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Dec 23 2022

Rand Paul’s Festivus Airing of Federal Waste Grievances

It is not a government. It is a mob of looters. Prominent among the minority of politicians who do not deserve to be tarred, feathered, and dumped into the Potomac is Senator Rand Paul, who celebrates Festivus by reminding us what our moonbat overlords have been doing with the wealth we create:

Paul on Friday released his annual Airing of Grievances about federal spending and identified nearly half a trillion dollars-worth of wasted taxpayer resources – from the billions spent giving COVID relief funds to ineligible people to a $118,000 study on whether Marvel movie villain Thanos would really be able to snap his fingers while wearing the Infinity Gauntlet.

The Biden looting spree has driven up the national debt by almost $2 trillion in just the past year. As you can confirm by taking a trip to the grocery store, it has had a similar effect on inflation.

Possibly most outrageous is the $3.5 trillion blowout misnamed in honor of George Orwell as the Inflation “Reduction” Act. Nearly as bad is the $1.9 trillion omnibus 2023 spending spree that is too long for anyone to have read but that numerous alleged Republicans voted for. Other lowlights include $475 billion spent on interest on the debt because our rulers refuse to stop wasting money even faster than they can confiscate it. Over $31.5 million of Covid funds were spent on luxury cars.

Smaller items are comparably infuriating, considering that they add up to big numbers. For example,

The report found that the Department of Defense spent nearly $200,000 on espresso machines from Starbucks. “At least Americans can rest assured that our military personnel will be perky and energetic even as they pour American taxpayer dollars – and perhaps a few overpriced coffee grounds – down the drain,” it said.

The USA is under full scale invasion across the southern border. If the military is not going to put a stop to this, then it serves no other purpose than as a leftist social engineering laboratory and financial sinkhole, and should therefore be disbanded.

Much of the money is not merely wasted but actively spent to destroy the country:

The Vera Institute of Justice got $168 million to help illegal immigrants avoid deportation, and this group has received more than $1.1 billion since 2008, the report found. “Providing hundreds of millions of your hard-earned dollars to help illegal immigrants actively skirt our immigration laws. What border crisis?” the report said.

Some of the waste is so outlandishly foolish that it seems deliberately intended to provoke us, like the $689,000 spent to study romance between parrots.

Was it any worse than this when the French reached their boiling point in 1789?

On a tip from Varla.


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2 Responses to “Rand Paul’s Festivus Airing of Federal Waste Grievances”

  1. […] small fraction of the 2023 omnibus spending bill constitutes justifiable expenses. Most of it is preposterous waste. The rest is worse than wasteful. It is […]


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