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Aug 30 2021

Stuart Scheller Resigns Commission but Continues to Lead

The story is only beginning regarding Stuart Scheller, the Marine Lieutenant Colonel who fell on his sword by demanding accountability from the left-wing political hacks at the top of the command structure (e.g., Lloyd Austin, Mark Milley) for the bloody debacle in Afghanistan that killed 11 Marines, a Navy corpsman, and an Army soldier after our Taliban enemies were bizarrely entrusted to provide security for Americans.

Scheller was promptly relieved of his command. He then resigned his commission, ending a brilliant 17-year career during which he received a V device for combat valor and a Bronze Star. He is forfeiting all entitlements, including medical care and a potential $2 million pension fund.

As a private citizen with nothing to lose, Scheller is speaking even more bluntly:

“I demand accountability, at all levels. If we don’t get it, I’m bringing it.”

He also quoted Thomas Jefferson, saying “every generation needs a revolution.”

While the bloated, incompetent, leftist-subverted establishment gasps in horrified amazement,

Scheller’s family and former troops say they’re not surprised the officer sacrificed his career in order to tell his truth.

As his father Stuart Sr puts it,

“He has put his life on the line for fellow Marines so putting his career on the line like this does not surprise us.”

The Founding Fathers would have recognized Stuart Scheller as an American. That isn’t true of many these days. If the purges that started under Obama and continue under Biden achieve their objective, it won’t be true of anyone in the armed forces.

Scheller’s follow-up video is an inspiration:

You can see why Marines would follow this guy into combat.

“Follow me, and we will bring the whole f***ing system down. … We’re just getting started.”

Needless to say, the apparatchiks running the system didn’t like that. Anyone who remembers the Soviet practice of locking dissidents in mental asylums will find this ominous:

Scheller has certainly established his honor. Otherwise, this was a futile gesture — unless enough of us have the courage to follow him. In that case, there is still hope that we can pull the country out of its tailspin.

On tips from Troy H, Anonymous, and Bluto.


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3 Responses to “Stuart Scheller Resigns Commission but Continues to Lead”

  1. […] are now armed to the teeth with sophisticated military equipment. Why did our rulers do this? As Stuart Scheller would like to know, when will there be accountability? Isn’t treason still against the law in […]

  2. […] Colonel Stuart Scheller, who was relieved of command after calling for accountability. He resigned his commission. Now he has been […]


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