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Jul 19 2023

Math Succumbs to Moonbattery

With progressives at the helm, even math must be subordinated to moonbattery:

Cambridge Public Schools began phasing out advanced math courses in grades six through eight around 2017, when district officials noticed sharp racial disparities in the program.

Students who were being placed in the advanced math track were overwhelmingly white and Asian, while the lower-level courses were filled primarily with black and Latino students…

Cambridge, home of Harvard and MIT, has been synonymous with academic excellence. But to impose equity is to eradicate excellence.

The policy will have the opposite of the intended effect, as white and Asian parents send their kids to private schools or hire tutors, leaving politically preferred identity groups ever further behind. But the actual consequences of their policies never distract liberals from the sanctimonious virtue signaling that inspires them.

Meanwhile, on the Left Coast,

California will officially adopt a new “equity” and “social justice” based mathematics framework for its K-12 schools after a vote from the State Board of Education [last] Wednesday.

After multiple revisions and years of development, the board unanimously passed the 2023 Mathematics Framework for California Public Schools which seeks to renew the state’s “commitment to ensuring equity and excellence in math learning for all students.”

People who insist on using oxymoronic phrases like “equity and excellence” should avoid math, which requires logical thinking.

“Teaching toward social justice urges educators to empower learners with tools to examine inequities and address important issues in their lives and communities through mathematics,” the document explains.

Can we all at least agree that there is an objective reality over and above liberal talking points, and that math represents that reality? No, we cannot:

An effort to reframe mathematics in California schools was reported by Fox News in April 2021 and included an “Equitable Math” toolkit that sought to dismantle objectivity in the concept.

“The concept of mathematics being purely objective is unequivocally false, and teaching it is even much less so,” a document for the “Equitable Math” toolkit read. “Upholding the idea that there are always right and wrong answers perpetuate objectivity as well as fear of open conflict.”

As we learned when the weaker among us were bullied into calling Bruce Jenner “she,” the leftist objective is to establish that their dogma overrules and makes moot reality itself.

Because numbers add up to whatever a member of a favored identity group says they do, there is no need for math. This is why math education is being replaced with social justice indoctrination.

On tips from Mr. Freemarket and ABC of the ANC.


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