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May 04 2022

Whoopi Goldberg Sets New Standard for Abortion Insanity

MSNBC’s Yamiche Alcindor relating that potential restrictions on abortion make moonbats feel “like someone has died” may have broken your irony meter. If not, maybe this will do the job:

“The View” co-host Whoopi Goldberg made the shocking declaration during Tuesday’s episode that the decision to abort was between “my doctor, myself and my child” amid reports that Roe v. Wade could possibly be overturned by the Supreme Court.

What a relief to know that her child was on board with being dismembered in the womb and thrown out with the medical waste.

The insane remark underscores the irony of pro-abortion militants spinning themselves as “pro-choice.” The person most effected by abortion has no choice whatsoever. No one who ever lived would choose to be aborted.

Watch Whoopi pour unadulterated evil into the skulls of the gullible as the studio audience claps like satanic seals:

Her cohosts piled on more irony. Joy Behar squawked about voting rights and in the next sentence proclaimed that letting voters rather than the activist court of 1973 make the decision on abortion could lead to fascism:

“My worry is that this is just the beginning. Next they’ll go after gay marriage and maybe … Brown v. Board of Education. They already eroded our voting rights a little bit. So I see fascism down the line here.”

Presumably with a straight face, cohost Sara Haines warned that potential restrictions on killing babies “will cost lives.”

A less reasonable response to the possibility of voters’ elected representatives being permitted to save children’s lives would be difficult to imagine.

On a tip from Wiggins.


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