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May 07 2021

Not the Education Most Parents Have in Mind

Letting moonbats run public schools turns out not to be such a good idea. Young America’s Foundation reports from Washington state:

Jennifer Miller, a 1st grade teacher in Bellingham School District, subjected her six and seven-year-old students to I am Jazz, a book that details a two-year-old biological male beginning his transition to a female, with the support of his parents.

It isn’t surprising to see teachers subjecting children to sexually warped propaganda, considering who runs the school board:

Jennifer Mason, president of the Bellingham School Board, owns and operates a self-described “all-ages” sex toy shop.

The shop is called the WinkWink Boutique. It bills itself as “a woman-owned, all-ages, inclusive, not creepy sex shop.” Readers may or may not take Mason’s word for it that the shop isn’t creepy.

“I want to show people if sex isn’t something to be ashamed about, then I should be able to be an elected official and own a sex shop at the same time,” Mason told the local paper. “That’s what it means to live your values.”

What’s scary is that these people indoctrinate small children with their values.

On a tip from R F.


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One Response to “Not the Education Most Parents Have in Mind”

  1. […] The next step will be including fruit-flavored condoms as prizes. Or maybe they will invite kids to send in box tops to get an all-ages sex toy from the WinkWink Boutique. […]


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