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Aug 24 2021

Joe Biden Versus Salima Mazari

Biden has defended his incompetence/treason in Afghanistan, blaming the catastrophe he caused on the Afghan army’s unwillingness to fight.

From Reuters last week:

Breaking his silence on the U.S. pullout after scenes of bedlam dominated television news channels for days, Biden blamed the Taliban’s takeover in Afghanistan on Afghan political leaders who fled the country and the unwillingness of the U.S.-trained Afghan army to fight the militant group.

Meanwhile, via the Times of India,

Taliban fighters have taken Salima Mazari, one of the only three women governors of Afghanistan, into their custody, according to local reports. …

Mazari, who is known for raising her voice against the Taliban, had said earlier there will be no place for women if the insurgents take control of the country.

Salima Mazari was certainly willing to fight. If she is still alive, she is probably getting raped and/or tortured right now. The Taliban sets women on fire for bad cooking. Imagine what they do to women who defy them.

Before Taliban’s sweeping takeover of Afghanistan, Mazari had been recruiting locals to supplement the conventional security forces in the district to fight off the militants.

Meanwhile, Biden bravely risked another attack of brain freeze by eating ice cream.

It’s one thing to withdraw. It’s another thing to abruptly sneak off in the middle of the night, abandoning your allies who depend on you for their lives, not to mention thousands of Americans, while leaving $billions worth of weapons in the hands of maniacs more overtly evil even than Black Lives Matter.

One Salima Mazari is worth more than an entire swamp full of Joe Bidens. Her fate illustrates why no one will trust the USA so long as Biden is remembered.

On tips from Bluto, Anonymous, and Mr. Freemarket.


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