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Sep 13 2023

Using AI to Hunt Down Precriminals

In the dystopic science fiction movie Minority Report, police arrest criminals before they have committed crimes, and enemies of the State are hunted down by robots. The movie is coming true. We have robotic dogs with facial recognition capabilities, much like the spider robots that menace Tom Cruise. Voyager Labs employs AI to identify criminals prior to their crimes:

The New York City and Los Angeles police departments, two of the U.S.’s largest police agencies, are among a growing list of law enforcement agencies in the U.S. and around the world to contract with Voyager Labs.

In 2018, the New York Police Department agreed to a nearly $9 million deal with Voyager Labs, which claims it can use AI to predict crimes, according to documents obtained by the Surveillance Technology Oversight Project (STOP), The Guardian reported.

The company bills itself as a “world leader” in AI-based analytics investigations that can comb through mounds of information from all corners of the internet – including social media and the dark web – to provide insight, uncover potential risks and predict future crimes.

The Fourth Amendment protects us from unreasonable searches and seizures. Modern technology has found a workaround.

Liberty has an unlikely champion in Meta, which demands Voyager Labs stay off its sites and delete the data it has collected from them.

“With increasing frequency, offenders engaging in terrorism, gang violence, cyber-crimes, financial frauds, human trafficking and many other crimes utilize social media in furtherance of their unlawful activities,” the NYPD said. “Voyager assists the Department in preventing victimization and apprehending these offenders.”

Sounds reasonable — until you consider that moonbats have repurposed the word “terrorism” to include parents speaking up against leftist indoctrination at schoolboard meetings and that “unlawful activities” can include running against a Democrat president.

Considering the threat posed by AI, it has never been more important to guard our liberties jealously.

On a tip from Wiggins.

Sep 13 2023

Open Thread

The whole aim of practical politics is to keep the populace alarmed (and hence clamorous to be led to safety) by menacing it with an endless series of hobgoblins, all of them imaginary. - H. L. Mencken

On a tip from CovfefeMe.

Sep 12 2023

Creepy Joe and the Dog-Faced Pony Soldiers

During one of his rare appearances outside his basement during the 2020 campaign, Biden exhibited the temper issue sometimes associated with senility by bizarrely calling a young woman a “dog-faced pony soldier.” Having degenerated even more deeply into dementia, he now provides us with insight into the meaning of the insult:

As we saw with the young woman in New Hampshire, who provoked the insult by asking about Biden’s fourth place standing in the Iowa Caucuses, a “lying dog-faced pony soldier” is someone who doesn’t stick to the script. Questioners of the global warming hoax are also lying dog-faced pony soldiers, whispers Creepy Joe.

On tips from Wiggins and Jester.

Sep 12 2023

John Fetterman Reacts to Impeachment Inquiry

The mentally ill slob dressed to clean his garage in summer heat is a Democrat Senator. Watch him react to the possibility of the leader of his party finally getting impeached for flagrant criminal activity:

That’s how seriously powerful Democrats take the high offices in which they have been so foolishly entrusted.

MSNBC has floated Fetterman for POTUS. Why not? It is the only way Democrats can top Joe Biden as an insult to the country.

On a tip from Wiggins.

Sep 12 2023

Biden’s 9/11 Trifecta

Biden’s dishonoring of the September 11 dead on the 22nd anniversary yesterday did not stop at blowing off the traditional memorial service or even at choosing that date to announce handing $6 billion to Islamic terrorists. Being a compulsive liar, he also had to add this:

Biden said Monday that he was at the World Trade Center site in New York City one day after the 9/11 attacks — despite his own autobiography placing him in DC.

Croaked Creepy Joe:

“Ground Zero in New York — I remember standing there the next day and looking at the building. And I felt like I was looking through the gates of hell.”

When this advocate of abortion up to birth and the satanic transsexualization of children who blasphemously calls himself Catholic gets a view through the gates of hell, it will be from the other side.

Like Tommy Flanagan digging himself ever deeper into preposterous lies, Biden also claimed to see American Airlines Flight 77 strike the Pentagon:

“The plume of fire that shot up in the sky in Pentagon [sic] — I remember seeing as I got off the Amtrak train on my way to work in the United States Senate.”

Yeah, that’s the ticket.

In his 2007 autobiography, Biden reports seeing “a brown haze of smoke,” not a plume of fire. As for Ground Zero, he actually made it up there on September 20.

Even CNN is getting sick of his lies. Go away, Biden.

On tips from Varla and MrRightWingDave.

Sep 12 2023

Burbank Mayor Publicly Spanked by Drag Queen

Liberal rule means having your money spent and your life micromanaged by the caliber of people who become Democrat politicians — people like Konstantine Anthony, Mayor of Burbank, who was last seen undergoing a public spanking by a drag queen at an event hosted by the Santa Clarita Valley Democrats to which children had been invited.

Foxxy Roxy Wood was there to engage in perverted foreplay with the mayor and to “protect democracy,” per SCVD Chair Andrew Taban.

As noted at Daily Caller:

Wood’s advertisement of the event noted that children as young as 15 were permitted to attend the “annual Drag Queen Bingo fundraiser,” according to an Instagram post. …

The mayor did not respond to questions about whether or not it would have been appropriate for 15-year-olds to attend.

Although Anthony denies children were actually present, he has not hesitated to grind LGBTism into kids’ faces:

Anthony previously claimed that the book “Gender Queer: A Memoir,” which features images of adolescents performing oral sex on each other with and masturbating, was not “sexualized” during an appearance on the WiseNuts podcast in July, according to the California Globe.

Former First Daughter Chelsea Clinton has also advocated subjecting children to the pedophilic homosexual pornography Gender Queer.

Americans held off the British Empire, the imperial Japanese, the Nazis, and the Soviets — then fell to Democrats.

On tips from Franco, Wiggins, Chris Neilson, and Jack D.

Sep 12 2023

Profiles in Countermoonbattery: David Wells

Kneeling to Black Lives Matter as it looted businesses and tore down statues of the Founding Fathers marked the total capitulation of professional baseball to the radical left, rendering the sport unwatchable. Back in the day, you could like and admire baseball players — especially no-nonsense countermoonbats like David Wells of the New York Yankees:

Wells appeared at the 75th Old-Timers’ Day at Yankee Stadium on Saturday – which celebrated the 25th anniversary of the 1998 Bronx Bombers squad that won 125 games and captured the World Series.

Wells covered up the Nike logo with medical tape on his Yankees jersey for Old Timers’ Day because he disagrees with the sneaker company’s politics.

Wells declared, “I hate Nike! They’re woke!”

That they are. Their logo on a uniform is a desecration.

According to The Athletic, “He said that if he were playing today, he would have cut a hole into his jersey and worn it on the field like that rather than display Nike’s logo on his body.”

Unsurprisingly, Boomer does not drink Bud Light, the brand that chained itself to the nightmarishly repulsive personification of liberal manhood Dylan Mulvaney.

If anyone is more woke even than the leftist kooks running Nike, it could only be the quintessential moonbat Keith Olbermann. He and Wells don’t seem to hit it off:

Seeking a rebuttal, Olberman tagged Wells on the X social media platform along with a screenshot of the former star pitcher voicing his displeasure with Bud Light.

Olbermann tweeted, “Bulls**t. @BoomerWells33 would drink wood alcohol. Another f***ing fraud.”

Wells struck back at Olbermann with a home run response, “Keith shut the f*** up. Just because you never played the game and all you did was work for ESPN and talk s**t on all of us players because you have a degree in journalism makes you an expert on putting athletes down. And that’s if you even have a degree. Stick to your politics.”

It will be some time before Olbermann can sit comfortably after such a well-placed kick in the pants.

On tips from Varla and seaoh.

Sep 12 2023

Open Thread

'Emergencies' have always been the pretext on which the safeguards of individual liberty have been eroded. - Friedrich August von Hayek

On a tip from Occam’s Stubble.

Sep 11 2023

On September 11 of All Days

Of all the dates on the calendar, the Biden Regime chose September 11 to announce that it is giving $6 BILLION to Islamic terrorists to reward them for kidnapping Americans:

The Biden administration has cleared the way for the release of five American citizens detained in Iran by issuing a blanket waiver for international banks to transfer $6 billion in frozen Iranian money from South Korea to Qatar without fear of U.S. sanctions.

In addition to the payoff, there was a prisoner swap:

In addition, as part of the deal, the administration has agreed to release five Iranian citizens held in the United States.

Secretary of State Antony Blinken signed off on the sanctions waivers late last week, a month after U.S. and Iranian officials said an agreement in principle was in place.

But the Regime waited until September 11 to notify Congress. If Biden blowing off the traditional memorial services didn’t get the point across, this sure did.

The prisoners traded for the hostages are likely terrorists. The $6 billion will likely be spent financing their activities at the expense of American lives.

On a tip from Occam’s Stubble.

Sep 11 2023

Biden Blows Off Traditional 9/11 Services

Today is the day Americans fly their flags at half mast in memory of those who perished in a dishonorable terror attack on our country. It is the day we recall where we were and what we were doing when we found out what was happening on September 11, 2001. It is the day our leader has traditionally represented us in mourning at one of the three sites of attack. It is a day Joe Biden spends in the most distant part of North America, signaling how seriously he takes this date.

As AlaskaWatchman reported:

Biden will be in Alaska on Sept. 11, thereby becoming the first sitting president to skip out on one of the traditional 9/11 memorial services that are held each year in New York City, Virginia or Pennsylvania. …

The White House announcement offered no explanation as to why the president chose to forgo participating in the most prominent ceremonies that mark the worst terrorist attack on American soil and the loss of nearly 3,000 lives.

Earlier this month, however, more than 2,000 family members of those who died in the attacks signed a letter to the president, protesting news of a possible plea deal between the U.S. and five suspected 9/11 masterminds who are being detained at Guantanamo Bay. …

“We cannot have the greatest terrorist attack in the history of this country fade away with plea deals for the last remaining prisoners in Guantanamo,” Politico quoted Brett Eagleson, who leads the 9/11 Justice advocacy group.

They shouldn’t expect much support from the guy who advised against killing Osama bin Laden and who got Americans killed in the process of gifting Afghanistan to the Taliban, which had provided a base of operations for Al Qaeda. Biden is past pretending to be on America’s side.

No matter; we have the cackling cretin Kamala Harris to solemnly honor 9/11:

On tips from Chris Neilson, Wiggins, KirklesWorth, and Bluto.

Sep 11 2023

Insurrection at the Capitol

At times like this, the only sensible thing to do is panic. Insurrectionists have invaded the Capitol!!!

Fortunately there is no shortage of Third World-quality prisons in DC, so these Threats to Democracy can be thrown into solitary confinement and treated like terrorists at Gitmo.

Oh wait, they’re leftists. Their demand is that more of our money be spent on diseases primarily spread through homosexual degeneracy.

Let’s hope they were escorted out with extra gentleness, so they don’t sue taxpayers for $millions like Black Lives Matter rioters.

On a tip from Occam’s Stubble.

Sep 11 2023

New Mexico Gun Decree Won’t Fly

In a trial balloon for the Democratic Party, New Mexico Governor Michelle Lujan Grisham suspended the Second Amendment by executive order in the name of another supposed health emergency. If this flies, Biden will issue a similar decree. But it won’t fly:

On Sunday afternoon, dozens of gun rights activists gathered in Old Town Albuquerque to voice their displeasure with Gov Grisham’s 30-day suspension of open and concealed carry laws that went into effect in the city of Albuquerque and Bernalillo County. Many of the protesters openly displayed their firearms in a deliberate defiance of Grisham’s decree.

Protesters proudly displayed American, Gadsden, and “Come and Take It” flags. A man was holding a sign addressed to Grisham that read: “Our founding fathers warned us about you.” A woman was holding a sign that stated: “Gun rights are women’s rights.”

Local coverage from KRQE:

Ron DeSantis weighs in:

DeSantis slammed the so-called emergency public health order on Saturday morning, “Just a few months after ending the COVID ‘public health emergency,’ the Governor of New Mexico has declared a new ‘public health emergency’: Guns.”

“She is now asserting the power to infringe on Second Amendment rights by executive fiat. This assertion is not surprising — since 2020, ‘public health’ has become a pretext for depriving citizens of civil liberties and trampling on our Constitutional rights,” the Republican presidential candidate proclaimed.

DeSantis declared, “It ends when I am President. Your 2nd Amendment rights SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED.”

So does fellow patriot Mike Lee:

Lujan Grisham’s decree would be moronic as anything other than an attack on the Constitution. Four lawsuits have been filed against it.

Democrats may realize they overstepped. Leftists Ted Lieu and David Hogg — whose entire reason for public existence is his radical opposition to gun rights — have weighed in against the decree, apparently reading from the same memo passed down from above:

No doubt an executive order has been prepared and awaits Biden’s signature the moment his handlers think they can get away with something like the New Mexico decree without provoking a bloodbath. They know that once we have been disarmed, game over. We will be completely at their mercy — and leftists have no mercy, as they have demonstrated time and again where they have achieved total control.

Encouraging as the pushback has been, the response must be more forceful, or Democrats may conclude they did not overstep after all. Lujan Grisham has committed a federal crime punishable by up to 10 years in prison by attempting to deprive Americans of a constitutional right. She must be removed from office and imprisoned. Anything short of this will signal that we do not take our liberties seriously.

On tips from Wiggins, Varla, Chuck A, Dr. Kufi Tutite, and seaoh.

Sep 11 2023

Deep State Comes After Christopher Rufo

At least the CDC, FBI, and Marshals Service ostensibly serve constructive purposes, in addition to operating as enforcement arms of the Democratic Party. Not so with the Department of Education. Watch it come after Christopher Rufo:

Rufo revealed he faces a federal government probe over the way he’s helped take over the New College in Sarasota – with investigators taking a dim view of his refusal to use a former diversity boss’s so-called ‘neo-pronouns.’

Rufo was brought in by his fellow esteemed countermoonbat Ron DeSantis to clean up the moonbattery at this public university.

In the complaint, portions of which Rufo posted to X, he is alleged to have ‘mocked and misgendered New College’s Director of Office of Outreach and Inclusive Excellence (OOIE), Rosario-Hernandez, after ze was summarily fired.’ Rufo referred to the former staffer using female pronouns.

The federal government wants to punish Rufo for asserting biological reality rather than denying it in a show of obeisance to sexual depravity/leftist ideology.

Rufo also stated how the complainants alleged that defunding the Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) department and the Gender Studies Program constituted a violation of civil rights law.

Sure it did. “Civil rights” now means “whatever leftists want.”

Federal departments and agencies have come to represent the Democratic Party rather than the American people. The few that are useful need to be purged. The rest must be abolished — starting with the pernicious Department of Education.

On tips from Franco and Ed McAninch.

Sep 11 2023

Court Ruling: FBI and CDC Imposed Covid Narrative

No one can say that Barack Obama didn’t leave a legacy. His community organizer tactics produced the racial strife that led to hundreds of Black Lives Matter riots and continue to have us at each other’s throats. Still more destructively, he weaponized the federal government on behalf of Democratic Party, most famously by siccing the IRS on the Tea Party. Under his idiot sidekick Biden, institutions that now serve party rather than national interests include the FBI and CDC:

The Biden administration likely infringed upon the First Amendment when it leaned on social media companies to remove false or misleading COVID-19 content, a federal court of appeals ruled Friday — narrowing a bombshell district court order that barred several officials and agencies from communicating with the platforms.

Which Covid content was false or misleading is still a matter of dispute — except for the admitted lies told by Tony Fauci. However, the Deep State wouldn’t censor Fauci, because even if he presents himself as Science Incarnate, he is actually Big Government Incarnate. That’s why liberals burn votive candles in devotion to him.

The White House, surgeon general, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and the FBI “likely coerced or significantly encouraged social-media platforms to moderate content” and in doing so, “likely violated the First Amendment,” the New Orleans-based Fifth US Circuit Court of Appeals determined.

J. Edgar Hoover could never have imagined his agency would one day be used to censor medical information so that a virus could be exploited to inflict tyranny.

On a tip from Bluto.


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