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Jul 06 2023

What Democrats Have Been Doing to the Military

The communist Chinese won’t be sitting on their hands for long. Antony Blinken already gave them a green light to conquer our crucial ally Taiwan. It’s not as if this guy is going to stop them:

Major Rachel is not aberration, but the personification of a concentrated effort to farcify the US military into an institution befitting liberal rule.

Via Townhall:

The U.S. Army published a story about Major Rachel Jones who claims to be a transgender woman that has recently come out and is now “living authentically.”

“Authentic” is Liberalese for indisputably artificial, as when a man pretends to be a woman.

Jones is the U.S. Army Sustainment Command Cyber Division chief, G6 (Information Management), who “struggled with depression and suicidal ideation for most of her [sic] life. Today, she [sic] is living her truth [sic] and is no longer battling depression or suicidal thoughts.”

The fact that they are mentally ill by definition is among the excellent reasons the military used to ban transsexuals. Now, the Pentagon goes out of its way to recruit from the militarily unsuitable LGBT community.

The other major emphasis of our military is to avoid using fossil fuels, because according to Democrat doctrine, they are offensive to the climate. Consequently,

The Army’s 25th Infantry Division will run field tests of a multi-ton wheeled battery pack—one that can tote a machine gun—sometime after early 2025, as part of the service’s sweeping plans to reduce its reliance on fossil fuels.

Electric vehicles are not reliable enough for civilian use. Imagine being stuck with them in combat. But at least the imaginary climate gods will smile upon us.

We are not going to win any wars with Democrats in charge. Our enemies know this and are planning accordingly.

On tips from Anonymous, Barry A, and Franco.

Jul 06 2023

Open Thread

Now what has happened in our country during the time we have been plunging toward socialism? Are we actually at that point where the Constitution may be hanging by a single thread and we need to step in to save it? - Ernest L. Wilkinson

Jul 05 2023

Transsexual BLM Supporter Checks Wrong Boxes

The media loves to exploit mass shootings to attack our right to defend ourselves from the sort of maniacs who commit mass shootings. But the bloodshed in Philadelphia Monday night is unlikely to get the usual hype. The suspect checks the wrong boxes:

The rifle-wielding suspect who donned a bulletproof vest before allegedly shooting dead five men and injuring two children in Philadelphia has been identified as a Black Lives Matter supporter who shared gun-toting memes on social media.

Kimbrady Carriker, 40, was nabbed shortly after the bloodshed in the city’s Kingsessing neighborhood Monday night, the Philadelphia Inquirer

Carriker isn’t just black. He isn’t just a BLM supporter. He achieves full liberal sainthood by also being a transvestite:

On his Facebook page, Carriker posted two pictures of himself wearing a bra, a women’s top and earrings with his hair braided long in March, three months before the alleged shooting.

In light of its twisted ideology and the hundreds of riots it has inspired, supporting BLM is sociopathic. Believing yourself to be a member of the opposite sex is psychotic.

A 2-year-old boy was shot four times in the legs, while a 13-year-old boy also suffered gunshot wounds to his legs, according to cops.

Society should not encourage the mentally ill to wallow in their disease. The results aren’t always this bad but are never pretty.

On tips from R F, Ed McAninch, Wiggins, Jack D, and Mr. Freemarket.

Jul 05 2023

Ben & Jerry’s Attacks America on Independence Day

If most of us agree that Anheuser-Busch deserves to be boycotted into oblivion for constantly ramming LGBTism down our throats, how can any countermoonbat still buy Ben & Jerry’s ice cream, which has long branded itself on pushy leftism? While regular Americans celebrated their great country yesterday, Ben & Jerry’s vomited woke bile on it:

The New York Post reports:

Taking to social media, the ice cream company divided fans over its Independence Day post, tweeting, “The United States was founded on stolen indigenous land. This Fourth of July, let’s commit to returning it.”

Return it to who? Indians? Most of our ancestors came from Europe, theirs came from Asia. What’s the difference?

Are pious liberals going to lead the way by resettling in some other country? Unfortunately not.

This isn’t about progressives’ bizarre reverence for the Stone Age savagery that once prevailed in this part of the world. It is about hatred of America and its heritage. Confirmation:

In a similar message on its website, the company argued that July 4 festivities and celebrations can “distract from an essential truth about this nation’s birth.”

Ben & Jerry’s proposed to “start with Mount Rushmore,” writing, “What is the meaning of Independence Day for those whose land this country stole, those who were murdered and forced with brutal violence onto reservations, those who were pushed from their holy places and denied their freedom.”

“The faces on Mount Rushmore are the faces of men who actively worked to destroy Indigenous cultures and ways of life, to deny Indigenous people their basic rights,” the statement concluded.

George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, Theodore Roosevelt, and Abraham Lincoln are villains to be canceled according to the moonbats at Ben & Jerry’s.

Esteemed countermoonbat John Rich responds:

Heroes have sacrificed their lives for America. The rest of us should at least be willing to sacrifice a brand of ice cream.

On tips from Ed McAninch, Jack D, Wiggins, Marty, and ABC of the ANC.

Jul 05 2023

No Guns Needed in San Francisco

Maybe denying gun rights will work better in the USA than it has in France, where foreign savages roam the streets with belt-fed machine guns while the disarmed native population cowers in the closet. Maybe Democrats will manage to disarm not only the law-abiding, but criminals too. Then everything will be fine, like in the liberal mecca San Francisco:

Baseball bat-wielding gangs of children are mugging mothers and nannies on the school run in the latest crime wave to hit San Francisco.

Last week Noe Valley, also known as “stroller valley” because of the growing population of young families, endured 11 phone robberies that are believed to have been carried out by the same gang who are targeting women picking up children from school.

One woman was reportedly hit with a baseball bat, while another was punched in the face, before the offender ran to a getaway car and drove off.

No wonder the moonbats running New York City abandoned the stop and frisk policies that made the city safer under Rudy Giuliani. Why bother taking away their guns when the yutes would just as soon bash your head in with a club anyway?

Violent robberies are being carried out in broad daylight in wealthy enclaves such as Noe Valley, a tight-knit community, where free yoga classes are held every Sunday in the town square.

One victim of the string of recent attacks, who only wished to be identified as CW, said the police appeared to have “zero interest” in investigating her attack.

According to the ideology of the kooks running San Francisco, the police are the bad guys. They are racist. Crime is social justice. It would hardly be surprising to learn the police department is staffed with cynics who are only there to draw a paycheck. Most cops who think civilization is worth defending probably prefer to work where it isn’t a lost cause.

Assuming the well-to-do moms of Noe Valley are Democrats like virtually everyone who hasn’t fled Nancy Pelosi’s home district, they are getting what they voted for.

On a tip from Anonymous.

Jul 05 2023

Biden Wanders Lost on Stage Again

How much longer can they continue with this farce before someone calls Adult Protective Services?

“Dr” Jill ought to invest some of our money in a leash.

Already it is beyond obvious that Creepy Joe is past being presentable to the public. Imagine what he would be like by the end of his second term — not that he is likely to live that long.

On a tip from Anonymous.

Jul 05 2023

Hunter in the White House

Merriam-Webster defines kakistocracy as “government by the worst people.” Confirming that we live under one, it has come to light that the skeeviest scumbag imaginable is apparently living in the White House.

Even the regime stenographers at Newsweek admit it:

Biden’s son Hunter was spotted climbing into the presidential SUV on Friday to join his family at Camp David over the July 4 weekend, adding fire to the speculation on why he has so often been seen at the White House. …

His regular appearances with the president before and after the agreement [that allowed him to escape punishment for tax and gun crimes that would put you or me behind bars for many years] was made public have led some to believe he lives at the White House.

This has come up before:

In an op-ed for The New York Post in April, journalist Miranda Devine claimed that Hunter Biden was rumored to be living at the White House with his wife and their 3-year-old son to avoid being served with legal papers from an Arkansas mother of a child he fathered in 2018.

The presence of Creepy Joe’s bagman Hunter might explain the cocaine found in the White House.

When you see topless transsexuals jiggling freakishly out on the lawn

…you can only imagine what is going on inside.

If Democrats are ever scraped out of it, the White House will need to be fumigated before it is fit for habitation by regular Americans.

On tips from Varla, Bluto, DCGere, Blackjack, Steve T, ABC of the ANC, and KirklesWorth.

Jul 05 2023

Open Thread

The power of the culture industry's ideology is such that conformity has replaced consciousness - Theodor Adorno

On a tip from Jester.

Jul 04 2023

Awarded $1 Million for Burnt BLM Banner

For an idea of how far we have come from equality before the law, turn to the partisan propagandists of coercively financed NPR:

A judge on Friday awarded more than $1 million to a Black church in downtown Washington, D.C. that sued the far-right Proud Boys for tearing down and burning a Black Lives Matter banner during a 2020 protest.

That same year, Black Lives Matter rioters inflicted $billions in damages. The mountains of money that corporations and woke idiots shoveled at them might be used to make restitution — if BLM did not occupy a very different tier of our justice system than the Proud Boys.

Superior Court Associated Judge Neal A. Kravitz also barred the extremist group and its leaders from coming near the Metropolitan African Methodist Episcopal Church or making threats or defamatory remarks against the church or its pastor for five years.

A political group is not allowed to make “defamatory remarks” against a public figure because he preaches the ruling establishment’s ideology. How did they manage to repeal the First Amendment without anyone noticing?

On a tip from ABC of the ANC.

Jul 04 2023

How Denying Gun Rights Is Working Out in France

Moonbats have dominated France for about a century now, so they have had plenty of time to implement liberal policies that our Democrats have yet to achieve, such as denying law-abiding citizens the fundamental right to bear arms. Let’s see how it’s working out for them, now that other liberal policies have predictably produced a massive underclass that is at war with the core population:

Nope, moonbattery is not working over there. Let’s not go down that road. At least France won’t die for nothing, so long as others learn from its horrifying example.

On tips from seaoh and Occam’s Stubble.

Jul 04 2023

Happy Fourth of July to Countermoonbats…

…and to moonbats, a miserable Fourth of July. Not out of spite, but because they want it that way — especially those moonbats who are pampered, privileged, and empowered due to their pigmentation. Mark Dice documents some of their disrespect and ingratitude, as well as the anti-American moonbattery of our woke intelligentsia:

The allegedly oppressed would be welcome to wallow in their self-induced misery, if only they didn’t use the Democratic Party to weaponize it against the rest of us. But they can’t stop us from flying Old Glory high and enjoying Independence Day.

On tips from Lyle and KirklesWorth.

Jul 04 2023

French Coach Arrested by Objecting to Displacement

Don’t expect the left-wing weenies running France to keep intifadas under control. They are too busy cracking down on thought criminals who don’t cheerfully embrace the displacement of French people by Muslim colonists:

Paris Saint-Germain coach Christophe Galtier has been summoned to stand trial in December as part of an investigation into racism allegations at his former club Nice, a prosecutor said Friday.

Galtier and his son, John Valovic-Galtier, were placed in custody for questioning on Friday morning. …

If found guilty, Galtier risks a maximum sentence of three years in jail and a fine of 45,000 euros ($49,000).

His crime:

RMC Sport and other French media published reports quoting a leaked email from former Nice director of football Julien Fournier to the club’s owners, in which he accused Galtier of saying there were too many Black and Muslim players in the squad.

The Muslims burning down major libraries are only a symptom. The disease killing France and the rest of Western Civilization is moonbattery.

On a tip from seaoh.

Jul 04 2023

Open Thread

Keeping free on July 4

Compliments of

Jul 03 2023

France Won’t Be the Last Nation to Die

The death of France continues not to be pretty:

Emmanuel Macron, avatar of the progressives who created this situation by refusing to defend the country from foreign invasion, blames the violence on social media and video games, as if Muslims had not been waiting many centuries for the opportunity to resume the conquest Charles Martel interrupted in 732.

The globalist liberal ruling class has consigned England to the same fate:

Where will Europeans escape to? The same cabal of malevolent leftists runs the USA, as our open southern border attests. Our government is at war with us:

We are not meant to escape; we are meant to be erased.

On tips from seaoh, Gringoman, and StephaneDumas.


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