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Jan 01 2023

Indefinitely Suspended for Saying “Illegal Aliens”

Next time you find yourself tempted to use the outdated expression, “It’s a free country,” remember Gary Hahn. The North Carolina State radio broadcaster has been suspended indefinitely for referring to illegal aliens as “illegal aliens.”

The News & Observer reports:

While giving the score of the Sun Bowl on Friday, Hahn said “down among all the illegal aliens in El Paso it’s UCLA 14 and Pittsburgh 6.”

As even those who rely on the liberal media for information may be aware, El Paso has been overrun by illegal aliens due to the Biden Regime’s refusal to secure the border. Each day, thousands more invaders flood into the town from all over the world. Local authorities have declared a state of emergency.

In a society succumbing to a totalitarian ideology, Hahn’s innocuous remark is sufficient thoughtcrime to snuff out a career. If he grovels, they may let him back on the air, but a cloud will always hang over him.

Hahn, the North Carolina Sportscaster of the Year in 2011 and 2020, has been the voice of N.C. State football and men’s basketball since 1991.

His successful career makes him all the more attractive as a target for the thought police. Hahn serves as an instructive example for others who might be tempted to stray from political orthodoxy.

The rules regarding what we are not allowed to say are kept vague. We only learn what the punishment is after having committed an unwitting infraction. That way, we walk on eggshells, mindful at all times that we must never say anything that might displease our leftist rulers.

Reverence for free speech used to characterize America. Now, contempt for it characterizes America’s ruling party. Veteran Senator Ben Cardin (D-MD) is straightforward:

To “espouse hate” is to say anything Democrats do not want said. They do not want attention paid to their campaign to permanently displace the American population by inviting and facilitating a sustained massive invasion across the southern border. Consequently, Gary Hahn is an espouser of hate.

On tips from Varla, Anonymous, Bluto, Ed McAninch, and Franco.


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7 Responses to “Indefinitely Suspended for Saying “Illegal Aliens””

  1. […] liberal establishment forbids perceived dissident speech as “racist.” In Ukraine, they call it “pro-Russian.” The main difference is […]

  2. […] liberal establishment forbids perceived dissident speech as “racist.” In Ukraine, they call it “pro-Russian.” The main difference is that in […]

  3. […] there are two major impediments to the liberal agenda: the First Amendment (which they have been taking a sledgehammer to) and the Second […]

  4. […] there are two major impediments to the liberal agenda: the First Amendment (which they have been taking a sledgehammer to) and the Second […]

  5. […] actual laws in Oceania in 1984. It’s why an established sportscaster like Gary Hahn can get indefinitely suspended for saying “illegal […]

  6. […] no actual laws in Oceania in 1984. It’s why an established sportscaster like Gary Hahn can get indefinitely suspended for saying “illegal […]


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