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Jan 09 2022

The Slippery Slope of the Top Cause of Death

Care to guess the leading cause of death globally in 2021? It wasn’t Covid. It wasn’t cancer, AIDs, guns, racist police, or even conversion therapy. It was abortion, which resulted in the deliberate snuffing out of 43 million human lives.

“What’s the big deal?” a moonbat might smirk. “Nobody is going to crush our skulls and suck our brains out. We have already been born. We’re safe.”

But when decency gives way to moonbattery, no one is safe. Rejecting the inherent value of innocent human life sets us down a slippery slope:

Democratic California Attorney General Rob Bonta has instructed law enforcement not to charge women with murder or manslaughter after their babies die during pregnancy or birth, even in cases where the mother’s actions contributed to the baby’s death.

On behalf of liberal doctrine — which dictates that you aren’t human until you have been born — Bonta issued a statewide alert.

The alert came after two women in Kings County were charged with “fetal murder” after using drugs like methamphetamine during pregnancy, resulting in their babies’ stillbirths. A stillbirth is generally defined as the death of a baby after roughly 20 weeks of pregnancy through delivery.

The political motive is patent:

Bonta said he issued the alert at the request of the California Future of Abortion Council, a contingent of more than 40 abortion providers and advocacy groups in the state. Some of the abortion advocates were present alongside Bonta as he announced the news during a Thursday press conference.

As for the law Bonta is there to enforce,

Under California law, murder is defined as “the unlawful killing of a human being, or a fetus, with malice aforethought.”

Even in California, you could still get in trouble for inducing an abortion against a woman’s will, say by pushing her down the stairs. But not for long, because assigning any value to an unborn baby’s life calls into question abortion, the primary sacrament of the liberal religion.

Soon the slippery slope will take will take us to infanticide, a practice already endorsed by the outgoing Governor of Virginia.

On tips from ABC of the ANC and Mr. Freemarket.


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