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Jan 18 2024

Social Engineering From Pornhub

Social engineering intended to promote degeneracy and sexual perversion has become prevalent in public schools. An undercover investigation unsurprisingly revealed that it can also be found at the USA’s largest pornography distributor, Pornhub:

Multiple employees were caught on camera admitting non-existent enforcement of age requirements to view or participate in homemade pornography.

Children have taken part not only as spectators:

Despite a 2020 investigation that uncovered millions of child sex abuse videos, Pornhub has done little more than crisis PR to protect victims. After removing 9 million videos that year, the company admitted to covertly inserting more sexually deviant material into mainstream content to expand its reach and create new audiences.

Porn is said to be the gateway to the grotesque LGBT lifestyle. The explicit goal is to “convert” viewers to more depraved tastes that will bog them down in the realm of pornography. Progressivism applies to more than politics.

According to Product Coordinator Sylvain Fernandez…

…LGBTQ pornography specifically helps pre-teens “find themselves” and their “kink.” Viewing pornography at age 11, he said, is “normal” and “religious groups” are wrong to discourage exploration.

No wonder liberal establishmentarians like Joy Reid, Rob Reiner, and the apparatchiks at NBC hate Christians so much. They might interfere with an agenda likely to generate not only more clicks for Pornhub but more voters for the Democratic Party as decency is rejected in favor of debased self-indulgence.

It’s no surprise, then, that technical product manager Mike Farley acknowledged that pornography is “addictive” and Pornhub is “not really” worried about ethics. On that note, one study found that over half of divorce cases included one spouse having an “obsessive interest in” pornography.

This is great news for leftists, who have targeted the family for destruction from Karl Marx to Black Lives Matter.

To sum up, pornographers are…

…unapologetically promoting personal destruction in a culture already suffering from extreme moral decay.

As a society, we have fallen into a cesspool. We are running out of time to pull ourselves out of it before we drown.

Meet the people who are shaping the next generation:

On a tip from ABC of the ANC.


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