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Jun 13 2022

Evidence That Blacks Live in Terror of Police

I was skeptical of the claim shrieked incessantly by the liberal establishment during the Black Lives Matter riots that blacks live in terror of the police, who supposedly oppress them out of sheer racism. Adjusting for crime rates, whites are more likely than blacks to be shot by police, which is unsurprising, considering that cops are probably terrified to lift a finger against black criminals lest they end up like Derek Chauvin. Then I saw this video, reflecting what life is like in Los Angeles nowadays:

Notice that this poor fellow, weighted down by generations of historic marginalization, is so terrified that the police will come and interrupt his mostly peaceful activities that all he steals is a laptop. If he had taken the time to get in the car and search properly, he might have been able to help himself to an officer’s lunch. But Darth Vader might have dialed 911 on him, conceivably resulting in a ticket for disorderly conduct.

On tips from Occam’s Stubble and Wiggins.

Jun 13 2022

Bum Paid $250 per Day for Pushing Nurse Down Stairs

This is a terrible time for patriotic Americans who hate watching their country die a disgraceful death by moonbattery, but a great time to be a lowlife with mental problems. In woke Seattle, a homeless career criminal named Alexander Jay will be paid $250 per day for having pushed a 62-year-old nurse down the stairs:

Jay, 40, was arrested on March 3, a day after the attack at the Chinatown-International District light rail station at 5th Avenue South and South Jackson Street, Fox News Digital previously reported.

Jay made another contribution to society that day:

Jay was also accused of stabbing a woman 10 times at a bus stop that same day…

As for being held accountable for his actions,

He went on trial in April, but a judge deemed him incompetent and ordered him to spend three months at an inpatient facility, according to the report.

However, taxpayers well be held plenty accountable:

King County Superior Court Judge Johanna Bender found the Department of Social and Health Services (DSHS) in contempt of court for failing to get Jay treatment…

Jay’s $250/day bonanza accrues retroactively from May 9 and will continue until healthcare bureaucrats admit him for the treatment he gets in lieu of punishment. DSHS says he won’t get in before mid-August.

Whether this treatment will do any good is doubtful, especially considering Jay is likely to be even further out of his skull on drugs. What else would he spend the money on?

Jay has nearly two dozen prior convictions in Washington dating back to 2000, according to prosecutors.

By the time they go through with the treatment charade, Jay will likely have killed someone.

In the video below, Jay demonstrates how to secure a comfy income without working under moonbat rule:

On a tip from Varla.

Jun 13 2022

Gaudy Pollution Raises Awareness in Canada

Just when it seemed the moonbats running Canada could not get any crazier, they pollute the air in Toronto so as to raise awareness about pollutants and other emissions that may or may not have a measurable effect on the climate:

The rainbow colors may suggest that even homosexuality needs to be taxed in the name of global warming.

On a tip from Occam’s Stubble.

Jun 13 2022

New Zealand Plans to Tax Flatulence

There is nothing insatiably greedy moonbats won’t tax — not even flatulence:

New Zealand has revealed plans to tax burps and farts from livestock in an attempt to reduce its emissions of methane gas.

New Zealand is well known for sheep.

The nation is a major exporter of meat and dairy products: roughly 5 million people live in New Zealand compared to 10 million cattle and 26 million sheep.

Whether those who voted for Covid tyrant Jacinda Ardern’s leftist Labour Party are double counted as both people and sheep is unclear.

New Zealand would be the first nation to tax belching and flatulence.

Not exactly something to build a national identity upon.

Andrew Hoggard, a dairy farmer and the national president of Federated Farmers of New Zealand, said he largely approves of the plan in a statement provided to the BBC.

Enthuses Hoggard, “[L]ike all of these types of agreements with many parties involved, there’s always going to be a couple of dead rats you have to swallow.”

Presumably taxing burps and farts will reduce them by forcing farmers to kill off their livestock. If this exacerbates impending food shortages badly enough, it may even help kill off some carbon-emitting humans.

Leftists haven’t yet taxed the flatulence emitted from their own mouths as they pretend that the weather is a problem and that they can control it by confiscating other people’s money. That might raise some real revenue.

On a tip from R F.

Jun 13 2022

Open Thread

People who object to weapons aren't abolishing violence, they're begging for rule by brute force, when the biggest, strongest animals among men were always automatically 'right.' Guns ended that, and social democracy is a hollow farce without an armed populace to make it work. - L. Neil Smith

Jun 12 2022

Why Rolling Stone Wouldn’t Watch What Is a Woman

Rotten Tomatoes offers two scores for movies. Matt Walsh’s What Is a Woman has achieved a staggering 97% positive score among real people on the Audience Score, with over 2,500 ratings. The Tomatometer represents the Official Opinion of critics. Astonishingly, there are only four reviews listed — despite this being the most important documentary in recent memory.

Normally, you can tell a movie is good when the Audience Score is high but the Tomatometer is low. This time, you can tell that the movie is excellent, because the woke kooks comprising the liberal establishment won’t even touch it.

They would be delighted to tear What Is a Woman to shreds, but they can’t, because their asinine ideology is no match for it. So they pretend the movie doesn’t exist and hope no one notices.

An exception is Rolling Stone, which predictably denounced the film. Also predictable is that the critic did not even watch the movie:

Rolling Stone’s hit piece claimed that the film — in which Daily Wire commentator Matt Walsh upends the gender ideology movement by asking one simple question — is “transphobic,” and criticized social media companies for letting The Daily Wire run advertisements to promote it.

Yet after the article’s publication, Walsh took the wind out of Rolling Stone’s sails by showing that The Daily Wire invited the article’s author, Moises Mendez II, to watch the documentary earlier this week. Mendez watched 0% of the film before reaching his conclusion — and locked his Twitter account after Walsh called him out.

Elisabeth Garber-Paul — the editor of Rolling Stone’s hit piece — managed to sit through the first 11% of the film before she greenlit Mendez’s article.

This won’t do much to restore whatever credibility Rolling Stone might once have had, back before the UVA “Rape on Campus” fiasco revealed it as a juvenile propaganda rag.

What Is a Woman is impregnable to legitimate attacks from moonbats because it hands them a rope and lets them hang themselves. Walsh asks various Experts to explain transsexual ideology and reveals that like the absurd Ketanji Brown Jackson, its proponents cannot even give a coherent answer to the titular question, which makes them squirm hilariously.

Not everyone is on board with the transsexual agenda. The movie also offers insight from authorities with the guts to publicly oppose it.

Calmly, methodically, yet highly entertainingly, Walsh confirms that transsexual ideology is insane. If you watch only one movie all year, this should be the one:

Meanwhile, the Biden Regime has been ramming this evil ideology down the country’s throat, even withholding food as leverage. Signing up to watch What Is a Woman and similar content is a way to fight back.

Jun 12 2022

Suspected Homophobe “White Nationalists” Arrested

While media promotion of Black Lives Matter was in overdrive, authorities mostly stood down as radical leftists rioted about 570 times over a 3-month period. In contrast, those on the right get arrested for allegedly thinking about rioting:

Thirty-one people affiliated with the white nationalist group Patriot Front were arrested near an annual LGBTQ+ event Saturday in Coeur d’Alene, Idaho, police said.

The suspects were booked on suspicion of conspiracy to riot, Coeur d’Alene Police Chief Lee White said at an afternoon news conference.

Matt Walsh ought to follow up “What Is a Woman?” with “What Is a White Nationalist?” In this case, some of the white nationalists involved are probably FBI agents trying to engineer another Reichstag moment. The January 6 Committee couldn’t preempt prime time forever, and the feds need to prove they can do better than the farcical Gretchen Whitmer kidnapping ploy.

White said police were made aware in recent days that a number of groups planned to disrupt Pride in the Park, an annual event highlighting civil rights struggles for the LGBTQ+ communities.

We are to believe that the privileged identity group atop the Cultural Marxist Pyramid of Power is oppressed. Preserving that narrative has become increasingly difficult as militant LGBT activists bully society into conforming to their grotesque ideology.

Federal law enforcement partners have been in contact with local police on the matter, the chief said…

No doubt.

The Southern Poverty Law Center identifies Patriot Front as a white nationalist “hate” group.

The SPLC also identifies the Family Research Council as a hate group; that’s what inspired LGBT terrorist Floyd Lee Corkins’ foiled mass shooting. It has listed mild-mannered moderate Ben Carson in its “Extremist Files,” and has denounced the blog Jihad Watch — which exists to draw attention to the violent extremism of Islamic radicals — for “violent extremism.”

In the mainstream media, SPLC is regarded as an objective expert source. Keep that in mind before taking anything the media presents at face value.

On a tip from Bluto.

Jun 12 2022

“Happy Childhood” Versus Dance of the Depraved

Meanwhile, while we terrify children with global warming lies, inculcate racial and cultural self-hatred, and brainwash them into rejecting their own bodies for the sake of sexual depravity, here’s how kids spend their time in the land the liberal establishment loves to demonize:

Compare and contrast:

If Democrats and their RINO collaborators manage to get us into a war with Russia, let’s hope it isn’t a culture war, because at this nadir in our cultural history, we would deserve to lose.

On a tip from Feet2Fire.

Jun 12 2022

Linton-on-Ouse Is a Microcosm of the End of England

They don’t sing “There’ll Always Be an England” anymore, because there won’t be. No matter whether Britons vote Labour or Tory, the treasonous government will continue to systematically displace the native population with Islamic colonists from the Middle East and Africa. Within the lifetimes of today’s children, the British Isles will be Islamic territory populated primarily by non-Europeans.

Linton-on-Ouse is a microcosm for what is happening to the entire nation:

People alive today remember the Blitz and showed the awe-inspiring fortitude to win the Battle of Britain against overwhelming odds. They would not let their country be occupied by Nazis. But it would be better to be occupied than displaced out of existence.

On tips from KirklesWorth and Blackjack. Hat tip: FrontPage Magazine.

Jun 12 2022

Open Thread

History has stopped. Nothing exists except an endless present in which the Party is always right. - George Orwell

On a tip from Jester.

Jun 11 2022

Democrats Still Not Backing Away From Violence

It is shocking that Democrat rhetoric evidently inspired a moonbat named Nicholas John Roske to attempt to assassinate Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh (and presumably his family). Comparably shocking is that the Democrat-controlled media has barely reported it. More shocking still is that even now Democrats are not backing away from using violence to achieve their objectives.

As noted at Hot Air,

The DOJ has yet to prosecute anyone for protesting near a justice’s home … even though doing so is banned by federal law. And the House still hasn’t acted on a bill to increase security for Supreme Court employees…

The tactic of laying siege to the homes of justices continues.

At last check, Biden had yet to speak publicly about the attempt on Kavanaugh’s life.

Or maybe Biden was referring to Kavanaugh when he said this:

To quote the Great Uniter:

“Every once in a while, something you learn makes you viscerally angry. Like if you had the person in front of you, you’d want to pop them. No, I really mean it.”

Not exactly the rhetoric we need as the country lurches into political instability.

At least Biden is in touch with the Democrat base, which has been itching for violence.

The Daily Wire reports:

A new poll by the far-left Southern Poverty Law Center found that nearly half of young Democrat men support assassinating political figures they consider dangerous to the country or democracy.

Convicted gay rights terrorist Floyd Lee Corkins attacked the offices of the Family Research Council with plans to murder as many people as possible in the name of the LGBT agenda. He was directed there by a Southern Poverty Law Center “hate map.”

There are plenty more violent losers where Roske and Corkins came from.

During the Black Lives Matter riots, leftist thugs caused $billions in damages and took dozens of lives with virtually no legal consequences. This whet their appetite.

The coming violence will be more targeted than mobs of scumbags torching corner stores after looting them in the name of racial justice. The liberal establishment media will continue to participate by whipping dangerous people into a frenzy, then downplaying the consequences.

On tips from Wiggins, TCS III, Varla, Occam’s Stubble, and Anonymous.

Jun 11 2022

Et Tu Fox News?

It was annoying to hear Tucker Carlson shout on Thursday that there is nothing worse you could possibly call someone than a “white supremacist.” Whatever that term is supposed to mean, do the people at Fox News really think it is the worst thing on earth? Worse even than people who sexually abuse their own children by transsexualizing them into sacrificial offerings to moonbattery? Then I saw this:

In a sane civilization, these fiends would never see the outside of a cell after society learned what they have been doing to that little girl since she was too young to talk. In ours, they are celebrated for their depravity by the supposed “conservative” network.

This isn’t a matter of presenting the opposing argument on a controversial issue. Fox News is propagandizing on behalf of satanic evil, presumably in a misguided attempt to suck up to the people who worship it, i.e., moonbats.

Ben Shapiro is on the mark:

“This would be absolute despicable insane lunacy if I saw it on CNN or MSNBC. To see it on Fox News is a complete betrayal of anything remotely resembling conservatism or decency.”

Surely no one could top this for betrayal…

“Hold my beer,” says Jonah Goldberg, who manages to make Fox News look conservative by comparison.

Tucker Carlson went on with his show Thursday rather than demanding that it be preempted by the latest farcical January 6 dog and pony show, as with the prime time programming on the left-wing networks. Goldberg, who worked for FNC for 12 years, explains Carlson’s motives:

“He was afraid his viewers might be exposed to the truth, and he can’t have that.”

Seriously, Goldberg really said that in reference to the current January 6 show trial, which wouldn’t pass the laugh test in Stalin’s USSR. Its cartoonishly obvious purpose is to distract the public from the ruin Democrats are making of the economy, to demonize Republicans prior to this fall’s elections, and to provide a pretext to incarcerate political opponents like top Trump advisor Peter Navarro and Michigan gubernatorial candidate Ryan Kelly.

If Liz Cheney had a twin brother, his name would be Jonah Goldberg.

Goldberg’s loyalty to the Democratic Party should earn him a raise from his paymasters at CNN.

Fox News does not have that excuse for selling out. It won’t get 30 pieces of silver for its betrayal. If there is any justice, there will be a cost in terms of viewership.

On tips from Varla and Feet2Fire.

Jun 11 2022

Methodist Church Features Drag Queen as Associate Pastor

Stalin’s hard tyranny failed to eradicate Christianity. So his successors take a more insidious approach by eating it away from within, replacing scripture with blasphemous nonsense so as to render the religion of no use or interest to anyone. Churches are infiltrated and subverted by moonbats, then subordinated to wokeism. Among the least subtle of them is Isaac Simmons, aka Ms. Penny Cost, of the United Methodist Church.

From the American Spectator:

Simmons, who serves as an associate pastor at Hope United Methodist Church in Bloomington, Illinois, has challenged basic theological concepts, projecting a worldview where divinity rests not in God but in queerness.

Simmons calls himself a “dragavangelist.”

“God must be f***ing nothing,” he says, “if her boundaryless, transubstantiated bodies of color are run down, beaten, and strewn in the streets of America instead of ruling the runways of life.”

Because Simmons worships queerness instead of God, he considers dressing up as a grotesque parody of a woman to be a religious experience:

“Drag allows me to process the mystery of myself, the mystery of God, the mystery of love, and the mystery of pain,” he said. “When I walk the streets in six-inch heels and wear four pounds of hair, double-stacked wigs, the power which lies within my mystery is released into the world.”

The United Methodist Church is scheduled to split into separate denominations in 2024 over LGBT issues.

The liberal wing will retain the denomination’s name and permit same-sex marriage while the conservatives will join a new denomination where same-sex marriage is forbidden.

The liberal wing will wither away and die unnoticed and ungrieved. The conservative wing, to be called the Global Methodist Church, will survive so long as it remains resilient to the cancer that calls itself liberalism.

To get an idea of what it means to let moonbattery infect your church, try watching Simmons deliver a sermon on queer holiness:

On tips from Bluto and Steve T.

Jun 11 2022

Open Thread

Liberalism is a mental disorder. - Michael Savage

On a tip from Jack Bauer.


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