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Jul 09 2023

Planned Parenthood Pushes Sex Acts on Schoolchildren

The business model is to charge money for exterminating hundreds of thousands of inconvenient babies per year and to bring in coercive funding from the government in exchange for campaign kickbacks. Needless to say, moral qualms do not hinder Planned Parenthood. On the contrary, moral decay = more casual sex = more babies to abort. Another equation: moral decay = more liberal politicians elected = more taxpayer money. So we read this:

Planned Parenthood Regina delivered a sex education lesson to 14 and 15-year-olds in Lumsden High School, Saskatchewan, where a pupil picked up “Sex: From A-Z” which was available for free on a side table.

The deck of 26 cards, which includes explicit language, pushed children to be “sex positive” about each sexual term.

Pushback can still work, even in Canada:

Following complaints from parents, the Province’s Education Minister, Dustin Duncan, suspended the group from working in schools.

A healthy country would arrest those responsible, but then, in a healthy country, Planned Parenthood’s existence would be inconceivable. At least Duncan took a step in the right direction.

On a tip from ABC of the ANC.


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