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Nov 15 2021

Biden Inflation Solutions: Vax Kids, More Welfare Spending

One advantage to forcing everyone — even children — to take a Covid vaccine regardless of whether it makes any sense for them as individuals is that according to Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg, it is the only way to solve the supply chain crisis that has left some store shelves bare. Another advantage is that it will curb the runaway inflation that has characterized the Biden Administration.

Via Big League Politics:

A Biden administration economic advisor has indicated that the administration’s plan for deterring rapid inflation of the dollar entails giving 5-11 coronavirus vaccines…

Brian Deese, the Director of Biden’s National Economic Council, directly pivoted to vaccinating children when questioned on the President’s plan to combat inflation. Deese was speaking with ABC’s George Stephanopoulos on Sunday morning.

As even members of the Biden Regime must know, Covid poses no more of a threat to children than everyday flu. The eventual consequences of the vaccines are unknowable until they have been around long enough for long-term trials.

Just in case forcing children to take an untested vaccine they don’t need doesn’t cure inflation, Biden’s handlers have another solution: print more money and throw it at the welfare state. From the Wall Street Journal:

Democrats are even pitching more spending as the solution to higher inflation—because, they say, more welfare and entitlement payments will cause more people to work, which will reduce the economy’s supply problems. No wonder half of all voters blame Biden policies for inflation.

If only half of voters blame Biden for inflation, leftist control of the media and education has been highly effective at dumbing down the public.

On tips from AintYerPa and Varla.


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