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Feb 26 2023

Black College Hit by Diversity

What goes around, comes around. Diversity is hitting everyone — even black colleges:

When Keylin Perez became the first Latina to be crowned Miss Coppin State University in Baltimore, she was thrilled. She had been named the university’s Miss Sophomore and Miss Junior previously and was eager to continue representing the school with pride as the 91st Miss Coppin State University queen.


she received backlash, including harassment, from online critics who said the role should be given to a Black woman, since Coppin State University is a historically Black university…

Miss Perez is Guatemalan by descent.

Perez, who turns 23 on Saturday, said the backlash online escalated as some of the comments turned vulgar, with some even suggesting she [harm] herself.

She ran unopposed, but now students are mad because she isn’t black like 81% of the student body.

Look on the bright side, Coppin Staters: at least she isn’t Anglo-Saxon. That would be way too diverse.

On a tip from Steve T.

Feb 26 2023

Open Thread

The question has been asked, 'What is a woman?' A woman is a person who makes choices. A woman is a dreamer. A woman is a planner. A woman is a maker, and a molder. A woman is a person who makes choices. A woman builds bridges. A woman makes children and makes cars. A woman writes poetry and songs. A woman is a person who makes choices. - Eleanor Holmes Norton

Feb 25 2023

Prosecutor Suspended for Misgendering Trans Sociopath

The appalling tale of James “Hannah” Tubbs has taken a turn for the still more disgusting. Readers may recall that as a reward for proclaiming himself transsexual after the crime, Tubbs was let off with a 2-year sentence in a female juvenile facility for sexually assaulting a 10-year-old girl (despite being 26 years old at the time of sentencing). Prosecutor Shea Sanna is not happy about the way Tubbs has exploited transsexual lunacy to avoid appropriate punishment. So now Soros-installed Los Angeles District Attorney George Gascon is coming down hard — on Sanna:

Sanna, who had been the lead prosecutor for part of the case, is accused of misgendering and “deadnaming” the convicted child molester Hannah Tubbs, who is now accused of beating a man to death in the woods with a rock in Kern County.

Sanna has argued in the past that jailhouse phone calls show Tubbs, now 27, was attempting to use gender identity to game the justice system – an argument that sources say made others in Gascon’s office uncomfortable and led to the suspension.

People tend to nod along with liberal nonsense because of what happens to their careers when they don’t.

As for the criminal,

Tubbs has a lengthy criminal history in California and Idaho under the former name, James Tubbs – and allegedly began identifying as female after being arrested in connection with a 2014 child molestation case in which she [sic] pleaded guilty to attacking a 10-year-old girl in a Denny’s bathroom stall.

Note that Fox News obligingly calls Tubbs “she,” despite acknowledging that his transsexual identity is a joke he has been playing on an establishment consisting of fools. Sanna showed more character, and is now paying the price.

“It wasn’t like I was going around being transphobic or malicious — I brought it to their attention that they have a convicted child rapist trying to get himself into a juvenile facility as a woman, and he rapes little girls,” he said. “Does anybody see a problem with that?”

Not woke liberals. They can’t see past the thoughtcrimes of misgendering and deadnaming. Thought criminals must be punished.

In contrast, actual criminals are victims of injustice. They are to be pandered to obsequiously, and their pronouns respected.

Fox News Digital also learned last year that Tubbs was accused of sexually molesting a four-year-old girl at a California library in August 2013 while her mother was browsing books “just a few aisles over.”

Don’t judge Tubbs too harshly. It’s not as if he is accused of doing anything serious, like misgendering a transsexual child molester.

On tips from Barry A and Ed McAninch.

Feb 25 2023

Media Pushes Phony Chick-fil-A Racial Slur

Chick-fil-A is associated with Christians and therefore hated by liberals. Despite appalling efforts to pander to moonbats, Chick-fil-A has never been able to win them over, because their ideology requires outsiders to target, demonize, and focus hatred upon, and Chick-fil-A has been cast in that role. At last they have actual evidence of the ultimate thoughtcrime — antiblack racism — to hang around Chick-fil-A’s neck. A low-level employee accidently misspelled a customer’s name as “Niger,” which is only one letter away from the blasphemy beyond all other blasphemies, the untypable N-word:

A Charlotte family is taking legal action against Chick-Fil-A after an employee put a racial slur on their receipt.

An incident like this should be worth $millions. It could take whole weeks of high living to flush all the jackpot justice loot down the toilet.

“I was just in shock. I literally parked right there, I couldn’t eat the food,” said Nyiashia Jackson as she looked over to the Chick-fil-A parking lot.

The 19-year-old was appalled by what she found when she picked up her food. The name on that receipt wasn’t Nyiashia’s. It was the “N-word” spelled with one G.

The N-word spelled with one G is “Niger,” an African country with a population of over 23 million. In the video accompanying the WCCB Charlotte story, as in other news reports, this word is blurred, lest it offend.

In its desperate effort to find some evidence to prop up its absurd ideology, the media has plunged headlong into self-parody.

Chick-fil-A is characteristically groveling obsequiously over the harmless error. Its apologies are not accepted by Nyiashia’s mother April, who wants not only money but for the employee to be fired. It must not have occurred to her that the employee might be black.

On tips from Bluto and Jester.

Feb 25 2023

Moonbat Identifies as Wolf

If Bruce Jenner is a woman, this kook is a wolf:

Note that as with transsexual psychosis, the media people act as if his/her/its cartoon-inspired delusions are perfectly legitimate; that is how we got here.

On a tip from Wiggins.

Feb 25 2023

Open Thread

Here in America we are descended in blood and in spirit from revolutionists and rebels - men and women who dare to dissent from accepted doctrine. As their heirs, may we never confuse honest dissent with disloyal subversion. - Dwight D. Eisenhower

Feb 24 2023

Sustainable Furniture Made Out of Dung

If you find that spreading bacteria with reusable toilet paper does not sufficiently signal your green virtue, why not try making sustainable furniture out of elephant dung?

Artis Zoo in Amsterdam has taken sustainability to a new level. Working with students from the AMS Institute, the zoo created a park bench made of 65 percent elephant dung and 35 percent recycled plastic. …

Artis made the bench in collaboration with Circulus, a company that has been creating street furniture from “waste products” for some time. If parts of the bench break, Circulus will replace them and return the broken material to a form in which it can be reused.

Meanwhile, unenlightened climate criminals literally flush this recyclable substance down the toilet. We must invest heavily in education. If that fails to correct their behavior, direct coercion will be required.

The zoo is currently testing the durability of the prototype. If it proves reliable, Artis plans to eventually replace all its park benches with this sustainable model.

Speaking of zoos, too bad San Francisco already settled on an outlandishly expensive new model for the trash cans that stand amid the drifts of garbage and mounds of human waste that characterize liberalism’s Mecca. They could have made the receptacles out of the one resource moonbat-run cities never run short of.

On a tip from Steve T.

Feb 24 2023

Reusable Toilet Paper

To be a good person, you have to do good works. That does not mean anthropocentrically attempting to improve the human condition, because humans are a cancer. You have to do symbolic works that accomplish nothing other than to make a pageant out of your reverence for the environment. One way to prove you are a good person is to reuse your toilet paper:

One woman on TikTok revealed that she makes reusable toilet paper out of old pajamas, all in the sake of having what she calls a “low-waste” home.

The used squares of flannel go in the washing machine, where the bacteria can spread to clothing, dish towels, et cetera.

It isn’t just one lone kook doing this:

There are pros and cons to using reusable toilet paper, according to Healthline. On one hand, there are concerns when it comes to handling the cloth after it’s used, as E. coli, a bacteria that can cause diarrhea and fever, can be a worry. …

But, according to the outlet, benefits include reducing pollution and that it can be gentler on the skin — not to mention, it’s easy to make.

We can laugh for now, because the Biden Regime has not yet showcased its green virtue by making reusable toilet paper mandatory by executive order or EPA deep state regulatory decree.

On a tip from Mitchell B.

Feb 24 2023

Soros-Backed DA Kim Gardner on Her Way Out

There is a price to be paid for well-to-do liberals placing maniacs in positions of authority. But it is not paid by the likes of George Soros, the sinister billionaire who has installed leftist DAs throughout the country (e.g., Alvin Bragg [Manhattan], George Gascon [Los Angeles], Kim Foxx [Chicago], Larry Krasner [Philadelphia], Chesa Boudin [San Francisco], Kim Gardner [St Louis]). It is paid by people like Janae Edmondson:

Miss Edmondson’s life was ruined by a criminal sociopath allowed to run loose by St. Louis Circuit Attorney Kim Gardner, the same militant moonbat who persecuted Mark and Patricia McCloskey for daring to stand on their own front yard bearing arms to deter a mob of Black Lives Matter vermin (whom Gardner refused to prosecute) from burning down their house.

Some have had enough:

The last straw appears to be the maiming of a 16-year-old volleyball player, Janae Edmondson of Tennessee, who had been looking forward to playing Division II volleyball in college. She had one leg mangled and the other severely damaged after a man freed from jail with pending robbery charges allegedly hit her…

Edmondson was visiting St. Louis with her family for a volleyball tournament. A driver going 20 mph over the limit failed to yield and struck Edmondson in downtown St. Louis around 8:40 p.m. The victim was pinned between two cars and ultimately had both legs amputated.

21-year-old Daniel Riley was reportedly the man behind the wheel of the speeding car. …

Riley was supposed to be under house arrest while out on bond for a 2020 robbery and armed criminal action. He violated his bond at least 50 times, including seven times in February. Gardner failed to put him back in jail.

That is par for the course with Gardner and the rest of the Soros-installed prosecutors, who side with criminals against the police and law-abiding citizens for ideological reasons.


St. Louis’ homicide rate (per 100,000) skyrocketed from 64.5 in 2019 to 87.2 in 2020 under Gardner’s watch. According to Neighborhood Scout, St. Louis ranks 1 (with 100 being the safest) on the crime index.

Finally, Republican Missouri Attorney General Andrew Bailey is removing Kim Gardner from power:

The AG’s office started the process of filing a petition quo warranto, which is the legal mechanism under state statute that allows the Attorney General to remove a prosecutor who neglects his or her duties. …

“This is about a quantum of evidence that demonstrates her failure to prosecute cases, failure to inform and confer with victims in cases and failure to file new cases that are referred by law enforcement agencies,” Bailey told Fox News Digital in an interview.

Chesa Boudin (the offspring of two terrorists who was raised by two other terrorists) was pried out of power in San Francisco. Gardner’s removal would be another step in the right direction. The rest need to follow.

Then we need to address the source of the problem: the morally degenerate, intellectually depraved, and viciously hostile liberal elitists who select people like Kim Gardner to oversee the destruction of the country they hate.

On tips from Mr. Freemarket and Varla.

Feb 24 2023

Open Thread

The credulity of dupes is as inexhaustible as the invention of knaves. - Edmund Burke

Feb 23 2023

Black Supremacist Mayflower Communist Angela Davis

Communist maniac and retired University of California professor Angela Davis finally has something to be proud of. Not supporting the USSR during the Cold War. Not receiving the Lenin Peace Prize from the slave state East Germany in 1979. Not openly advocating political violence. Not providing the weapons Black Panther terrorists used to kill a Marin County judge in 1970. Not taking a leadership position in the movement to free all nonwhite criminals. Not being named honorary cochair of the pussy-hatted Women’s March. Not having respect bestowed upon her by the liberal establishmentarians of Yale University and Time Magazine. Not even being a proud (i.e., noisy) lesbian. Despite her fervent hatred of Caucasians for being racists, like most American blacks Angela Davis has white ancestors — in her case, dating back to the Mayflower:

William Brewster, who traveled aboard the [Mayflower] with his wife Mary Wentworth Brewster, was Davis’s 10th great-grandfather.

Mary was one of only five adult women from the Mayflower to have survived the first winter after arriving in the US and one of only four such to survive until the ‘first Thanksgiving’ in 1621, which she was said to have helped cook.

Then there is her mother’s side:

Stephen Darden, her fourth great grandfather, was born in colonial Virginia around 1750.

He was a patriot who played the drums during the Revolutionary War, according to a muster roll. Afterwards he moved from Virginia to Georgia, where he owned a farm and at least six slaves.

The shame:

Angela Davis gets no credit for her illustrious ancestors. By the same token, the rest of us who have ancestors who owned slaves inherit no blame — especially considering that everyone on earth is almost certainly the descendant of both slaves and slaveowners.

However, the nutty professor would not agree. She has screeched that white Americans should be forced to pay slavery reparations.

On tips from Ed McAninch and Jester.

Feb 23 2023

Harvard Decolonizes Medicine

The depraved ideology of our self-loathing ruling class is truly totalitarian. Every aspect of reality must be subordinated to it — including healthcare:

This past weekend Harvard played host to the sixth annual Black Health Matters confab, the theme of which was “Decolonizing Black Health.”

The objective was…

…to “‘challenge and transform’ approaches to health care that may have been shaped by ‘colonialism, racism, and other forms of oppression,'” The Crimson reports.

Like everything else, healthcare must be “decolonized.” As medical schools have made explicit, this entails rejecting modern medicine in favor of the practices of savages.

The practical effect of decolonization is regression … all in the name expunging the white man’s influence. Students at South Africa’s University of Cape Town even said exactly that — that science should be “scratched” because it is a “product of racism.”

One UCT student defined “decolonization” as “doing away with [Western science] entirely and starting all over again to deal with how we respond to the environment and how we understand it.”

Two and two may or may not make four. It all depends on whether a white guy was first to notice it:

Durham University’s decolonization efforts include professors asking themselves if they are citing too many “white or male mathematicians.”

Not even physics is safe from antiwhite race hate:

Scholars at Concordia University are working to decolonize light — “advancing other ways of knowing about light, science and physics.” Courses will be developed in conjunction with Native scholars to “elevate” indigenous knowledge … while “Eurocentric” science is “de-centered” and “scrutinized for its alleged past and present contributions to colonialism.”

Once universities were repositories of Western Civilization. Now they exist to eradicate it.

On a tip from R F.

Feb 23 2023

Countermoonbat Pushback at Virginia Military Institute

The Virginia Military Institute, alma mater of the great George Patton, tragically succumbed to the Long March Through the Institutions. A Moonbat of Color has been put in charge of subverting it to serve the leftist racial agenda. But an attempt is underway to restore the USA’s oldest public senior military college.

The New York Post reports:

Cedric Wins, 60, launched diversity, equity and inclusion initiatives after taking the helm of VMI in October 2020.

He laid out a five-goal plan for “Inclusive Excellence” by citing the mission to “achieve and maintain a more diverse and inclusive student body, faculty, staff, and administration.”

“Inclusive excellence” is a classically Orwellian oxymoron. The point is to sacrifice excellence to “inclusivity” — i.e., the exclusion of the core population of white male heterosexuals in accordance with cultural Marxism.

Wins’ classmates of 1985 are not ready to give the school up as lost:

Ex-Marine Matt Daniel, 60, a fellow “brother rat,” as VMI classmates are known, founded a political action committee dubbed “Spirit of VMI” to fight the 183-year-old school’s new progressive efforts.

The group is shining light on the lucrative scam that is exclusionary “inclusion”:

Spirit of VMI has questioned why the school’s Board of Visitors awarded Wins a $100,000 bonus on top of his annual salary of $656,000 — despite a 25 percent drop in enrollment.

Wins has in the past denounced Daniel as being “racist.” No doubt Daniel will be clubbed with the accusation again for trying to prevent his school from being flushed down the toilet.

Success is hardly assured, but a Marine doesn’t stop fighting a war that isn’t over. Neither should any of us.

On a tip from Franco.

Feb 23 2023

Kyle Rittenhouse Persecution Continues

Kyle Rittenhouse was found not guilty in a court of law after defending his life from sociopathic scum that was rioting in the name of Black Lives Matter and trying to kill him. But it’s not over. Until the liberal establishment gets its way, nothing is ever over. Never mind double jeopardy; now the sociopathic scum is suing him:

Gaige Grosskreutz, who testified that he pointed a firearm at Rittenhouse before the then-teenager shot Grosskreutz and two others, is seeking economic losses, “damages for emotional distress, humiliation, loss of enjoyment of life, and other pain and suffering on all claims,” and punitive damages.

Rittenhouse saved his own life by wounding Grosskreutz (who has a lengthy arrest record) during a riot in Kenosha in 2020 (or as liberals might call it, Year 1 of Our Lord George Floyd).

Rittenhouse told Fox News Digital that he is ready to “prove my innocence again” in the suit, but he said it will come with a hefty price tag.

Why should he have to prove it again? Grosskreutz should be escorted out of the courtroom by the scruff of the neck and helped down the steps with a firm kick in the pants.

When liberals tried to railroad Rittenhouse on homicide charges for shooting Grosskreutz’s fellow leftist lowlifes Joseph Rosenbaum and Anthony Huber after they tried to kill him for defending local businesses,

Grosskreutz testified that he was pointing his own pistol at Rittenhouse before the then-17-year-old shot Grosskreutz in the arm.

Thanks, moonbat; that’s all we need to hear from you.

Because Rittenhouse has limited funds to loot, Grosskreutz is also suing the city of Kenosha, Kenosha County, five other neighboring counties, police officers, and public officials. Imagine this punk getting rich as a result of taking part in a riot and threatening someone’s life. All liberals need is an ideologically correct judge and/or jury to get social justice in place of justice.

For now, they will stay on Rittenhouse like a swarm of wasps, the process serving as punishment.

Note he is raising money to pay lawyers using GiveSendGo, not GoFundMe, which canceled him for exercising a fundamental human right in defiance of leftists.

On a tip from Occam’s Stubble.


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