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Sep 13 2022

Lori Lightfoot Is Liberal Hypocrisy Personified

Despite the preposterous claim by Kamala Harris that the southern border is secure, millions of colonists from the Third World have been pouring over it at will, due to the refusal by Democrats to secure it. Texas Governor Greg Abbott has made a point by sending a tiny fraction of the illegal aliens to the sanctuary city Chicago — where their welcome was short-lived.

Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot criticized Abbott for sending them, even questioning his Christian faith. However, at first she welcomed the invaders:

“This is such an important moment for Chicago as our city has been a sanctuary for thousands of newcomers. We are welcoming them and we will not turn our backs on those who need our help the most,” Lightfoot said in a statement, according to WMAQ-TV.

She denounced Texas for not keeping her informed:

“If you don’t want these folks to stay in Texas, then make sure that you collaborate with the cities before you put them on buses so that we can be here and make sure that our services are welcoming.”

A few days later Lightfoot dumped the undocumented Democrats on suburban Burr Ridge without notifying local authorities, leaving Mayor Gary Grasso to fume,

“This is hundreds of people in a city of millions. Why are they sending them out to the Republican suburbs? You have to wonder.”

Actually, you don’t have to wonder. The point of importing millions of illegal aliens is to turn Republican districts blue by creating a massive, unassimilable, handout-dependent underclass. Chicago is already blue. The illegals have to be properly disseminated if the whole country is to look like Chicago.

On a tip from Blackjack.

Sep 13 2022

Open Thread

When your head is firmly in the sand, another part of your anatomy is fully exposed. - Don Feder

Sep 12 2022

Feminist Endgame

Feminists have it in for more than the “patriarchy.” They want to wreck more even than the family. Their ideology is a toxic form of nihilism designed to destroy pretty much everything, extending beyond their own lives to the lives of those around them, and from there to society in general and even human existence:

Feminism is a miserable ideology for miserable people. As the saying goes, misery loves company.

On a tip from KirklesWorth.

Sep 12 2022

Why Kamala Harris Pretends Border Is Secure

Don’t let her soulless cackle fool you; Kamala Harris actually does have a sense of humor. Check out this howler from the clown Biden put in charge of pretending to secure the wide open southern border:

“The border is secure, but we also have a broken immigration system, in particular, over the last four years before we came in, and it needs to be fixed,” Harris told [NBC Meet the Press] host Chuck Todd in Houston.

This arrogant lie was too much for even a Democrat propagandist like Todd.

“We’re going to have 2 million people cross this border for the first time ever. You’re confident this border’s secure?” Todd followed.

The 2 million arrests mark is expected to be passed by the end of the month. In accordance with Democrat policy, those arrested are allowed to stay in the country on the assumption that they and their numerous descendants will be government dependents and vote Democrat for generations to come.

Harris responded to Todd’s challenge with a barrage on incoherent duckspeak, during which she accused those who want the border secured of “playing politics.”

“Nearly 5 million illegal aliens have crossed our border under Biden’s watch,” tweeted Rep. Andy Biggs (R-Ariz.) on Monday. “This is the largest figure in American history. The border is not secure.”

Even Kamala Harris knows that. By saying otherwise, Biden’s Border Czarina confirms that the Administration is content with the current state of affairs and has no intention of securing the border. It is important to get this message out, so that undocumented Democrats will keep coming by the millions.

On tips from Bluto, ABC of the ANC, and Chuck A.

Sep 12 2022

Moonbat Utopia Temporarily Achieved

Following the martyrdom of Saint George of Fentanyl, social justice warriors dared to dream of a utopia in which local police have been defunded and reimagined right out existence. This vision has been realized, if only for a brief, shining moment.

Rejoice, moonbats! Here’s your world without police:

On a tip from Wiggins.

Sep 12 2022

Why John Fetterman Always Wears a Hoodie

We already knew that Senate candidate John Fetterman (D-PA) underwent a stroke that left him cognitively disabled. We know that even before this, he was a mental case who believed it would be a good idea to release one third of inmates onto American streets and that speech should be suppressed if it draws attention to election fraud. We know that he has referred to himself as “John Fetterwoman.” We know that he suffers from serious heart issues. Now we know why he always wears those juvenile hoodies. But does anyone know what that is preparing to burst out of the back of his neck?

Fears that Fetterman has been hiding something about his health appear to be justified.

On a tip from Varla.

Sep 12 2022

What Students Are Taught “Fascism” Means

We know what fascism means according to the dictionary. Basically, it is a form of militant socialism similar to liberalism, but without the self-loathing. But that’s not how kids are being taught to define it:

A teacher from Madison High School in San Diego claimed fascists are synonymous with the “modern-day Republican Party” and “white, Christian, heterosexuals,” according to a student at the school. Speaking on the condition of anonymity out of fear of retaliation, the high school student detailed the teacher’s unhinged definition of a “fascist.”

Impressionable kids walked into class September 1 to see written on the board,

As it is currently constituted, the Republican party is now a fascist organization that no longer fits the category of a conventional Democratic party.

Sounds like the Dark Brandon speech really struck home among educators.

But the teacher didn’t stop there. He continued with his radical left-wing indoctrination by listing whites, Christians, and heterosexuals as groups that are “fascist.”

If you are white, you are fascist. If you are a Christian, you are fascist. If you are not a sexual deviant, you are fascist. To sum up, if moonbats hate you because of where you get pigeonholed by their identity-based ideology, you are fascist.

This is what students learn in English class.

The student took pictures to document the brainwashing he was forced to undergo. You can see why teachers’ unions are so adamantly opposed to cameras in the classroom that would allow parents to monitor from home.

A passage from Through the Looking Glass comes to mind:

“When I use a word,’ Humpty Dumpty said in rather a scornful tone, ‘it means just what I choose it to mean — neither more nor less.’

’The question is,’ said Alice, ‘whether you can make words mean so many different things.’

’The question is,’ said Humpty Dumpty, ‘which is to be master — that’s all.”

The creed that has appropriated the title “liberalism” is based on postmodernism. Language is seen as tool used to control not only people but reality itself, or what passes for reality within the context of relativist postmodern hogwash. This is why revisions to the Newspeak Dictionary are made so relentlessly.

“Fascism” no longer means what it has always meant; it means whatever our masters among the liberal ruling class find it advantageous to pretend it means.

On a tip from ABC of the ANC.

Sep 12 2022

Plea Deals for September 11 Conspirators

Yesterday was September 11. What more likely day for news to come out that the planners of the infamous terror attack may be allowed to cop a plea?

U.S. military prosecutors are reportedly negotiating potential plea deals with 9/11 mastermind Khalid Sheikh Mohammed and four other conspirators imprisoned in Guantanamo Bay.

The point is to escape the death penalty — which at this rate was never going to be carried out before they die of old age anyway.

Mohammed is widely credited with being the architect of the 9/11 terror attacks. The other four defendants are Ramzi Binalshibh, Mustafa Ahmed al-Hawsawi, Walid bin Attash and Ammar al-Baluchi.

The defendants cite mistreatment by the CIA. They murdered almost 3,000 Americans, probably including journalist Daniel Pearl in addition to those killed on 9/11. Yet the terrorists are the victims. In a society deranged by moonbattery, the bad guys are always the victims, and victims tend to get their way.

Each of the defendants has been assigned a military lawyer, a civilian lawyer and a human rights lawyer.

Each of them should have been assigned a firing squad more than 20 years ago.

Fumed James Woods yesterday,

“To see this headline on September 11 is appalling. Why is justice such an elusive concept in America today? Will the heinous among us never be held accountable? This is an outrage, and to read about it on this sacred day is an insult to the fallen.”

As noted yesterday, Biden’s unconditional surrender facilitated the next attack. Uncoincidentally, September 11, 2021 was set as the date by which Afghanistan was to be turned over to al Qaeda’s Taliban allies.

On a tip from Lyle.

Sep 12 2022

Trump to Blame if Dem Pol Killed Reporter

Who gets the blame when a Democrat politician is arrested for murdering a journalist who had ruined his career by exposing his unseemly conduct? You guessed it: Donald Trump.

From Nevada:

Clark County Public Administrator Robert Telles was arrested for the gruesome murder of Jeff German, a reporter for the Las Vegas Review-Journal…

German had recently published an exposé about Telles, alleging that Telles created a hostile work environment and had engaged in an inappropriate relationship with one staffer. Over the summer, Telles lost a bid for reelection to fellow Democrat Rita Reid, and many have suspected that German’s recent articles helped sink Telles’ campaign. …

According to police, the evidence against Telles, an ardent gun control advocate, is damning.

Last week, Joe Lombardo of the Las Vegas Metro Police Department took questions from the media. An unnamed reporter did her best to shoehorn the story into the liberal narrative:

[A] reporter noted it was probably not an “appropriate” time to talk about “politics,” to which Sheriff Joseph Lombardo responded, “So why are we talking politics then?”

The reporter then pressed: “Do you condemn former President Trump’s normalization of violence against journalists?” — likely a reference to the former president’s frequent reference to some mainstream correspondents as “enemies of the people.”

Now why would anyone see ideologues in the left-wing media establishment as enemies of the American people?

On a tip from Wiggins.

Sep 12 2022

Open Thread

This Power Elite directly employs several millions of the country´s working force in its factories, offices and stores, controls many millions more by lending them the money to buy its products, and, through its ownership of the media of mass communication, influences the thoughts, the feelings and the actions of virtually everybody. To parody the words of W. Churchill, never have so many been manipulated so much by few. - Aldous Huxley

Sep 11 2022

Teachers, Disney Employee Busted for Human Trafficking

This story will surprise no one familiar with the institutionalized grooming championed by Disney and imposed by public schools. From Florida:

The Polk County Sheriff’s Office and other agencies arrested 160 people in a seven-day operation focused on human trafficking in Florida.

Deputies said the arrests from “Fall Haul 2” included school teachers, a state corrections officer, and a Disney employee.

Only one Disney employee? They must be keeping their heads down — for a change.

On a tip from Chuck A.

Sep 11 2022

September 11: Never Again?

Never forget September 11:

After Biden’s abrupt unconditional surrender to the Taliban, during which thousands of Americans were abandoned, al Qaeda found itself welcome again in the country it used as a base of operations for September 11.

Next time around, al Qaeda and its Taliban allies will have more resources, because Biden left $billions worth of weaponry in their hands and has shoveled our money at them as foreign aid.

The southern border is wide open, making it easy for terrorists to infiltrate. Another September 11 is almost inevitable, brought to you by Biden et al. The body count is likely to be higher.

On a tip from Anonymous.

Sep 11 2022

Joe Scarborough Preaches That Jesus Approved of Abortion

According to noted biblical scholar Joe Scarborough, Jesus approved of killing babies in the womb. We know this because He did not discuss abortion.

Almost as appalling as Scarborough’s intellectual disability is the smirk on Mika Brzezinski’s approving face as he spouts this blasphemous idiocy.

He must have lost interest in his Bible reading before he got to Exodus 20:13, which reads, “Thou shall not murder.”

Bellows Scarborough,

“There are people who are using Jesus as a shield to make 10-year-old raped girls go through a living and breathing hell here on earth!”

What percentage of the many hundreds of thousands of abortions that take place in the USA each year kill the offspring of 10-year-old rape victims? We are left to believe it must be high.

Scarborough may be alarmed to learn that according to his own logic, Jesus approves of grinding pies into the faces of moonbat propagandists, since He never specifically condemned it.

On tips from Franco and Blackjack.

Sep 11 2022

Open Thread

The Western world generally has lost the concept of man as a creature made to the image and likeness of God, and reduced him either to a component part of the universe, to an economic animal or to a


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