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Jan 02 2023

Not Much Freedom for the Money in Ukraine

With the passage of the latest reckless spending blowout, the US government has now given over $110 BILLION to Ukraine in less than 1 year, to be paid for by the American people through taxation and inflation. Rep Thomas Massie (R-KY) notes that this comes to $200 million from each congressional district. We are told that this is a fight for freedom. Here’s how much freedom we are getting for the money:

Ukrainian President Volodimir Zelensky signed Thursday a media law already criticized in December by the Union of Journalists of Ukraine for threatening freedom of expression and tightening journalistic dissemination of Russian “propaganda”.

“Propaganda” appears to have the same definition in Ukraine that “misinformation/disinformation” has in the USA — i.e., “something the government wants suppressed.”

The measure, approved in December in the Ukrainian Parliament with 299 votes in favor, provides for the prohibition of information disseminated through the media calling for or justifying a change in the constitutional order, as well as for a conflict that violates the territorial integrity of Ukraine. …

The law determines that information containing propaganda of the “Russian totalitarian regime” as well as symbology associated with the Russian invasion of Ukraine may not be published, Ukrinform news agency has reported.

Our liberal establishment forbids perceived dissident speech as “racist.” In Ukraine, they call it “pro-Russian.” The main difference is that in Ukraine, rigid censorship is actually codified in the law.

To get an idea of what qualifies as pro-Russian propaganda, consider that Leo Tolstoy’s War and Peace, one of the primary treasures of world literature, has been banned from Ukrainian schools for not casting Russia in a sufficiently negative light.

On a tip from Bluto.


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4 Responses to “Not Much Freedom for the Money in Ukraine”

  1. […] is good news regarding the mountains of our money the federal government has been gifting to the tyrants running Ukraine. Our economy will derive at least some benefit, to the extent that the largesse is […]

  2. […] is good news regarding the mountains of our money the federal government has been gifting to the tyrants running Ukraine. Our economy will derive at least some benefit, to the extent that the largesse is […]

  3. […] they will give outlandishly expensive Abrams tanks to the tyrannical corruptocrats running Ukraine, maybe Miguel Diaz-Canel and Nicolas Maduro can expect some too. It […]

  4. […] has already agreed to send 31 Abram tanks that we don’t have to spare to the corrupt and repressive government of Ukraine, even after acknowledging that a similar act would launch World War III. Not […]


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