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Jan 09 2024

Woman Pleads Guilty to Avoid Prison With Men

Moonbat rule is a caste system. Women rank lower in it than transsexuals. Behold the consequences:

A mother-of-four claims she pleaded guilty to a crime she didn’t commit to avoid returning to a prison that housed two trans inmates locked up for murder and sex assault…

Amanda Benson, 42, from Inverkip, Scotland, was imprisoned on remand at HMP Greenock with the two trans women – murderer Alex Stewart, 34, and sexual assaulter Laura Miller, 30.

Benson stands accused of biting a police officer.

Mrs Benson revealed she was so terrified of being raped and impregnated by the murderer or sex pest that she had a contraceptive coil fitted at the prison run by the Scottish government.

Stewart stabbed to death a guy he met through a dating app. Miller was convicted of repeatedly sexually assaulting a woman. Yet the bearded beast says he is a woman himself, so they keep him in a women’s prison.

The cells at Greenock Prison don’t have shows in them, meaning women have to use communal showers.

Mrs. Benson ventures a theory on the transsexual convicts:

“It could be that they are sexual deviants.”

Or maybe they’re just horny. Reports former Greenock governor Rhona Hotchkiss:

“We had three or four trans women in at once. It was a horrific situation.

“None of them had identified as trans before they came into prison.

“The behaviour was appalling. They were clearly, most of them, there for sexual reasons.”

As Benson puts it, they get to be foxes in the henhouse.

On a tip from ABC of the ANC.


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