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Apr 28 2022

DHS Announces Ministry of Truth

Let’s hope Elon Musk has the good sense to move Twitter to Texas, with all new personnel so as to avoid being hamstrung by a Big Tech equivalent of the Deep State. Unfortunately, Texas might not be far enough. If patriots are able to liberate a Silicon Valley cat’s paw, Big Government will then do the dirty work of imposing censorship itself:

The Department of Homeland Security is setting up a Disinformation Governance Board in an attempt to combat “misinformation” online.

By now, readers are likely aware that “misinformation/disinformation” is Liberalese for any speech our rulers want to suppress.

Like something out of George Orwell, the Department of Homeland Security perversely facilitates the invasion of the country. It also undermines our security by attacking our right of free speech, a principal component of the American system of government.

Nina Jankowicz, a fellow for the Wilson Center, confirmed reports that she would direct the board…

The Wilson Center is named after Woodrow Wilson, the Democrat president regarded as the world’s first fascist dictator. Under his rule, Americans were imprisoned for questioning the reasonableness of wasting lives on World War I.

Stand by for more Orwellianism:

She claimed the new board was created to “maintain the Department’s commitment to protecting free speech, privacy, civil rights, and civil liberties.”

That is, it is a censorship board.

Jankowicz has long been an advocate for social media censorship and regulation.

She infamously participated in the concerted suppression of the Hunter Biden laptop bombshell, which revealed Joe Biden’s influence peddling to our communist Chinese enemies and which might have spared us from his catastrophic presidency had it not been successfully squashed. Jankowicz comically lied that the laptop was likely to be “a Russian influence op.”

In October 2020, she testified before Congress regarding the dangers of free speech and how to restrict it online.

“Disinformation is a threat to democracy,” she warned…

She should have said “our democracy.” That’s usually how they phrase it when they mean “Democrat rule.”

During her testimony, Jankowicz recommended that Congress start spending more taxpayer dollars to fund a “robust public media” and work on a global effort to combat disinformation.

We are already forced to finance Democrat propaganda through PBS and NPR. But Jankowicz wants more government speech to pour into the vacuum left when free speech is suppressed.

She also hailed Twitter’s efforts to censor users during the 2020 election and urged more technology companies to follow their example.

If social media companies won’t do it on their own, they will be forced to, as iron-fisted Democrats have already made clear. Musk will have the federal leviathan to contend with if he is to bring free speech to a major Internet platform.

In the meantime, as many thousands of unlawful invaders pour across the border to displace us each and every day under the approving gaze of DHS, we can feel secure in the knowledge that this new Ministry of Truth will keep us safe from facts and opinions that threaten the power of our rulers.

They are as evil as they look.

On tips from gregtuco, Chris Neilson, and Occam’s Stubble.


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13 Responses to “DHS Announces Ministry of Truth”

  1. […] Meet the commissarina of Biden’s new Ministry of Truth: […]

  2. […] called it the Reichsministerium für Volksaufklärung und Propaganda. The Biden Regime calls it the Disinformation Governance Board. Tulsi Gabbard finds that in this incarnation, it has a silver […]

  3. […] George Orwell called it the Ministry of Truth. Joseph Goebbels called it the Reich Ministry for Public Enlightenment and Propaganda. The Biden Regime calls it the Disinformation Governance Board. […]

  4. […] George Orwell called it the Ministry of Truth. Joseph Goebbels called it the Reich Ministry for Public Enlightenment and Propaganda. The Biden Regime calls it the Disinformation Governance Board. […]

  5. […] cherry on this sinister sundae is the new Ministry of Truth, a reincarnation of Joseph Goebbels’ Reich Ministry for Public Enlightenment and […]

  6. […] demanded more censorship shortly before the Biden Regime introduced its new Ministry of Truth. Twitter announced recently that it is banning advertising that does not comply with the global […]

  7. […] that we have a Disinformation Governance Board, the next step is for Biden’s handlers to create a Racist Parent Inquisition, so that kids […]

  8. […] As for those Disinformation Conspiracy theories, let us take a walk if we will down hypothetical lane. Although it may sound real enough to be true, parts of the story has not been approved by the Regime’s Disinformation Governance Board. […]

  9. […] at will: even the fundamental rights of free expression and self-defense, as illustrated by his Ministry of Truth and hostility toward the Second Amendment. Likewise, any “right” can be fabricated out […]

  10. […] Meanwhile, FDA Commissioner Robert Califf is focused on the authoritarian left concept of “misinformation,” which he barks is the leading cause of death in the USA. He must have been relieved to see the Biden Regime establish the new Ministry of Truth. […]

  11. […] now have a Ministry of Truth for that sort of […]

  12. […] Stalinists who were disheartened when blowback caused Democrats to back off for now from their new Ministry of Truth will be relieved to see Hochul step forward to solve the problem of free speech at the state […]

  13. […] In their rush to impose totalitarianism, Democrats sometimes overstep and have to retreat. The American public is still armed, and our elections have not yet been reduced to total farce, so despite Democrat control of Big Tech and 90% of the media, they can’t move too far too fast. That’s why they had to pull the plug (for now) on professional liar Nina Jankowicz’s Ministry of Truth. […]


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