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Nov 27 2023

Qualify as Oppressed by Obesity in NYC

Liberals must have run out of special privileges to bestow upon allegedly put-upon blacks and sexual deviants, because they are expanding the Cultural Marxist coalition. In New York City, you can now achieve cherished oppressed status not only by your race or your perverse sexual inclinations but by being overweight:

A new city law that bans discriminating against someone because of their height or weight went into effect last week, six months after Mayor Eric Adams first signed the legislation. …

“All New Yorkers, regardless of their body shape or size, deserve to be protected from discrimination under the law,” NYC City Council Speaker Adrienne Adams and Councilman Shaun Abreu said in a joint statement Sunday.

To be “protected from discrimination” is to belong to a higher caste. This caste if first hired, difficult if not impossible to fire, promoted at every opportunity, immune from criticism, favored in law courts, given housing priority, et cetera.

The insanity of outlawing “discrimination” against fat people could be far-reaching:

For instance, one NYU student said classroom desks were too small for her…

No doubt Democrats believe that having to replace all desks, chairs, doorways, et cetera out of obsequiousness to the morbidly obese will stimulate the economy through wasteful spending.

Characteristically, Adams took the opportunity to tell a pernicious lie:

“Science has shown that body type is not a connection to if you’re healthy or unhealthy,” said Adams, who authored a 2020 book about losing 35 pounds.

Back in reality, eating your way to a politically favored “body type” makes you more prone to type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure, heart disease, stroke, metabolic syndrome, fatty liver diseases, some cancers, breathing problems, osteoarthritis, gout, diseases of the gallbladder and pancreas, kidney disease, pregnancy problems, fertility problems, sexual function problems, and mental health problems, according to the NIH.

Other Democrat domains are on board:

Lawmakers in New Jersey and Massachusetts are considering similar measures, while places like Michigan and Washington State have already enacted discrimination bans.

It might seem that one day we will have equality again, after everyone in the county qualifies as oppressed. But malevolent ideologies require a demonized scapegoat class. Stalinists had kulaks, Nazis had Jews, Muslims have infidels, liberals have white male Christians who cannot lay claim to any redeeming defect.

On a tip from Barry A.


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