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Sep 21 2022

Maniac Murders “Republican Extremist” Teen

The Biden Regime’s campaign to persuade half the population to regard the other half as dangerous extremists is bearing fruit. In McHenry, North Dakota (pop. 66, make that 65), 19-year-old Cayler Ellingson has been prevented from casting Republican votes by 41-year-old Shannon Brandt, who allegedly killed him with his SUV for political reasons.

Local Valley News Live reports:

Brandt told State Radio that the pedestrian was part of a Republican extremist group and that he was afraid they were “coming to get him.” …

Brandt admitted to consuming alcohol before the incident, and stated he hit Ellingson with his car because he had a political argument with him. Brandt also admitted to deputies that he initially left the crash scene, then returned to call 911, but left again before deputies could arrive.

Court documents say just before the crash, Ellingson called his mom and asked if they knew who Brandt was. She said yes, and told her son she was on her way to pick him up.

He called her again shortly afterward to say that he was being chased.

Brandt was charged with criminal vehicular homicide. He complained about being held on $50,000 bail. Next time he runs over a deplorable, he should do it in New York.

Hundreds of Black Lives Matter and Antifa riots were only the beginning. The Dark Brandon speech signaled that we can expect more violence. The Democrat establishment is destabilizing and mobilizing a nationwide army of unhinged losers.

As noted at Breitbart,

Just this week, a Harvard CAPS-Harris Poll found that the dehumanization campaign launched by Biden and the corporate media has resulted in 73 percent of Democrats living with the insane belief that “there are tens of millions of dangerous MAGA Republicans backing violence and trying to overthrow the constitution.”

It has become a cliché because it is true: what Democrats accuse their opponents of doing, they are doing themselves.

On tips from KirklesWorth, Wiggins, Blackjack, and Jester.

Sep 21 2022

Open Thread

Nothing enables people to do evil as much as does a sense of victimhood - Dennis Prager

Sep 20 2022

Multicultural Future Unfolds in Sweden and UK

Mass Third World immigration has produced so much multiculturalism in Sweden that it is no longer safe for moonbats to go into Muslim no-go zones to make propaganda videos:

Any questions on why the right-wing Sweden Democrats did so well in the recent elections?

The UK is following close behind on the road to national self-destruction:

The longer the situation is allowed to deteriorate, the more drastic the action that will be required to correct it before Europe is snuffed out of existence, in accordance with the leftist agenda.

On tips from KirklesWorth.

Sep 20 2022

USA Less Free Than 1 Year Ago per Fraser Institute

As Big Government grows, economic freedom continues to decline:

Each year, the Fraser Institute releases a report entitled “Economic Freedom of the World,” a ranking of countries around the world by economic freedom. … The ranking is calculated using numerous factors, including size of government, respect for property rights, freedom to trade, monetary policy, and regulation.

“Economic freedom is about people being free to mold and shape their own lives,” in the words of James Gwartney, a coauthor of the report.

The United States slots in at 7th place, down one spot from last year. But the U.S.’s score dropped more significantly, down from 8.25 to 7.97 on the index’s 10-point scale. The reason why America lost only one spot in the rankings is because economic freedom around the world fell in 2020…

It would be nice to think that the Land of the Free would stand against this alarming trend. But the USA’s score is the lowest in 4 decades.

Atop the list are Singapore and Hong Kong, where freedom will soon be snuffed out by the ChiComs. Toward the bottom, we find Zimbabwe and Venezuela, two countries that appear to serve as models for Democrats.

Give Biden et al. a few more years and creeping socialism will push America out of the top 10.

On a tip from Mr. Freemarket.

Sep 20 2022

Biden on His Mental Focus

For the sake of form, even a soft-balling Democrat lackey like Scott Pelley had to ask the conspicuously demented Biden about his mental focus. The answer was not reassuring:

“The proof is in the pudding,” croaks Biden. Inflation is through the roof, $trillions have been flagrantly wasted, the economy is lurching deeper into recession, crime is out of control, 2 million illegal aliens have invaded in the past year, our enemies are on the march, and we are at each other’s throats as never before. Biden makes Carter look like Reagan. The proof is in the pudding, all right.

Unfortunately, the problem goes deeper than the liberal establishment having installed an incompetent and senile figurehead. If Biden had his wits about him, he would be inflicting still worse damage. All the havoc he has wreaked is consistent with the Democrat agenda.

On a tip from Wiggins.

Sep 20 2022

Open Thread

But, historians, and even common sense, may inform us, that, however specious these ideas of perfect equality may seem, they are really, at bottom, impracticable; and were they not so, would be extremely pernicious to human society. Render possessions ever so equal, men's different degrees of art, care, and industry will immediately break that equality. Or if you check these virtues, you reduce society to the most extreme indigence; and instead of preventing want and beggary in a few, render it unavoidable to the whole community. - David Hume

Sep 19 2022

NYC Ax-Wielding Maniac Released Without Bail

The ax-wielding maniac who smashed up a Lower East Side McDonald’s while it was full of terrified customers has already been released without bail to resume his antisocial activities:

Michael Palacios, 31, who allegedly grabbed an ax and trashed the Delancey Street fast-food joint in a fit early Friday, was arraigned on fourth-degree criminal-mischief and possession-of-weapons charges hours later and freed, the Manhattan District Attorney’s Office said.

Neither charge is eligible for bail under the state’s lenient criminal-justice reforms.

Palacios went off when a girl failed to respond receptively to his overtures. Who knows what will trigger him next time, or whether he will manage to kill someone?

Meanwhile, the same radicals who run places like New York want to deny the law-abiding their constitutional right to protect themselves from the sociopaths who are encouraged to run riot.

Liberal is not consistent with the maintenance of civilization.

On tips from DCGere and Chris Neilson.

Sep 19 2022

Moonbats Told to Do the Work by Smelling Poop

Maybe political correctness is all an elaborate joke, and the point for the liberal ruling class is to see how far they can push it before we catch on. On maybe the point is to see how appallingly we will abase ourselves in obeisance to their ideology. Actual article title on IQFY:

Encourage Women to Smell Their Poop to Be More Inclusive to Trans Women

From the article:

Some women have a hole where their penis used to be, and that hole often shares microbiome with the colon—creating a distinct transitioning odor.

You are not allowed to be disgusted by this smell, because that would be transphobic. On the contrary, you must learn to find it enticing.

We are sincerely asking all women to please spend more time smelling their poo during bathroom breaks, and to critically examine what many of our gender have to endure as part of the cost of bottom surgery. It is time for us all to do the work to truly empathize with the sights, sounds, and smells endured by every member of our large and beautiful gender community – including those with distinct transitioning odors.

Reports a sacred transsexual,

“As I was transitioning, I found it triggering that my cisgender female friends didn’t smell like poo.”

It could be that the reason the LGBT agenda is pushed so aggressively by the liberal establishment is that it represents the state of the art in taking depravity to the furthest imaginable extreme.

On a tip from Jester.

Sep 19 2022

Open Thread

Suppose you were an idiot, and suppose you were a member of Congress; but I repeat myself. - Mark Twain

On a tip from Chuck A.

Sep 18 2022

What We Are Now Forced to Regard as Normal

Wearing blackface is regarded as felony thoughtcrime, yet men presenting themselves as grotesque parodies of women must be accepted, because so much as raising an eyebrow is transphobia. So we are presented with spectacles like this:

Photos and videos out of a Canadian High School are going viral as they show a male teacher wearing what appears to be large, prosthetic breasts in full view of young students. …

Multiple photos and videos have surfaced of the same individual instructing young students, and in all of them he is wearing the oversized bust.

The media has been confirmed as originating from Oakville Trafalgar High School in Oakville, Ontario.

Have eye bleach handy:

The guy with the freakish bazongas currently calls himself Kayla Lemieux.

Students can’t do anything about it. The school unsurprisingly sides with the weirdo. Even if people are privately disgusted, the LGBT community is so oppressed that no one dares whisper anything that it might regard as resistance.

The sickness that used to fester unseen in the back of some people’s minds is not only out in the open now but rammed down our throats.

On tips from Steve T and KirklesWorth.

Sep 18 2022

Civilization Unraveling on Land and at Sea

Utopia has almost arrived. In places like New York City, we can already see what society will look like when local police have been marginalized into irrelevance and the oppressed are able to breathe free. If you can still call it society:

Around 2:25 a.m. on Friday, a man wearing blue shorts and a black tank top appears to get in an altercation with another man at the McDonald’s on Delancey Street in the Lower East Side neighborhood of Manhattan. However, two other men physically prevent the aggressor from getting near the other McDonald’s customer.

Note to self: stay out of McDonald’s on NYC’s Lower East Side in the middle of the night. Also, stay out of McDonald’s period and New York period.

The man has been identified as 31-year-old Michael Palacios of the Bronx, who happened to have an ax in his backpack. He took it out and trashed the place.

The ax-man then gets in the face of a young woman who was sitting down and points his weapon at her. He then bashes the ax on the table she was sitting at.

There’s never a social worker when you need one.

The New York Post reported that Palacios was charged with criminal mischief, three counts of menacing, and two counts of criminal possession of a weapon. The outlet said that Palacios has a prior arrest for resisting arrest.

They invariably have a rap sheet, usually a long one. It would not be surprising if he is already loose again.

If the stress of living in the city gets to be too much, you can always get away from it by going on a cruise:

Two groups were seen arguing onboard a Carnival Sunrise cruise ship recently but the argument eventually became physical.

“The violence culminates with a man pummeling a woman while she’s on the ground and he leans over her,” the Daily Mail reported Friday. …

The incident reportedly happened on September 9 and “Records show that the Carnival Sunrise made stops in Ocho Rio, Jamaica, Grand Cayman Island and Miami, Florida, around the time that beating took place,” the Mail article said.

Now that smart phones and the Internet make everyone a journalist, we have video of events like this:

This isn’t the first time:

A similar instance happened in June when a fight broke out on the dance floor of a Carnival cruise ship, Breitbart News reported.

More video:

The main thing that differentiates conservatives from liberals could be that conservatives understand that civilization is fragile and not to be taken for granted. This becomes ever easier to understand as America is fundamentally transformed.

On tips from Wiggins and Feet2Fire.

Sep 18 2022

Open Thread

What country can preserve its liberties if its rulers are not warned from time to time that their people preserve the spirit of resistance? Let them take arms. - Thomas Jefferson

Sep 17 2022

Moonbats Much More Likely to Have Erectile Dysfunction

The science has spoken. Moonbat men — specifically, men who call themselves feminists, are more than twice as likely to need pharmaceutical assistance to achieve or maintain an erection.

It is not your imagination. There really is something limp about male moonbats. Their desire to abolish “toxic” masculinity could be explained by envy.

On a tip from KirklesWorth.

Sep 17 2022

Why Moonbats Can Say Their Names

Under Democrat rule, federal law enforcement has become increasingly sinister. However, local police are still by and large the good guys, as evidenced by the hostility directed against them by leftists.

Why is it that blacks end up getting shot by police, providing pretexts for Black Lives Matter riots? In the clip below, Candace Owens provides one reason while introducing podcaster Tim Dillon to common sense:

“Right now you have parents teaching people you don’t have to listen to police officers’ instructions if you are black.”

Not only parents. The entire liberal establishment drives home this message. If a white driver gets pulled over, that’s life. If a black driver gets pulled over, he is being oppressed for “driving while black” and has a duty to resist. It’s almost as if the people in charge want blacks to be shot by police to validate their cultural Marxist ideology.

“Say their names!” screech the moonbats. Why are they able to scream the names of every black person in a country of 330 million who dies during an arrest gone wrong? Because, as Owens explains, it doesn’t happen often.

Blacks are rarely killed by police officers. In contrast, police officers are killed by blacks 18.5 times as often. It just doesn’t get reported much less hyped by the media, because it does not support the bogus and corrosive liberal narrative.

On a tip from Blackjack.


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