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Jul 03 2023

New York Cop Emily Hirshowitz Arrested for Hoaxing

Members of preferred identity groups allegedly face hostile work environments. For example, male police officers may show resentment that less qualified people are hired to reward them for being female. That might have seemed to be the dynamic regarding the ostracization of Emily Hirshowitz. But the hoax fell through:

A New York police officer who complained for months about receiving menacing text messages from her colleagues was arrested after investigators alleged she’d been the one sending them all along.

Emily Hirshowitz, 36, of the Ossining Police Department, was charged at the Westchester District Attorney’s Office on Wednesday with four counts of third-degree falsely reporting an incident, along with three counts of first-degree filing a false instrument.

She reported threatening text messages from several numbers, and claimed that “a fellow police officer or multiple police officers at my department are involved.”

When the hoax got out of hand, Hirshowitz tried to drop the complaint. Too late; the investigation continued:

Prosecutors said the evidence quickly indicated she was in charge of several of the phone numbers that the menacing messages had come from, and that she’d likely sent them to herself.

A former cop forced to resign over separate disciplinary charges appears to have been her accomplice. Most likely, the objective was to portray her as put upon by sexists and collect some jackpot justice. If being a black woman who was fired for being late 47 times is worth $11.25 million in nearby New York City, even a white woman ought to be able to collect seven figures for having been called “useless” by male chauvinists.

Looks like she won’t be cashing in, but at least she helped raise awareness. Maybe the Ossining PD will mandate sensitivity training, as often happens in colleges even after hate hoaxes have been exposed.

On a tip from Lyle.

Jul 03 2023

Biden Regime Wastes Our Money Pushing LGBTism Abroad

If it enrages you that the federal government confiscates your earnings and devalues your savings through inflation, then spends the money promoting LGBT perversion via public schools and on the White House lawn, do not read the following. You might blow a gasket if you learn how much is spent pushing depravity overseas:

The Biden administration has given nearly $4.6 million to help foreign groups promote LGBT projects like drag shows and pride parades.

For example,

The United States has helped organize pride parades in at least seven different countries, paid for drag queen shows in Ecuador, funded a Polish advocacy group that encourages puberty blockers for children with gender confusion, and sent cash to a Mexican group that markets cross-sex hormones to gender-confused individuals.

Fifty-five nations have been paid by US taxpayers and currency holders to advance the twisted LGBT agenda.

The global funding spree is part of the Biden administration’s larger effort to promote a woke cultural agenda throughout the United States and abroad, even in countries with more traditional social values. In addition to funding LGBT activism across the world, the administration has allocated millions to fight climate change in various countries and teach gender studies in war-torn nations like Iraq. In 2023 alone, American taxpayers have helped foot the bill for Pride Month festivities in Australia, Estonia, Slovenia, and Bosnia.

If we don’t like this sick filth rammed down our throats, imagine how they feel about it in countries where liberalism has not yet corroded traditional values. But at least people in Botswana don’t have to pick up the tab like we do.

“There was a time when America’s most recognizable exports were baseball and apple pie. But now, under the Biden administration, we’re subjecting the rest of the world to drag queens and childhood sex changes,” said Terry Schilling, president of the American Principles Project.

The phrase “ugly American” has unprecedented validity.

This gives an idea of the arrogance with which Democrats waste our money encouraging unhealthy deviant behavior:

In 2022, $32,000 in taxpayer cash was awarded to a group in Peru so it could create an LGBT comic book.

Welcome to the New Imperialism. Old colonialists like the British Empire spread railroads, rule of law, and other blessings of civilization. Today’s moonbat colonialists spread the decay of which they are both cause and symptom.

On a tip from Barry A.

Jul 03 2023

Wages of Decadence Paid in Canada

Romans 6:23 tells us that the wages of sin is death. This applies to moonbat-approved decadence in general. Where better to confirm it than at Vice News?

The man who opened the first store in Canada openly selling tested heroin, cocaine, meth, and MDMA has died of an overdose.

Jerry Martin died in Vancouver on Friday, a few days after he was hospitalized due to a suspected fentanyl overdose, according to his partner Krista Thomas. He was 51 years old.

Vice News presents his drug-dealing as a noble crusade inspired by his stepbrother dying of an overdose — just as Martin went on to do. It was a mission of mercy worthy of Mother Teresa:

“Jerry believed that people were self-medicating their trauma and so long as they were doing that, they needed a safe supply to do it,” Thomas said.

This he proved by self-medicating his problems away for good.

In May, Martin opened The Drugs Store—the first brick-and-mortar shop in Canada and the U.S. openly selling drugs that had been tested to ensure they did not contain fentanyl of other harmful adulterants.

No harmful adulterants in the poison. That’s reassuring.

Sensibly, Martin was promptly arrested.

British Columbia is in the midst of a three-year pilot project decriminalizing small amounts of drugs, but selling remains illegal. The province also has safe supply projects where drug users are given pharmaceutical alternatives to street drugs, including prescription heroin. But harm reduction activists and addictions experts have told VICE News these programs are still not widely accessible.

At the time of Martin’s arrest, Vancouver police said they supported harm reduction services but “drug trafficking will continue to be the subject of enforcement.”

Martin was only slightly ahead of his time. Anyone reckless enough to visit Vancouver a few years from now will see stores like his up and down the street. There will be no problems with police — so long as no one criticizes drag queen story hour.

On a tip from Rob A.

Jul 03 2023

Open Thread

All immigrants bring exotic customs and attitudes, but Muslim customs are more troublesome than most. - Daniel Pipes

Jul 02 2023

Profiles in Liberal Governance: Kendra Lara

Only by rejecting all standards other than identity group box-checking and adherence to leftist ideology have we been able to achieve so many historic milestones — like the election of the Historic First Black Socialist Woman to Boston City Council, Kendra Lara.

Compounding the historicness, Lara is also the First Black Socialist Female Boston City Councilmember to crash her unregistered and uninsured car while driving after her license had been revoked.

Gasps of horror at our decay can be heard from overseas. The Daily Mail reports:

Lara, 33, totaled the gray 2019 Honda Civic when it crashed through a metal fence, ran over bushes, and slammed into the left side of a home in the Jamaica Plains district.

Her seven-year-old son Zaire was in the car, but was not in a booster seat.

He was taken to Boston Children’s Hospital where he received ‘several stitches’ and is expected to make a full recovery.

Lara can do better than Boston City Council. Her qualifications for office are the same as Ketanji Brown Jackson’s to serve on the Supreme Court and Kamala Harris’s to be VP.

On a tip from Ed McAninch.

Jul 02 2023

Julyteenth Celebrations Underway in Baltimore

Historic first female four-star admiral Richard “Rachel” Levine has proclaimed the extension of Pride Month into Pride Summer. Looks like Juneteenth has been extended as well. Julyteenth celebrations are underway in diverse Baltimore:

At least two people were killed and more than two dozen others were injured in a mass shooting that took place during a block party early Sunday morning in Baltimore.

Baltimore Police Department Acting Commissioner Richard Worley said an 18-year-old woman was found dead at the scene. A 20-year-old man also died, and three others are in critical condition, WBAL TV reported. …

During a press conference, Worley confirmed there were a total of 30 victims in the shooting, which broke out just after 12:30 a.m. in the Brooklyn Homes area of South Baltimore.

The tradition continues (see here, here, here, etc.). Because the moonbats overseeing all this are all about tradition. It’s just our traditions that they don’t like.

On tips from Wiggins and Varla.

Jul 02 2023

Multiculturalism Enrichment From Decaying NYC

Even stories about the collapse of New York City into violent chaos under moonbat rule can have a delightfully upbeat ending:

A dispute between the two men boiled over at 12:30 p.m. in the three-bedroom apartment on Rev. James A. Polite Ave. near E. 163rd St. in Longwood [the Bronx], according to police.

The dispute was reportedly over drugs.

The 28-year-old suspect fatally shot a 32-year-old apartment resident in the head and grazed another man, 56, in the cheek on the fifth floor of the apartment building.

The gunman fled the scene, taking the stairs faster than his feet could keep up with him, sources said. When the suspect got to the third floor, his drooping trousers tripped him up and, according to a detective on the case, he fell with his finger still on the trigger — discharging the weapon a final time and blasting himself with a fatal bullet to the neck.

Multiculturalism can enrich us after all. What could be more enriching than laughter?

On tips from Mr. Freemarket and R F.

Jul 02 2023

Biden Regime Plots to Blot Out Sun

The difference between a Bond villain and the cabal comprising Biden’s handlers is that Ernst Stavro Blofeld did not think truly big. He did not have a seemingly infinite supply of other people’s money, accessible by inflating the currency. That’s what allows Barack Obama, George Soros, and whoever else is calling the shots while Joe Biden drools on himself to aim for the stars — our own star:

The White House has opened the door to an audacious plan to block sunlight from hitting the surface of the Earth in a bid to halt global warming.

In contrast to the global warming hoax, the damage inflicted in its name by ideologically deranged maniacs is potentially quite real.

Despite some scientists warning the effort could have untold side effects from altering the chemical makeup of the atmosphere, President Joe Biden’s administration have admitted they’re open to the idea…

You weren’t counting on these people to act responsibly, were you?

In a report released Friday by the White House, officials suggested limiting sunlight to rapidly cool the planet, a process known as solar radiation modification (SRM). …

The report noted several ways authorities could look to achieve SRM, all of which come with potentially devastating consequences if they backfire.

One method would be to significantly increase the amount of aerosols in the stratosphere, which would reflect the sun’s rays from the planet.

Nothing could be more emblematic of liberal rule than blotting out the sun’s life-giving rays and plunging humanity into darkness in the name of a lie.

On tips from Wiggins and Ed McAninch.

Jul 02 2023

Newspeak Dictionary Updates from UNC

Words that are acceptable one day are strictly forbidden the next, so to avoid cancelation as a thought criminal, you must diligently keep abreast of updates to the Newspeak Dictionary. The leftist martinets running the University of North Carolina have more:

Carolina is committed to creating an inclusive and equitable learning environment for every Tar Heel. To fully represent the diversity of our students, faculty, staff and everyone in our community, it is important to use language that supports these values. This inclusive language guide can act as a starting point for communicating in a way that supports a diverse and welcoming community.

Not even UNC is diverse enough to welcome those who do not conform to rigid speech restrictions in obeisance to official ideology.

Newly banned words include “man,” “mankind,” “he,” and “man-made.” This reflects not only the liberal hatred of all things masculine but also the greater war on biological reality, so terms that acknowledge the existence of women are also forbidden (“she,” “stewardess”). “Mother” and “father” are to be replaced by “guardian.”

Calling bums “homeless” is no longer sufficiently politically correct. Now they must be referred to as “people experiencing homelessness” or “people who are homeless.” This is based on the principle that the more syllables you waste, the more reverence you are expressing, which is why we must say “African American” rather than the more accurate term “Negro.” Be advised that we are no longer allowed to use “nonparallel designations.” “African Americans and Whites,” must be replaced by “African Americans and European Americans.”

“Transgender” is no longer an acceptable term for “cross-dressing weirdo.” Replacement options are “gender-nonconforming,” “gender queer,” “nonbinary,” “gender-expansive,” “agender,” and “Two-Spirit.”

You must always use preferred pronouns. However, you must not refer to them as “preferred pronouns,” because that “implies a choice about gender.” Men who chose to pretend to be women were born that way, according to progressive doctrine.

Keep in mind that even an accidental violation of woke language restrictions may be viewed as defiance. Those who defy liberal dictates are racists, homophobes, transphobes, and Threats to Our Democracy. In Michigan, using words that members of the LGBT community regard as defiant will soon be punishable by actual imprisonment.

On tips from The Great Cornholio and Franco. Hat tips: Global Research, Summit News.

Jul 02 2023

Open Thread

The state of Europe is so bad that I cannot see any future in Europe other than its Islamization or a civil war - Dennis Prager

Jul 01 2023

George Floyd Comes to France

A violent career criminal dies of a fentanyl overdose while being restrained by a police officer barely half his size (5’9″ 63 kg vs. 6’6″ 110 kg). This was good for an entire summer of liberal establishment-endorsed rioting and looting and even a federal holiday. Imagine what shooting a teenager is worth in a world succumbing to moonbattery. France is finding out:

Britain’s Foreign Office issued an alert to tourists thinking of travelling to France, as the violence continued to deepen following the fatal shooting of 17-year-old Nahel Merzouk who was ‘executed’ by French police during a traffic stop on Tuesday.

Actual details of the young criminal’s demise are irrelevant; as with George Floyd’s skin color, his Muslim name is all the mob needs to know.

Rioters were again seen rampaging through the streets of Marseille, Lille and Paris, amid claims looters broke into a gun shop and stole hunting rifles while others ransacked a police station. Cars, buses and government buildings have been set alight and fireworks have been launched at police.

There were more than 3,800 fires on public roads last night, while more than 500 buildings were set alight. …

Two of the country’s biggest police unions have threatened a revolt unless [woke weenie Emmanuel] Macron restores order.

This latest battle in the centuries-long Islamic effort to erase French civilization claimed the largest library in Marseille:

Remember what the Taliban did to the ancient Buddhist statues in Afghanistan? That is what will happen to the Louvre and the Eiffel Tower in the foreseeable future unless current trends are dramatically reversed.

As usual, Big Tech has its thumb on the scale. This tweet showed a Muslim baying for blood until Twitter regrettably censored it (you can view the video here):


“Allah Akbar, we are Muslims, if the police kill us we have the right to kill it is written in the Koran! We’re going to do you worse than 2005 we’re not going to stop.”

The reference is to 3 weeks of Muslim rioting that took place in 2005. Two teenagers managing to electrocute themselves while running from police in an electricity substation served as the pretext:

More than 10,000 vehicles were burnt, and 233 public buildings and 74 private ones were damaged in 300 different districts.

Since then, the Muslim colonization of France has expanded significantly.

You imported this, France. Now you get to live with it. Or rather, you get to die from it.

Only a far right solution could save France now. A country that would elect Macron is unlikely to have the belly for it. Remember Charles Martel or forget about the future.

On tips from KirklesWorth, Wiggins, Gringoman, Ed McAninch, Dr. Kufi Tutite, and Occam’s Stubble. Hat tip: Allah’s Willing Executioners.

Jul 01 2023

Climate Cops Denounce Ice in Cocktails

No modern convenience will escape the climate police. Now the woke kooks who made Scientific American into a laughing stock demand we stop putting ice in cocktails — because the climate.

On the level:

For years the hospitality industry has seen diners clamoring for foods that prioritize climate-friendly practices, such as local and seasonal ingredients that are grown or raised with carbon footprints in mind. Yet cocktail culture hasn’t been hit with the same scrutiny. As the American West experiences water scarcity and energy prices remain volatile, the protocol for properly made cocktails doesn’t look sustainable. Is it possible to make satisfying cocktails without so much ice?

The author calls for an “energy-efficient, climate-conscious cocktail movement” that entails room-temperature drinks.

We won’t have ice anyway if Democrats have their way, because they have already declared that refrigeration is offensive to their climate gods, along with air conditioning, washers and dryers, dishwashers, gas stoves, et cetera.

You don’t have anything that liberals won’t take away from you once they have enough power. In the meantime, we get to listen to them preach their backward weather-based religion.

On a tip from Stormfax.

Jul 01 2023

US Government Explains Its Ideology to Alien

We are told that aliens are real. That means we can look forward to our rulers explaining the ideology they impose on us to beings from other planets. It might go something like this:

On a tip from Lyle.

Jul 01 2023

Open Thread

There is no reason to believe that bureaucrats and politicians, no matter how well meaning, are better at solving problems than the people on the spot, who have the strongest incentive to get the solution right. - Elinor Ostrom


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