultural preservation and inclusion in a rural bastion of Catholicism.

Eroding the Christianity that has prevailed in Mexico for centuries in favor of the subversive LGBT agenda constitutes “cultural preservation” because of the indigenous angle.

“We share the same fight as the LGBTQ community,” said Guerra, who is also a published poet, lawyer and head of a company producing fabrics with Indigenous motifs.

This all-around renaissance muxe is celebrated as a personification of Mexico’s cultural decline.

Mexico’s legacy of machismo and Roman Catholicism has fostered hostility to homosexuality and alternatives to conventional gender norms. That has begun to change, slowly, in recent decades.

Machismo and Catholicism will have to be abolished altogether before Mexican culture meets with the full approval of the Seattle Times.

The connection with leftist politics is made explicit:

[B]eginning in the mid-1970s, the muxe launched what they view as a liberation movement, including public protests and appeals to police and politicians. At the same time, left-wing movements were sweeping the isthmus — a part of Mexico with a long and proud history of rebellion and cultural independence, providing an opening for the muxe to throw their support behind political reform.

As in the USA, leftists have made significant progress in normalizing the sexually grotesque…

Still, Guerra said, the battle doesn’t end “until we have equality, respect in the community, and every muxe child is permitted to go to school dressed like a girl.”

Evidently there is a muxe gene that makes some Mexican schoolboys want to show up for school in a dress.

The muxe, [Guerra] adds, are long past the stage of accepting just being tolerated. “Tolerance, no: Respect,” the queen insists. “We demand respect. Because we have earned it. And deserve it.”

Like gay pride, this respect is to be based on deviance as somehow inherently praiseworthy.

On a tip from Mike B.


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