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Aug 25 2023

Democrats Come After Alcohol

They have come after ceiling fans, air conditioners, refrigerators, heat pumps, washing machines, dishwashers, water heaters, showers, gas stoves, gas generators, cars, and more. We sit on our hands and do nothing, as if we were not Americans but some lower species content to have every aspect of our lives microregulated by supercilious bureauweenies. Now they come after alcohol:

Biden’s alcohol czar, Dr. George Koob, told the Daily Mail that the USDA could revise its alcohol recommendations to match Canada’s guidelines.

Sure, they have an Alcohol Czar. If you enjoy something, the District of Corruption is home to a damp bureaurat with a vast, lavishly paid staff in charge of taking it away from you.

Sure, they want to match Canada’s guidelines. The goal is to catch up to Canada in the race toward absolute moonbattery. Canada says you should only have two drinks per week, so the Biden Regime squeaks, Us too!

Koob, the director of the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism, noted there are “no benefits” to physical health from drinking alcohol.

Relaxing with a beer at the end of a hard day’s work has no benefit. The Experts have spoken.

First come guidelines. Then come regulations to impose the guidelines by force. For a while, they will attack alcohol with punitive taxes, as with cigarettes, which cost many times what they did a few decades ago. Eventually, they will bring back Prohibition, if only on the Democrat principle that anything not mandatory ought to be forbidden.

Or maybe beer is the line leftists can’t bully their way across. Recall what happened to Budweiser when liberals tried co-opting Bud Lite on behalf of their perverted sexual agenda.

On tips from Occam’s Stubble and Varla.


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