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Oct 31 2021

Staggering Waste: 500,000 EV Charging Stations

It isn’t easy to get your head around the scale of the waste Democrats want to inflict. As part of it, they want to force us to pay for 500,000 electric vehicle charging stations on the absurd pretext that this will somehow improve the allegedly problematic weather.

Where will we get electricity to run the expensive, dangerous, and environmentally harmful electric cars that the government pays us with each other’s money to buy, when that same government has its boot on the neck of the energy industry? Windmills and solar panels — i.e., fairy dust — according to Biden, who raves insanely that electric cars can cross the country on a charge (as best I can interpret his gibberish):

Not everyone in the Democrat Party is a drooling idiot like its figurehead Biden. Although the primary purpose of green energy spending under Obama was to launder taxpayer money to pay off campaign donors, the scale of the waste now goes beyond even Biden’s infamous capacity for corruption. Democrats are collapsing the economy through massive waste on purpose, to cause a failure of “capitalism,” which will serve as a pretext to impose something closer to pure Marxism.

On tips from KirklesWorth, Wiggins, and Chuck A.


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2 Responses to “Staggering Waste: 500,000 EV Charging Stations”

  1. […] not to plunge deeper into Marxism in the USA, after Democrats have collapsed the economy through massive wasteful spending. Marxism is about power; it is not about putting food in people’s […]


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