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Apr 25 2024

Open Thread

Compliments of Chuck A.

Apr 24 2024

Massie Threatened With Fine for Exposing Betrayal

It was enraging enough to watch our supposed representatives waving the flag of a foreign nation (compliments of congresscommie Diana Degette [D-CO]) as they bestowed upon it another $60 billion of our money. Then they compounded the outrage with this:

Do Mike Johnson et al. think they can keep it secret that they do not represent the American people?

On the positive side, at least the drinks will keep flowing in Ukraine and there is a happy smile on Zelensky’s face:

On tips from ABC of the ANC, Mr. Freemarket, WDS 2.0, DCGere, and Dr. Kufi Tutite.

Apr 24 2024

Open Thread

Congress, 535 commoditized temple monkeys pawing through the ruins of America in search of bribes. The bicameral whorehouse on Capitol Hill works like a vending machine. You put coins in the slot, select your law, and the desired legislation slides out. - Fred Reed

Apr 23 2024

Fellow Libs Leave Alec Baldwin Behind

Not many countermoonbats are fans of the obnoxious liberal Alec Baldwin, but he responded well to being pestered by a pro-Hamas bully:

The freak with the orange wig in the video below is said to be the kook who found Baldwin’s boiling point (PARENTAL ADVISORY):

The Democrat base is plunging deeper into the fever swamps at such speed that even Alec Baldwin has been left behind. Continuing to lose the Culture War is unthinkable.

On tips from Anonymous, Wiggins, seaoh, and KirklesWorth.

Apr 23 2024

Open Thread

Compliments of Chuck A.

Apr 21 2024

Dems Introduce Bill to Facilitate Assassinating Trump

What’s next on the Democrat agenda after they convict Trump of some absurd infraction by trying him where he cannot get a fair trial? Congresscritter Bennie Thompson (D-MS) lays the groundwork with a bill proposed Friday:

Thompson’s bill stipulates that Secret Service protection “shall terminate for any person upon sentencing following conviction for a Federal or State offense that is punishable for a term of imprisonment of at least one year.’’ There is an unmistakable hint that the Democrats plan to imprison Trump for at least a year, ideally so that he will be behind bars on November 5, 2024 and January 20, 2025.

If the name Bennie Thompson sounds familiar, you may be thinking of the January 6 show trials:

Byron York of the Washington Examiner noted what all this was really about: Thompson, he wrote, “ran the January 6 committee, which mixed elements of show trial and reality series. Focused solely on Trump, of course.” York stated that the “obvious subtext here is that removing USSS would make it easier for someone to kill Trump, which is arguably the goal of Thompson’s bill, H.R. 8081: The DISGRACED Former Protectees Act.”

You don’t have to be the subject of liberals’ 24-hour version of the Two Minute Hates for Democrats to want someone to kill you. RFK Jr continues to be denied Secret Service protection despite the two dead Kennedys behind him because he threatens to peel away votes from Biden. Attempts on the life of relatively conservative Supreme Court justices have been all but openly encouraged.

Letting Democrats further consolidate power would not be wise.

On a tip from WDS 2.0.

Apr 21 2024

Lincoln Center Cancels Mozart

Like Beethoven, Mozart is arguably one of the two greatest composers who ever lived. Like Beethoven, he faces cancelation as part of the campaign to eradicate Western Civilization:

In 2020, [New York’s Lincoln Center for the Performing Arts] began promoting a story that a vibrant black community known as San Juan Hill had been deliberately snuffed out in the 1950s to make way for its creation.

Self-hatred is a central pillar of modern liberalism, as is constructing pernicious narratives upon lies.

“The displacement of Indigenous, Black, and Latinx families that took place prior to the construction of our campus is abhorrent,” declares the center’s “Message on Our Commitment to Change.”

What is abhorrent is that those entrusted as the custodians of high culture are actively destroying it:

In consequence, last summer the center canceled its “Mostly Mozart” festival in favor of more “inclusive” fare — sponsoring rappers, pop groups and an LGBTQ mariachi band while hanging a 10-foot-wide disco ball above its fountain.

Pushing Mozart aside in favor of an LGBTQ mariachi band is the quintessence of social justice.

This summer’s programming, just announced, will lead off with “the debut duet of two superstar queens from the blockbuster reality competition ‘RuPaul’s Drag Race,’” followed by “Argentinian queercore,” comedians of “Indian heritage” and “silent disco.”

That’s the cultural heritage that will be left to future generations after Mozart, Beethoven, et al. have been erased.

That building the Lincoln Center somehow oppressed sacred BIPOCs isn’t even true. The neighborhood was overwhelmingly white at the time.

If everything is going to be based on lies, why not announce that Mozart was a transvestite illegal immigrant from Africa who indulged in disgusting sexual practices? That way he might escape getting vaporized.

On a tip from ABC of the ANC.

Apr 21 2024

Open Thread

We must picture Hell as a state where everyone is perpetually concerned about his own dignity and advancement, where everyone has a grievance, and where everyone lives the deadly serious passions of envy, self-importance, and resentment. - C. S. Lewis

On a tip from Jester.

Apr 20 2024

Self-Immolator Maxwell Azzarello Was a Moonbat

No matter how far they take their depraved ideology, progressives manage to progress still further. Less than 2 months ago we were shocked when lefty Aaron Bushnell set himself on fire to demonstrate his support for Hamas following the terror atrocities of October 7. Before long, it will be a fad, before moonbats move on to something more horrifying still. Already we have a copycat in Maxwell Azzarello:

A man set himself on fire in front of the Manhattan courtroom on Friday as a CNN live broadcast reported on the jury being seating in former President Donald Trump’s trial.

Azzarello died of his self-inflicted injuries.

He left a manifesto, which reveals an unsurprising political orientation.

Azzarello had a paranoid interest in conservative tech billionaire Peter Thiel, believed that “capitalism is unsustainable,” and fretted about fascism and climate change. He had worked for Democrat congresscritters Tom Suozzi and Ami Bera, as well as for the self-described “social justice organization” Liberty Hill Foundation. His LinkedIn photo was a picture of him standing next to Bill Clinton. He described himself as “a huge proponent of left unity” and an “anarchocommunist” — i.e., a radical moonbat of the type you might expect to do something really crazy in a public park.

Nonetheless, the media will spin his viewpoint as nonpartisan even pro-Trump if they think they can get away with it.

VIEWER ADVISORY: Death by moonbattery can be disturbing:

On tips from Wiggins, seaoh, and Bluto.

Apr 19 2024

Open Thread

Every civilization depends on the quality of the individuals it produces. If you over-organize humans, over-legalize them, suppress their urge to greatness-they cannot work and their civilization collapses. - Frank Herbert

Apr 18 2024

Open Thread

We have but to remember man's natural tendency to satisfy his desires with the minimum of effort to realize how political power will be utilized. - Frank Chodorov

Apr 17 2024

Open Thread

Compassion without wisdom is dangerous. It's what enables people to support the 'underdog,' even if the underdog is evil - Dennis Prager

Apr 16 2024

Open Thread

Conservatives try to adjust their behavior to fit the facts of nature. Liberals try to adjust the facts of nature to fit their behavior. - Frank Turek

Apr 15 2024

Squatters Seize Gordon Ramsay’s Pub

The collapse of property rights in the face of moonbattery has allowed squatters to seize not only homes but also businesses. Even the rich and famous are effected — like Gordon Ramsay:

A swarm of squatters have shacked up inside the celebrity chef’s $16.1 million pub — using Ramsay’s own kitchen appliances to barricade themselves inside, according to a report.

Shocking photographs taken by The Sun show the “professional squatters” holed up inside York & Albany pub, which the “Hell’s Kitchen” host was about to sign over to new partners in a multi-million dollar deal.

One person was seen barefoot and sprawled across on a black leather sofa inside the restaurant, with their personal belongings and debris, including empty wine bottles, strewn across the floor.

The pub was temporarily closed while a new lease was being finalized, providing the scumbags with a window of opportunity. Now that they are ensconced, it won’t be easy to get them out again in a city run by leftists. The “professional squatters” have put glue in the locks and have threatened legal action against anyone attempting to dislodge them.

On a tip from seaoh.


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