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Jul 09 2023

Open Thread

If they weren't so dangerous and destructive, one could smile and pat the Modern Liberal on the head and tell him how cute he is and go on about the business of being an adult. But he is dangerous and destructive, with the True Believer's very purpose being the total destruction of everything that God and science-most obviously Western Civilization-has ever created. ...The Modern Liberal will invariably and, in fact, inevitably side with evil over good, wrong over right and the behaviors that lead to failure over those that lead to success. - Evan Sayet

Jul 08 2023

Moonbattery as a Disability

Instead of pretending that every identity group that votes for leftists is somehow oppressed so that each can be granted special privileges at everyone else’s expense, why not cut to the chase and declare moonbattery itself to be a disability? Europe shows the way:

A high-flying banker’s obsession with avoiding germs and eating organic food amounts to a disability, an employment judge has ruled.

The London executive, who worked at Swiss bank UBS, was ruled to be disabled after claiming she was discriminated against at work.

In outlining her case, the finance exec, who was described as having a ‘successful career,’ claimed anxiety and a panic disorder saw her become fixated on her health.

This saw her obsess over the negative effects of germs, chemicals, non-organic foods and take ‘extreme steps’ to avoid them. …

A judge at the London Central Employment Tribunal said this fixation should be considered a disability under the UK’s Equality Act 2020.

She’s wacky, all right — even if not any wackier than the judge.

The City banker’s fixation with health saw her drive for two hours to buy groceries from a specialist organic farm shop, Daylesford Organic Farm, in the Cotswold’s on the weekends. …

Anxieties around contaminated air saw the executive buy a £1,000 air purifier, which she dragged ‘up and down the stairs’ each day.

In short, the banking exec has been granted precious victim status for being a neurotic kook.

On this side of the Atlantic, we call neurotic kooks “Democrats.” Why not declare all of them disabled and then abolish all other identity group privileges?

This would prevent conflicts in the Oppression Olympics, whereby groups that should be allied against regular Americans in accordance with the principles of cultural Marxism instead fight each other over who is more pathetic and therefore more deserving of favoritism.

Better still, it would prevent the bestowal of privilege upon the undeserving. If we are to judge by skin tone, Clarence Thomas is blacker than Barack Obama, but who would want the former to lay claim to the same special treatment when he openly flouts the ideology that has been assigned to his race?

By establishing moonbattery as the one and only disability, we can ensure that only the deserving receive privilege. This general principle has already been applied to our legal system, creating the two-tiered justice system that allows the Biden crime family to rake in $millions through influence peddling without consequence, whereas Donald Trump is repeatedly indicted for nothing much in particular.

There is of course a downside. If moonbattery is the only measure of who is oppressed and therefore deserving of privilege, entire academic fields will wither away. What’s the point of incurring a lifetime of debt to earn a PhD in Intersectional Victimhood Studies when the very concept of political intersectionality has been abolished?

On a tip from Ed McAninch.

Jul 08 2023

Newspeak Dictionary Update: Bonus Hole

The ruling class has been waging war on biology in the name of gender psychosis. This requires new terminology regarding physical anatomy. To demonstrate adulation of transsexuals, vaginas will henceforth be referred to as “bonus holes,” in accordance with a politically compliant glossary for healthcare professionals:

Female rights campaigners today rounded on the alternative glossary, branding it both “misogynistic” and “utterly dehumanizing”.

It is featured on charitable organisation Jo’s Cervical Cancer Trust on a page for health professionals who are treating patients who have the disease.

Fortunately for women who feel degraded by the phrase “bonus hole,” our rulers can be flexible. They offer an alternate term:

The page also features a suggestion that the vagina might also be referred to as a “front hole”.

As Conservatives for Women founder Caroline Ffiske explains, the point is not merely to degrade real women, but to encourage people to hate their own bodies:

“To my mind it is grooming: create the unease, the disassociation, the alienation, and then when you have done that, you step in with euphoric rhetoric about ‘trans joy’.

“Fill the void you have created. Of course those doing this will not be around to pick up the pieces when young bodies are irreversibly damaged and young lives destroyed.”

Don’t you dare not use the new terminology:

The glossary says it was created with the help of the LGBT Foundation.

Its adds that using the wrong terms if a person does not use them can lead to them feeling hurt or distressed.

Providing LGBT crybullies with a pretext to feel hurt or distressed is thoughtcrime of the first order. Soon it will literally be a felony in Michigan. So update your Newspeak Dictionary at once.

On a tip from Heckrules.

Jul 08 2023

Open Thread

If the rabble were lopped off at one end and the aristocrat at the other, all would be well with the country. - Andrew Johnson

Jul 07 2023

Major Rachel Explained

In case you were wondering how squishy-soft mentally ill perverts make it into the US military,

It could not be more obvious that diversity is our weakness.

David Strom writes:

One of the lies we are being told, relentlessly, is that when the military makes efforts to expand the types of people admitted into the services the standards applied will remain the same. This has been clearly false forever. This has been particularly true when it comes to sex differences. As we know, different standards of physical fitness are applied to men and women, in opposition to what we were told when recruitment opened up, and now we see that the standards have been changed even more drastically for transgender people.

On its face, the argument that being transgender would present no barrier to military service is absurd, simply because transgender soldiers require constant medical care in order to maintain their gender treatments. Regardless of any other potential issues, this alone should make policymakers leery of including transgender-identifying people in the rolls of active duty personnel.

The military, though, is a social scientist’s playground. Under total control of the government, it is easy to use as a laboratory for ideological experiments.

Using the military as a social engineering lab precludes using it as an effective fighting force. But as noted here earlier today,

To the extent the Democratic Party controls them, all government institutions exist so as to consolidate its power and promote its ideology. They have no other purpose.

The purpose of the US Military is not to win wars, but to promote sexual perversion and gender psychosis, consistent with the ideology of the Democratic Party.

That is the most charitable interpretation of our rulers’ motives. Also consistent with Democrat ideology is that America is inherently bad. After all, “white supremacy is ingrained in the DNA” of this country. It stands to reason that America must be destroyed. Militarily incapacitating the global hegemon as China prepares to replace it will achieve this objective.

If the Chinese Communist Party had direct control of the Pentagon, what would it do differently?

On tips from Anonymous and Brian Brandt.

Jul 07 2023

CDC Promotes Male Breastfeeding

To the extent the Democratic Party controls them, all government institutions exist so as to consolidate its power and promote its ideology. They have no other purpose. For example, the purpose of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention is not to prevent or control diseases, but to exploit them to increase government power, as in the case of Covid, or to exacerbate them so as to promote liberal social engineering objectives, as is the case here:

Several information pages on the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) website appear to endorse ‘chestfeeding’ — a term used to describe feeding an infant milk directly from the breast by trans and non-binary parents.

The reference is to the psychotic concept of breastfeeding men. If it is too disgusting to be out of a horror movie, it must be from the federal government.

Men cannot breastfeed babies, even if the sick kooks in charge proclaim them to be women. However,

Biological men who transition to women can produce breastmilk by taking several hormone drugs that mimic the changes a woman’s body undergoes during the late stages of pregnancy and shortly after the birth of a child.

Among these drugs is domperidone, which can pass into breast milk and which the FDA advises breastfeeding women not to use to increase milk production because of what it calls “serious adverse effects.” But apparently the CDC doesn’t mind if men use it for the same purpose.

As with the experimental vaccine our government imposed, the long-term health consequences of feeding babies male pseudomilk are unknown.

Dr Jane Orient is executive director of the refreshingly nonliberal Association of American Physicians and Surgeons. As she notes,

“The CDC has a responsibility to talk about the health risks, but they have been derelict in doing that.”

The CDC is not concerned with health risks. It has an agenda to promote.

Trans women [i.e., men] can make themselves lactate by taking a combination of medicines called the Newman-Goldfarb protocol. …

The method uses a combination of the contraceptive pill to boost the hormone estrogen, physical stimulation through a breast pump and domperidone medication to mimic the hormonal changes of pregnancy and birth. …

Domperidone, an anti-nausea drug, is the preferred option for the protocol as it has a lower rate of potentially dangerous side effects, like heart palpations, muscle contractions and depression, than alternatives.

It is fitting that the proper purpose of domperidone is to suppress nausea. Nausea is the natural, healthy reaction to all things LGBT. Social engineers have worked overtime to artificially suppress this nausea.

Healthcare is too important to allow the Democrat apparatchiks administering the CDC to have anything to do with it.

On tips from Franco and MrRightWingDave.

Jul 07 2023

Kamala Harris Speechwriter Revealed

A scandal has emerged that dwarfs the cocaine in the White House and even the topless transsexuals exposing themselves outside on the lawn. Unlike Kamala Harris, the person responsible for writing her speeches did not graduate from Howard University — or even grade school. What’s worse, he is a white male:

Allowing a white male to write her speeches defeats the whole purpose of Kamala Harris. She must resign at once.

On a tip from Varla.

Jul 07 2023

Emptiest Human Alive Defines “Culture”

Affirmative Action is worse than just moronic and unfair. Its consequences can be catastrophic. Openly because she is a Woman of Color, the conspicuously unqualified Kamala Harris was made Vice President of the United States. Joe Biden is barely alive and this is what stands ready to replace him at any moment:

Harris has publicly philosophized about moments in time before. From her speech at a pro-abortion rally:

“So, I think it’s very important, as you have heard from so many incredible leaders, for us at every moment in time — and certainly this one — to see the moment in time in which we exist and are present, and to be able to contextualize it, to understand where we exist in the history and in the moment as it relates not only to the past but the future,” she told a crowd at Howard University, her alma mater.

No doubt having attended an HBCU has been critical for her political career. For all anyone cares, she majored in basket-weaving.

Radio host Chris Stigall aptly responded to her latest word salad by describing Harris as “the emptiest human being alive.”

Some may argue that no one could possibly be worse than the creepy, corrupt, senile laughing stock Joe Biden, who has served as a sock puppet for the ultraleft. But progressives always manage to progress to something even worse.

On a tip from Jack D.

Jul 07 2023

Imagine a Reparations Committee in Charge

To get an idea of what life in America will be like when Democrats’ stated demographic objective is achieved and whites are a minority, consider San Francisco’s African American Reparations Advisory Committee:

“Straight white men are abusive. Straight white men are serial killers,” [committee member Nikcole] Cunningham told [The Daily Telegraph]. “They have the most — I watch these shows — the most serial killers. Straight white men are the ones who are shooting up schools, right?”

Therefore, she concludes, “they are a danger to society.”

Not just white guys who aren’t perverts but America itself is a menace, because “white supremacy is ingrained in the DNA” of the USA. So why not loot it into oblivion under the banner of “reparations”?

The committee — which was established in 2020 to advise officials on how to address discrimination — seeks to grant each eligible black resident $5 million in reparations for slavery.

Cunningham demands that whites be punished for slavery, which was practiced by all races, was officially abolished in the USA 158 years ago, and was never legal in California.

The California Reparations Task Force has more recommendations, including the elimination of child support debt for privileged blacks. You had to know Biden’s ongoing campaign to make other people pay for student loans would not be the last word in debt cancelation.

More recommendations:

California’s reparations task force wants state lawmakers to ban the arrest and prosecution of people who violate laws against public urination and other “public disorder offenses,” the task force said in its final report released last week.

Other public disorder offenses to be greenlit include “camping” (i.e., living on the sidewalk), public intoxication, disorderly conduct, and trespassing. Theft doesn’t need to be officially approved because California has effectively already done that.

Imagine a reparations task force as ruling junta dictating every aspect of American life. That’s our near future, unless the trajectory changes.

On tips from Jack D, Wiggins, Anonymous, and Franco.

Jul 07 2023

Open Thread

Of all tyrannies, a tyranny sincerely exercised for the good of its victims may be the most oppressive. It would be better to live under robber barons than under omnipotent moral busybodies. The robber baron's cruelty may sometimes sleep, his cupidity may at some point be satiated; but those who torment us for our own good will torment us without end for they do so with the approval of their own conscience. - C. S. Lewis

On a tip from 100Bravo.

Jul 06 2023

From Central Park 5 to New York City Council

Being a left-wing black woman is all the qualification needed to become a Supreme Court Justice or Vice President of the United States. But left-wing blacks who are not women need to bring something else to the table to be granted control of levers of power — like having been convicted of raping a white woman and beating her into a coma.

Yusef Salaam has won a Democrat primary in single-party New York for a seat on the City Council, meaning he has won.

This is rich:

“When I think about the things that we need the most, of course on the top of everyone’s list are affordable housing, education and safe streets,” Salaam told the AP.

Safe streets would be nice. Safe parks too.

Because his conviction was eventually overturned after Matias Reyes confessed to raping and nearly killing investment banker Trisha Meili in Central Park, the media deifies Salaam as an example of a black oppressed by racism. He and the rest of his wolf pack were rewarded for their oppression with $41 million of taxpayer money. However, it is unlikely that they did not participate in the horrific crime. As former sex crimes prosecutor Linda Fairstein notes,

Salaam took the stand at his trial… and testified that he had gone into the park carrying a 14-inch metal pipe—the same type of weapon that was used to bludgeon both a male schoolteacher and Ms. Meili. Mr. Reyes’s confession changed none of this. He admitted being the man whose DNA had been left in the jogger’s body and on her clothing, but the two juries that heard those facts knew the main assailant in the rape had not been caught. The five were charged as accomplices, as persons “acting in concert” with each other and with the then-unknown man who raped the jogger, not as those who actually performed the act. In their original confessions—later recanted—they admitted to grabbing her breasts and legs, and two of them admitted to climbing on top of her and simulating intercourse. Semen was found on the inside of their clothing, corroborating those confessions.

Salaam has received a Lifetime Achievement Award from Barack Obama. With such a sterling résumé, he likely has ambitions beyond the New York City Council.

On a tip from seaoh.

Jul 06 2023

News Directors Fired for Wanting News Instead of LGBTism

What would happen if nonmoonbats found their way into the journalism profession? They might obstruct the agenda by wanting to cover actual news at the expense of promoting sexual perversion and gender psychosis. They would of course be fired:

Stanton Tang, director of WOOD TV, a channel based in Grand Rapids, Michigan, asked Assistant Director Amy Fox to write an internal memo telling employees that the station was covering too many “pride”-related events and asking reporters to balance their content.

They compounded this thought crime by acknowledging that many of their viewers are conservative and might want a break from pro-LGBT propaganda projectile vomited into their faces 24/7.

“We should not cover every Pride event that we learn about. We need to do some work to discern the newsworthy-ness of the event. If we are covering Pride events, we need to consider how to make the story balanced and get both sides of the issue,” the memo concluded.

Recent journalism students will identify two errors. (1) Newsworthiness is irrelevant. The point of the media is to promote the liberal agenda. Informing people with objective information so they can make up their own minds defeats the purpose. (2) There is only one side to LGBTism. All things homosexual and transsexual are sacred. All resistance is bigoted and shameful.

Fox’s memo pointed out that good journalism is unbiased and reports on a wide variety of topics; however, her memo drew backlash from the other reporters at WOOD TV. Both Fox and Tang were fired shortly after the memo was sent.

Let that be a lesson to anyone who deviates from orthodoxy. What do they think this is, America?

The memo was leaked to the press on June 14 and two WOOD TV executive producers, Luke Stier and Madeline Odle, confirmed the memo a day later.

Stier and Odle dutifully denounced the thought criminals on behalf of LGBTism and announced that there would be “a thorough investigation.”

However, WOOD TV’s parent company, Nexstar Media Group, accused Stier and Odle of leaking the memo to the press, and the two were subsequently fired as well.

Only by recreating the fear-based climate of the USSR under Stalin can our liberal rulers impose ideological homogeneity. At least we still have a soft tyranny, so people are only fired and rendered unemployable rather than sent to starve in gulags or lined up in front of firing squads — until power has been sufficiently consolidated.

On tips from Franco and MrRightWingDave.

Jul 06 2023

What Democrats Have Been Doing to the Military

The communist Chinese won’t be sitting on their hands for long. Antony Blinken already gave them a green light to conquer our crucial ally Taiwan. It’s not as if this guy is going to stop them:

Major Rachel is not aberration, but the personification of a concentrated effort to farcify the US military into an institution befitting liberal rule.

Via Townhall:

The U.S. Army published a story about Major Rachel Jones who claims to be a transgender woman that has recently come out and is now “living authentically.”

“Authentic” is Liberalese for indisputably artificial, as when a man pretends to be a woman.

Jones is the U.S. Army Sustainment Command Cyber Division chief, G6 (Information Management), who “struggled with depression and suicidal ideation for most of her [sic] life. Today, she [sic] is living her truth [sic] and is no longer battling depression or suicidal thoughts.”

The fact that they are mentally ill by definition is among the excellent reasons the military used to ban transsexuals. Now, the Pentagon goes out of its way to recruit from the militarily unsuitable LGBT community.

The other major emphasis of our military is to avoid using fossil fuels, because according to Democrat doctrine, they are offensive to the climate. Consequently,

The Army’s 25th Infantry Division will run field tests of a multi-ton wheeled battery pack—one that can tote a machine gun—sometime after early 2025, as part of the service’s sweeping plans to reduce its reliance on fossil fuels.

Electric vehicles are not reliable enough for civilian use. Imagine being stuck with them in combat. But at least the imaginary climate gods will smile upon us.

We are not going to win any wars with Democrats in charge. Our enemies know this and are planning accordingly.

On tips from Anonymous, Barry A, and Franco.

Jul 06 2023

Open Thread

Now what has happened in our country during the time we have been plunging toward socialism? Are we actually at that point where the Constitution may be hanging by a single thread and we need to step in to save it? - Ernest L. Wilkinson


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