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Oct 16 2023

London Has Fallen

Rep. Rashida Tlaib’s office is not the only place you can see the Palestinian flag on prominent display in the wake of the historic terror atrocities by Hamas. Presenting London:

The resemblance to statue-defiling Black Lives Matter mobs is superficial. Muslims have higher IQs, sophisticated international networks, advanced weaponry, $billions in funding, and 1,400 years of staying power.

According to the song that pertained during the dark days of the Blitz, there will always be an England. This is turning out not to be true. But at least there will be a Britainistan.

Even globalist Henry Kissinger has figured out that allowing Islam to use the insidious tactic of hijrah to conquer Europe after all these centuries of trying was a big mistake.

Now it’s too late. Barring a dramatic reversal, Europe will be absorbed, as Christian lands throughout the Middle East were long before.

On a tip from Wiggins.

Oct 16 2023

Palestinian Authority Showers Money Upon Dead Terrorists

Considering the state of the Palestinian territories, you might wonder what happens to the $billions upon $billions of free money bestowed upon them compliments of European and American taxpayers. The answer is terrorism:

Under Palestinian Authority law, every terrorist who is killed attacking Israel is defined as a “Martyr” whose family is immediately rewarded by the PA with a 6,000 shekels ($1,511) grant and a 1,400 ($353) per month allowance for life.

This means each family of the 1,500 dead Hamas terrorists who invaded Israel will receive 7,400 shekels for this first month. Families of those terrorists who were married and had children will receive even more. The PA will pay at least 11,100,000 shekels ($2,789,430) this month as a reward for participating in last week’s murders and atrocities against Israeli civilians.

The Palestinian Authority doesn’t even control Gaza, due to the Fatah/Hamas split. But these days it seems everyone wants to pour money on terrorists.

On a tip from R F.

Oct 16 2023

Climate Cultists Try to Spook Us With Zombie Viruses

The wheels are coming loose on the global warming hoax, as scientists find the courage to risk cancelation by exposing it. But our liberal overlords can still exploit their stranglehold on the media to stampede the herd. Just in time for Halloween, they shout that zombie viruses are “yet another risk that climate change poses to public health.”

With the planet already 1.2C warmer than pre-industrial times, scientists are predicting the Arctic could be ice-free in summers by 2030s.

Remember when their prophet Al Gore suggested it would be ice-free by 2016? Never mind that now; this time, we really are doomed if we don’t believe really hard:

Concerns that the hotter climate will release trapped greenhouse gases like methane into the atmosphere as the region’s permafrost melts have been well-documented, but dormant pathogens are a lesser explored danger.

Ancient viruses trapped in the Siberian permafrost for 50,000 years like otherworldly horrors in an H.P. Lovecraft story may still be infectious.

“With climate change, we are used to thinking of dangers coming from the south,” [virologist Jean-Michel] Claverie said in an interview at his laboratory in the Luminy campus of Aix-Marseille University, France, referring to the spread of vector borne diseases from warmer tropical regions. “Now, we realize there might be some danger coming from the north as the permafrost thaws and frees microbes, bacteria and viruses.”

No doubt future sneak attacks by the climate will come from east and west as well.

As inducement to panic, we are told that warm weather in Siberia allowed anthrax spores to kill someone in 2016.

Given the global implications, we should be unsurprised to hear from the United Nations, via the World Health Organization:

“WHO works with 300+ scientists to look at the evidence on all viral families and bacteria that can cause epidemics and pandemics, including those that may be released with the thawing of permafrost,” said WHO spokesperson Dr Margaret Harris.

Global warming, pandemics, Russia — the liberal hysteria bases are loaded.

Meanwhile, the real world presents us with real problems, primary among which is a malevolent ruling class that attempts to hype us into a constant state of fear so that we won’t put up resistance as it deprives us of our freedom and standard of living.

On a tip from Lyle.

Oct 16 2023

Climate Collision Is Coming as Hoax Stalls

You can fool some of the people all of the time, but the liberal ruling class is fooling ever fewer with the global warming hoax. It is public knowledge that the climate has always fluctuated and always will, that the government cannot control this, and that there is no climate crisis. The era of unchallenged climate doctrine is over:

Leading voices in the climate community are in an uproar as their warming hypothesis comes under fresh assault by new scientific papers.

Scientists have boldly pointed out that the mild warming we have experienced is caused by solar activity, and temperature readings have been grotesquely distorted by the urban heat island effect.

Meanwhile, human CO2 emissions constitute less than 1% of the greenhouse gases in the atmosphere and have little measurable effect on the climate. Leftist global warming dogma is a lie, the purpose of which is to impose globalist authoritarianism.

The authors of the papers are being attacked and say that “activist scientists” threatened by the new findings are “aggressively conducting an orchestrated disinformation campaign to discredit the papers and the scientific reputation of the authors.”

Underhanded tactics to suppress legitimate research have been employed by pseudoscientific establishmentarians like Michael Mann of hockey stick and Climategate infamy, bureauweenie Gavin Schmidt of the NASA Goddard Institute for Space Studies, and Dan Vergano of the leftist propaganda platform (see here, here, here, here, here, etc.) Scientific American.

The papers are also fueling even more public skepticism about the U.N. Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), which the authors say ignores the facts as well as climate science more generally.

The United Nations answers threats to its agenda by declaring war on what Undersecretary-General for Global Communications Melissa Fleming calls climate “disinformation.” This approach was successful at suppressing dissent during Covid hysteria — for a while.

Progressives face a losing battle, for all their superciliousness. Despite decades of relentless propaganda from the media, less than half of Americans are gullible enough to believe that climate change is caused by people. The percentage will fall lower still as the world continues to not end and real science evades suppression.

Meanwhile, our rulers spend us into oblivion and conspire to radically reduce our freedom and our standard of living in the name of the climate. A collision is coming.

On a tip from ABC of the ANC.

Oct 16 2023

What They Are Force-Feeding 9-Year-Olds in Wisconsin

The reason youth come out of public schools barely able to read or do basic math is that under liberal rule, the purpose of school is not to educate, but to disorient, indoctrinate, and recruit. Lest you think you can protect you children’s innocence and sanity by escaping to the heartland, here’s what they are force-feeding to 9-year-olds in Wisconsin:

Remember kids, reality isn’t real. Only depravity is real.

Nice how they worked in the gender unicorn.

In the olden days, anyone trying to pervert little kids would have been chased down by an angry mob and run out of town — if they were lucky. This isn’t because people only recently started to be nice, but because they intuitively understood that moonbattery had to be nipped in the bud lest creeps, lunatics, and degenerates end up in charge — as is currently the state of affairs.

On a tip from Mr. Freemarket.

Oct 16 2023

Open Thread

Nobody spends somebody else's money as carefully as he spends his own. Nobody uses somebody else's resources as carefully as he uses his own. So if you want efficiency and effectiveness, if you want knowledge to be properly utilized, you have to do it through the means of private property. - Milton Friedman

Oct 15 2023

Decolonization Is Why Leftists Support Hamas

Hamas murders innocents to advance Islam. Islam is repressive, theocratic, imperialistic, oppressive of women, and violent toward homosexuals — just like progressives bitterly accuse conservatives of being. So why do liberals support Hamas, even in the aftermath of horrific terrorist atrocities? Decolonization is why.

Just as the liberal establishment discriminates against Asians because they are “white-adjacent,” it supports Hamas because Israel is America-adjacent. Despite the Jewish nation existing long before Islam, it is seen as an expansion of Western Civilization, which leftists hate.

They speak in euphemisms, lest regular people figure out what they are up to. The euphemism for eradicating Western Civilization is “anticolonialism.”

Democrat pols may recite dutiful denunciations of Hamas, but the high priests of their religion — i.e., college professors — make clear whose side the ruling class is on. At UCLA, students can reportedly earn extra credit by imbibing pro-Hamas propaganda:

The “Emergency Teach-In On The Crisis in Palestine” was convened Wednesday on the Los Angeles campus by professors Saree Makdisi of the school’s English department and Sherene Razack, chair of the gender studies department.

Promoting Islamic terrorism and the genocidal war on Israel might seem to have nothing to do with English or gender studies. But where moonbattery prevails, the purpose of all fields of study is to advance the leftist agenda.

A 2015 alumna of UCLA, Davina Farahi, 31, who works with the Friends of the Israel Defense Forces, heard about the presentation and signed on to Zoom to watch it.

She reports:

“It started out as Makdisi representing Israel as a colonial power and compared it to a colonizing apartheid state.”

Refer to the ruins of South Africa to see what progressives do to apartheid states.

Razack did not dispute claims about the tone and content of the talk.

On the contrary, in an emailed statement to the New York Post she denounced Israel as “a settler colonial society that came into existence through the dispossession of Palestinians.”

As we have come to expect, students are being told lies. Robert Spencer provides a brief history lesson:

In the early 1920s, just before the [crumbling Ottoman Empire] fell altogether, it conceded control of Palestine and the land that came to be known as Transjordan and now as Jordan to the League of Nations. On July 24, 1922, the League granted administrative control over these territories to Britain with specific instructions to create a “national home for the Jewish people.”

Britain immediately turned over 77% of the Mandate to the Arabs to create Jordan but remained generally committed to establishing a Jewish national home in the remainder. This was known as the Mandate for Palestine. …

When the State of Israel was founded in 1948, it immediately had to fight a war for its survival against the surrounding Arab nations that had vowed to destroy it. Then there was finally an occupation — in fact, two: Egypt occupied Gaza and Jordan occupied Judea and Samaria (which it renamed the West Bank). Israel won back those territories in the Six-Day War of 1967, but that was actually ending an occupation, not starting one: the only international law governing sovereignty over those territories stipulated that they were to be part of a national home for the Jewish people.

Moonbats bark that Israel exists on stolen land, just like America.

So from whom was the land stolen? Not from the Ottomans, who had ceded it to the League of Nations. Not from the league, which had granted administrative powers over it to the British. Not from the British, who only had it in order to help create a Jewish state there. And not from the Palestinians, who didn’t even exist until the 1960s, when the KGB and Yasir Arafat bestowed Palestinian nationality upon a group of Levantine Arabs as a rhetorical weapon to use against Israel.

“The past was erased, the erasure was forgotten, the lie became the truth,” wrote George Orwell. The Palestinian lie hasn’t become the truth just yet. A lecturer at Stanford got carried away and had to be suspended for the sake of appearances:

The lecturer’s identity has been kept anonymous by Stanford, but according to Campus Reform and The Daily Mail, students identified him as 46-year-old Ameer Hasan Loggins. Loggins was close to former NFL quarterback and social justice activist Colin Kaepernick and helped radicalize Kaepernick. Earlier this week, students said Loggins singled out Jewish students in his class and told them to grab their belongings and stand in a corner, saying, “This is what Israel does to the Palestinians,” The Forward reported.

“He asked how many Jews died in the Holocaust,” and when students said 6 million, “he said, ‘Yes. Only 6 million,’” Nourya Cohen, who spoke with Jewish students in the class, told The San Francisco Chronicle. Loggins reportedly proceeded to downplay the Holocaust by comparing it to European colonization, which he said killed more people than the Holocaust.

There’s that term “colonization” again. From the woke viewpoint, it is the ultimate evil, far worse that Nazi death camps and Hamas terrorists beheading small children.

The solution to colonization is decolonization. That term equates directly to the eradication of Western Civilization. Leftists support Hamas because they see Islam as a tool to achieve this.

On tip from Kevin R, Jack D, Occam’s Stubble, and ABC of the ANC.

Oct 15 2023

Excluded Asian Saves Time and Money

Asians give the lie to the liberal tenet that favored identity groups are less successful as a result of hated whites being privileged and bigoted. For this, they are denounced as white-adjacent and systematically discriminated against by the liberal establishment:

An outstanding Bay Area high school graduate was rejected by 16 of the 18 colleges he applied to. Despite all those rejections, he impressed Google so much so that he got a full-time job offer as a software engineer.

Stanley Zhong got the job without going to college, saving him years of time and tens of thousands of dollars.

“My GPA was 4.42 weighted and SAT score was 1590,” said Zhong.

Not good enough, for those unlucky enough to be Asian or white. In contrast, the racially correct are accepted to top schools with much lower scores.

The story leaves us with three takeaways: (1) Asians are wise to reject moonbattery, as they place near the bottom of the Cultural Marxist hierarchy; (2) being run by liberals, universities prioritize moonbattery over merit; and (3) a college education is often not necessary.

On a tip from Anonymous.

Oct 15 2023

Students March for Menstrual Products in Men’s Room

Like everything else leftists have subverted and subordinated to their ideology, the concept of “civil rights” has been reduced to farce:

About 50 students marched across Clemson University on Wednesday to demand that menstrual products be returned to men’s bathrooms in Cooper Library and that the Clemson College Republicans be reprimanded for their role in the tampons’ removal.

Even most Democrats are probably aware that men don’t menstruate. But free menstrual products must be offered in the men’s room to affirm that their dogma trumps reality itself.

It’s a matter of justice:

“We demand the reinstatement of the menstrual dispensers that were unjustly removed from the men’s bathrooms at Cooper Library,” one student speaker said during the rally at Sikes Hall ahead of the march.

The tampons were removed after college Republicans made fun of them on social media. This illustrates how laughter leads to injustice and therefore cannot be tolerated:

On Take Back Pride’s Instagram account, it presented a list of demands to the university, including calling on campus leaders to punish the Clemson College Republicans under the student code of conduct.

They allege the College Republicans are “contributing to a campus climate that encourages transphobic rhetoric and jeopardizes the safety of LGBTQIA+ students,” according to an Instagram post on its account.

Freedom of speech is all well and good, so long as no one says anything that could encourage transphobic rhetoric.

For now, Clemson administrators have no plans to restore the free tampon dispensers. The brave fight for social justice must continue.

How proud these students would be to one day tell their grandchildren that they marched for the glorious cause of tampons in the men’s room. Too bad that due to the lifestyle they have embraced, they won’t be having many grandchildren.

On a tip from Gringoman.

Oct 15 2023

Open Thread

They have the guns and therefore we are for peace and for reformation through the ballot. When we have the guns then it will be through the bullet. - Saul Alinsky

Oct 14 2023

A Better Idea Than Bombing Iran

Some have denounced Lindsey Graham for wanting to bomb Iran for supporting Hamas. But even if his rhetoric is reckless, he is to be applauded for wanting to cut off funding to this terror cult. Iran has been at war with the USA since 1979, has killed numerous Americans (e.g., Beirut Marine barracks, Khobar Towers, Iraq), and will have to be dealt with eventually, preferably before it has achieved its nuclear ambitions. However, driving up oil prices even higher by destroying Iranian oil fields would not be the most effective way to defund the satanic maniacs comprising Hamas.

Why not start closer to home, by prying loose from power the pro-Iranian Democrats who just handed the ayatollahs $6 billion, thereby freeing up funds to pass along to Hamas? After that, we can turn our attention to the European Union:

Across the Middle East, Europe’s strategy generally has been to marshal its domestic resources to buy influence abroad via generous aid. The EU describes itself as the “most important donor for the Palestinian people,” shoveling money into the Palestinian Authority directly and also via the United Nations refugee agency that is particularly active in Gaza.

It doesn’t occur to Eurocrats that the Hamas terrorists who represent the Palestinian people on a democratic basis care more about killing non-Muslims than they do about the free money that enables their dysfunctional handout-based society. Terrorists know they will keep getting the money no matter what they do anyway. Even following last weekend’s horrors, the EU quickly walked back a suggestion that it might hold back funding from Hamas.

This funding is foolish rather than evil, but the effect is same as that of the cash Biden freed up for Iran. If Iran has blood on its hands, so does Biden and so does the EU.

Bombing Brussels instead of Iran isn’t necessary. We can use the EU’s own tactic of achieving leverage through generosity. If Europeans want US taxpayers to spend $billions upon $billions making them feel safe from the Russians, they ought to at least be willing to stop pouring the money this frees up for them onto Palestinians. Not that we should be funding Europe’s defense anyway.

As for the money the United Nations bestows upon Hamas, that would dry up if US taxpayers were no longer forced to finance this pernicious organization, which also may be effectively at war with us.

On a tip from Varla.

Oct 14 2023

Transgender Creepazoids Kill Women’s Cycling

Liberals can have their LGBTism or women can have sports. There cannot be both. Until this repugnant ideology has been expunged, women’s cycling is over:

Two transgender cyclists have taken the top spots on the podium at the Chicago CycloCross Cup after triumphing in a women’s race.

Tessa Johnson, 25, won first place in the women’s SingleSpeed while Evelyn Williamson, 30, placed second in the race on October 7.

The transgender pair made headlines earlier this year for sweeping the competition at several women’s races…

Brace yourself for a glimpse into the personal life of “Evelyn” Williamson:

Williamson has also made headlines for [his] romantic life after rumors began circulating that [he] was in a ‘throuple’ with fellow transgender cyclist Austin Killips and a third unidentified individual.

Killips sparked widespread outrage after appearing to shove female CycloCross champion Hannah Arensman in a competition in December 2022 – who went on to quit the sport entirely after feeling transgender athletes were ruining the sport.

The differences between liberal ideology and objective reality are irreconcilable. Social engineers can name a guy woman of the year, but no amount of moonbattery can make men and women interchangeable.

On a tip from CDaJFunk.

Oct 14 2023

Open Thread

All immigrants bring exotic customs and attitudes, but Muslim customs are more troublesome than most. - Daniel Pipes

Oct 13 2023

Henry Kissinger States the Obvious

Henry Kissinger is 100 years old, but he still has his wits. Unlike certain members of the USA’s gerontocracy, he must have an IQ of room temperature or higher to have figured out that Germany cut its own throat by allowing itself to be colonized by Muslims:

“It was a grave mistake to let in so many people of totally different culture and religion and concepts, because it creates a pressure group inside each country that does that,” Mr Kissinger said in an interview with Axel Springer, the German media company.

He added that it was “painful” to see people in Berlin celebrating Hamas’s assault on Israel at the weekend.

Just like old times. Kissinger left Germany in 1938 to escape the Nazis.

Not that Germany’s future rulers will be the same as Nazis. Nazis could keep the lights on.

On a tip from Anonymous.


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