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Mar 17 2022

AOC Links Fossil Fuel Extraction to Murder of Minorities

Prominent Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) has been hailed by the Chairman of the Democratic National Committee as the future of her party. She has forced Senate Majority Leader Charles Schumer to go hard left for fear that she will primary him. Her ability to push the ruling party in the direction of her choice makes her one of the most powerful people in the country.

Most non-Democrats view her as a moron and a kook. She is worse. She is psychotic.

If you doubt it, watch the video below, in which she presents a new justification for the ongoing Democrat War on Energy that has been driving prices beyond a level we can afford. To quote:

“We have a crisis of missing and murdered indigenous and black women in the United States. Today I want to discuss part of this crisis that is all to often overlooked, but whose evidence shows that there is a very meaningful connection here: the correlation between fossil fuel extraction sites and abductions and murders of indigenous women across the United States.”

At least this explains why fossil fuels aren’t so bad so long as we buy them from enemies like Iran and Venezuela rather than extracting our own.

Don’t like shivering in the dark while Democrats pretend that wind turbines and solar panels can supply sufficient energy? You must hate indigenous women.

We are ruled by lunatics. They do not mean us well.

On a tip from Varla.


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