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Aug 01 2022

Trans Cheerleader Throttles Real Woman

To believe yourself to be a member of the opposite sex requires you to be psychotic, so the psycho behavior of a guy who tried to strangle a cheerleader for not sharing his transsexual delusions should come as no surprise:

“Well guys I’m officially retired as a cheerleader as of last night at 5:30 AM. A girl on the team was being very disrespectful and told me I am a MAN with a PENIS and that [guys] should not be on the team,” the cheerleader, Averie Chanel Medlock, wrote on Facebook last week.

So naturally Medlock got his massive hands around her neck and tried to choke the thoughtcrime out of her. Despite his political correctness, he received a criminal citation for assault.

The incident took place at Ranger College, where police responded to a dispute between the members of the team, according to Facebook posts from team members. Medlock alleges that a teammate made transphobic and racist remarks before the altercation, with cell phone video showing other cheerleaders hiding in a room from an agitated Medlock.

Given the media climate, it is easy to see why a special guy like Medlock would feel entitled to wring the necks of women he regards as transphobic and racist.

Bet you never saw biceps like these on cheerleader before:

Enough is enough.

On tips from Wiggins, Mr. Freemarket, KirklesWorth, and Franco.

Aug 01 2022

Gay Superspreader Events Proceed Despite Monkeypox

During the Covid pandemic, Christian religious services were rigidly repressed in the name of public health. Pastors who resisted were even arrested.

Now we have a new global health emergency, according to the World Health Organization. It almost exclusively affects homosexuals (and children in their custody).

Gays have religious services, just as Christians do, although what they worship is the diametric opposite. Unlike Christian services, events devoted to worshiping degeneracy are known to spread disease. Also in contrast to Christian services, authorities find no need to restrict them.

Due to the prevalence of homosexuality, San Francisco authorities declared a state of emergency over monkeypox on Friday, to take effect today. In the interim, they gave the green light to the “Up Your Alley” event over the weekend:

“Up Your Alley® is only for real players – and not for the faint of heart – where leather daddies rule the streets of San Francisco’s South of Market district. Of course, if rubber, sportswear, biker gear, skinheads, punks, or any variety of built, hairy men turns you on, then we’ve got it. You won’t find a filthier event in the States. If you’re into it, there’s a scene for you. So, don’t get left out.” a site promoting the event said.

CBS Bay Area reports that monkeypox concerns did not squelch turnout.

Next month, the streets of San Francisco will host another public gay orgy called the Folsom Street Fair. No doubt it too will spread monkeypox. However, it would be “stigmatizing” to say so, so authorities won’t. They will just spend outlandish amounts of our money to treat those who go out of their way to contract the disease, as with AIDS.

On tips from ABC of the ANC and Chris Neilson.

Aug 01 2022

Open Thread

Communism doesn't work because people like to own stuff. - Frank Zappa

On a tip from Jester.

Jul 31 2022

Globalists Attack Farming in Name of Climate

With leftists, the issue is never the issue; the issue is always power. When the Liberal World Order proclaims that it must seize control of the food supply in name of the green ideology, we are headed for a Holodomor level of tyranny.

Sri Lanka pushed back hard enough to overthrow its government. Resistance in Holland continues. But the globalist Left has absolute power nearly in its grasp. It is not going to let up now.

Canada and now Ireland are following closely behind Dutch globalist Mark Rutte:

Farmers in Ireland may soon be forced to make potentially damaging changes to their businesses as climate alarmist ministers within Ireland’s government look set to cut the sector’s emissions by around 28 per cent.

Unlike carbon emissions, such cuts are not harmless. Many cattle will need to be slaughtered, never to be replaced; a high percentage of farmers will be put out of business.

Only a mental defective would believe this will improve the weather. The purpose is to make us hungry, because the hungrier we are, the more powerful our rulers will be when they control the food — which for us little people is likely to consist largely of insects.

John Daniel Davidson shines a light on where the enviroleftist attack on farming is heading:

Private farms and independent farmers will be a thing of the past, supplanted by global bodies making decisions about how much and what kinds of food are produced. The private sector and the independent farmers will have no place in the future that the UN and the WEF are planning.

That’s why they are pushing back in Holland, the world’s second largest food exporter. Pray that it is enough — and that there is as much pushback when Democrats inflict similar policies on the USA. The insolently named Inflation Reduction Act spending blowout — which is the largest climate bill in this country yet — is an indication that we are nearly there:

The bill is a tax-and-spend cornucopia of some $369 billion for wind, solar, geothermal, battery, and other industries over the next decade, along with generous subsidies for electric vehicles…

Senate Democrats say the bill will allow the U.S. to cut greenhouse emissions by 40 percent below 2005 levels by 2030 — matching up nicely with the UN’s “Agenda 2030.”

Understand that the Senate bill isn’t the end, it’s the beginning. Climate activists and ideologues are working at the highest levels to transform not just the global food supply, but the nature of private property and property rights, all in the name of saving the planet. What Rutte and his government are doing to Dutch farmers, Schumer and Biden are planning to do to American farmers and American industries.

We are running out of time to fight them with full bellies. Step #1 is to acknowledge that the global warming hoax is a malevolent lie, the purpose of which is to destroy our standard of living and enslave us.

On tips from Blackjack and ABC of the ANC.

Jul 31 2022

British Authorities Prove Homofascism Is Real

A British army vet confirmed the accuracy of a meme he retweeted by getting arrested for offending LGBT militants:

Darren Brady, 51, has slammed Hampshire Police for ‘impeding his right to free speech’ after he was placed into handcuffs on Friday at his home in Aldershot for sharing a meme.

Footage of the arrest was widely shared on social media and showed an officer who told Mr Brady he was being apprehended because his post had ’caused anxiety’ and been reported to authorities.

The offending image was a swastika composed of LGBT “pride” flags. Brady’s arrest proves the meme’s point.

They didn’t arrest him straight off. According to former police officer Harry Miller, they visited him 10 days earlier and tried…

…to extort him for money by making him pay around £80 for educational course so he could downgrade from a crime to a non-crime, which would still show up in a basic Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) check.

Because Brady would not agree to bow obediently and pay for the reeducation course, they dragged him off in chains.

The LGBT flag swastika meme was originally tweeted by Laurence Fox of the Reclaim Party and Bad Law Project. Fox is back on Twitter after a recent suspension for thoughtcrime.

Fox said the image reflected his belief that LGBT pride month is ‘enforced with a sense of hectoring authoritarianism’.

That is less a belief than an observation of the obvious.

As the saying goes, “To learn who rules over you, simply find out who you are not allowed to criticize.” It is now illegal to “cause anxiety” to our LGBT rulers — on the laughable grounds that they are supposedly oppressed.

Needless to say, it is not illegal to cause anxiety to nonprivileged normal people, or the police would have to arrest themselves for terrorizing the public on behalf of politicized degeneracy.

On a tip from Wiggins.

Jul 31 2022

Sexual Brainwashing in Portland Public Schools

Liberals have been allowed to take control of education. Christopher Rufo reports on the unfolding consequences:

Portland Public Schools has launched a war against the “gender binary” and adopted a radical new curriculum teaching students to subvert the sexuality of “white colonizers” and begin exploring “the infinite gender spectrum.”

Modern liberal ideology largely consists of sexual depravity grafted onto hatred of Caucasians and Western Civilization.

The premise is simple: privileged white heterosexuals have created an oppressive gender system in order to dominate racial and sexual minorities. As the curriculum explains, “gender is colonized,” and Western societies have used language to erase alternative sexualities. “When white European people colonized different places, they brought their own ideas about gender and sexuality,” the curriculum reads. “When the United States was colonized by white settlers, their views around gender were forced upon the people already living here. Hundreds of years later, how we think and talk about gender are still impacted by this shift.”

To a liberal, it doesn’t matter whether something is true or even remotely likely, but only whether it is politically correct to assert. That is why we now have professors professing that the concept of being male did not exist in the Western hemisphere until it was “imposed by Christian colonizers.”

If leftists continue to control education, these psychotic delusions may come to be accepted as reality.

The curriculum begins in kindergarten with an anatomy lesson featuring graphic drawings of children’s genitalia. The lesson avoids the terms “boy” and “girl” in favor of the gender-neutral variants “person with a penis” and “person with a vulva,” because, according to the curriculum, some girls can have penises and some boys can have vulvas.

First and second grade students are encouraged to adopt alternative genders and pronouns.

In third through fifth grade, the district begins lessons on “LGBTQIA2S+” activism. The curriculum presents the categories of “man” and “woman” as manifestations of the “dominant culture” that has used sexual norms to oppress minorities.

Kids who probably have not learned to solve simple math problems are taught about “cisheteronormativity,” which they are told must be destroyed.

The solution, according to Portland Public Schools, is to obliterate the “white colonizer” conception of sexuality, with its rigid male-female binary, and encourage students to inhabit “the infinite gender spectrum.”

The indoctrination is truly sinister:

The curriculum provides a detailed explanation of how to “pause puberty” through “hormones and/or surgeries”…

The social engineers intend to create pint-sized activists for the cause of politicized perversion:

By the end of fifth grade, the curriculum explicitly asks students to make a “commitment to change,” according to the dictates of gender ideology. Students receive a list of six commitments, including: “I commit to learning more about what LGBTQIA2S+ words mean and how they have changed over time”; “I commit to learning about the history and leadership of Black trans women”; “I commit to practicing pronouns and correcting myself EVERY time”; “I commit to attending QSA/GSA and being a leader at my school”; and “I commit to watching and reading books, movies, and TV shows that have LGBTQIA+ characters.”

Decent Americans need to make their own commitment: to see that groomers who impose LGBT curricula are imprisoned as sex offenders.

On tips from Franco and MrRightWingDave.

Jul 31 2022

Open Thread

The right to buy weapons is the right to be free. - A. E. van Vogt

Jul 30 2022

World Economic Forum: No More Private Cars or Phones

Independent transportation is crucial to liberty. That’s why progressives adore public transportation. It is why only Inner Party members will have private cars when the Liberal World Order has finished imposing utopia:

The World Economic Forum is calling for a global transition … away from private ownership of vehicles and other “idle equipment” in order to make a “clean energy revolution” possible.

It would be easy to laugh at the arrogant Dr Evil lookalike Klaus Schwab, except that his sinister WEF increasingly appears to be in the driver’s seat. Consider ostensible world leaders like Joe Biden, Justin Trudeau, and Mark Rutte. Which do they seem more responsive to, the needs of their people or the demands of Klaus Schwab?

Even the WEF acknowledges that left-wing “clean energy” fantasies will require more of certain metals than the planet has to offer. This is especially problematic because the WEF disapproves of mining. The solution: you can’t have your own car anymore.

Metals like cobalt, lithium and nickel are used not only in climate cult foolishness like electric cars and wind turbines, but also in phones and computers. So we will have to go without those too.

The [WEF] argues that private ownership of vehicles and electronic devices is wasteful and inefficient.

You will own nothing and you will be happy. Oligarchical collectivists actually mean this. How they plan to force us to be happy is unclear. Maybe Pfizer is working on pharmaceutical lobotomies that can be mandated or put in the drinking water.

On tips from Blackjack, Wiggins, Stormfax, and Mr. Freemarket.

Jul 30 2022

If They/Them Is Not Parody, We Don’t Need Parody

Recession” is not the only word that is losing its meaning under moonbat domination. Can anyone really say what the word “parody” means, if They/Them is not parody?

Kevin Bacon is starring in a gritty horror thriller as a Bible-thumping, LGBT-hating, conversion-camp director where the queer folx get hunted down and killed “Friday the 13th” style. …

It’s filled with every anti-conservative, pro-LGBT, horror-genre trope imaginable.

Even the trailer could give you bad dreams — that is, nightmares about being forced to sit through the whole thing:

At the other end of a career that appears to be over, Bacon was the star of the camp horror classic Friday the 13th, which like moonbattery, has been parodied by this alleged nonparody.

On a tip from Mr. Freemarket.

Jul 30 2022

Open Thread

There are some mistakes only someone with a Ph.D. can make. - Daniel Patrick Moynihan

On a tip from CovfefeMe.

Jul 29 2022

Pelosi Is Losing It Too

Maybe we shouldn’t be terrified that nothing comes out of Joe Biden off-teleprompter except senile gibberish. After all, no one expected him to actually be in charge. They call it “ObamaCare” for political reasons, but Nancy Pelosi was the driving force who created Obama’s supposed signature achievement. She is probably still wearing the pants in the party, considering the leadership vacuum in the White House. As noted earlier,

Pelosi is #3 in the command structure and the only one in the top three with an IQ above room temperature, Joe Biden and Kamala Harris being idiot stooges apparently chosen in the belief that they would be easy to manipulate.

Like Biden, she is a leftist and corrupt, but despite being 82 years old she is at least mentally coherent enough to — hold on…

Yeah, we’re in trouble.

On a tip from Wiggins.

Jul 29 2022

Biden Wonders Whether He Is Making Sense

Lest the American people wonder what the hell is being done to their country, Biden went off teleprompter to explain his economic philosophy. It consists of senile gibberish:

The last part sums it up:

“Does that make any sense to anybody? Or is it just me?”

Unfortunately, it isn’t just him. The entire Democratic Party is economically insane. The scariest part is that their insanity has a purpose.

On a tip from Blackjack.

Jul 29 2022

FBI Suppresses Hunter Laptop and Pads Domestic Terror

Among the most alarming aspects of the politicization and weaponization of the Deep State that began under Obama is the absorption of the FBI into the Democratic Party.

Sometimes the FBI serves not as a law enforcement organization but as a buffer between Democrats and law enforcement:

Agents investigating President Joe Biden’s son “opened an assessment which was used by an FBI headquarters team to improperly discredit negative Hunter Biden information as disinformation and caused investigative activity to cease,” according to Sen. Chuck Grassley (R-IA). Grassley revealed the claim after his office received “a significant number of protected communications from highly credible whistleblowers” about the investigation. The Republican claimed one of the communications shows “verified and verifiable derogatory information on Hunter Biden was falsely labeled as disinformation.”

The Hunter laptop information was falsely discredited by the liberal establishment because it made clear — right before the election — that Joe Biden has been influence-peddling to our communist Chinese enemies. To suppress this information is loyalty to the Democratic Party, but treason to America.

One of the whistleblowers claimed the FBI assistant special agent in charge of the Washington field office, Timothy Thibault, shut down a line of inquiry into Hunter Biden in October 2020 despite some of the details being known to be true at the time.

Other times, the FBI plays a still more disturbing role, reminiscent of the USSR’s KGB:

The same senior FBI agent who allegedly shut down investigative activity related to Hunter Biden also allegedly sought to pad the FBI’s number of “domestic violent extremism” cases, a whistleblower informed House Judiciary Committee ranking member Rep. Jim Jordan (R-OH) on Wednesday.

That same agent is Thibault, who also may have violated the Hatch Act with his left-wing politicizing on social media.

Jordan had sent a letter to FBI Director Christopher Wray on Wednesday revealing that whistleblowers informed his office that “FBI officials are pressuring agents to reclassify cases as ‘domestic violent extremism’ even if the cases do not meet the criteria for such a classification.”

He noted in the letter that the whistleblower information is “scandalous” considering the Biden administration’s push to frame domestic violent extremism as America’s “greatest threat.”

According to Biden’s Injustice Department under ratlike apparatchik Merrick Garland (whom Obama tried to place on the Supreme Court), parents who speak out at school board meetings against their children being indoctrinated with critical race theory and depraved LGBT ideology are terrorists. This allows tools intended to be used against organizations like al Qaeda to be used instead against regular Americans.

Draining the swamp will be a herculean task. It has become urgent.

On tips from Blackjack and Chuck A.

Jul 29 2022

Woke Indoctrination at Private Kindergarten in Texas

It isn’t only the public schools in degenerate blue states that have been co-opted by moonbats and subordinated to indoctrination of small children in warped woke ideology. George W. Bush sent his daughters to St. Andrew’s Episcopal School in Austin, where tuition for a kindergartener runs $26,870 per year. Libs of TikTok reports on the current lesson plan:

One parent spoke to Libs of TikTok after they were sent a photo of the lesson plan that allegedly taught 5-year-olds about the horrors of white people. “Whites make it harder for black people,” read one line. “Whites boss POC [people of color] around,” another read. Children were also taught, “New York has more freedom to vote than Texas.” Keep in mind these children live in Texas.

In addition to being taught race hate and to oppose election integrity, kids learn psychotic LGBT dogma. Kindergartners have been read the book It Feels Good to Be Yourself, which proclaims that doctors guess what gender babies are, but are sometimes wrong because having a male or female body does not make the baby male or female.

Speaking of Libs on TikTok, the enlightened wokesters who dominate the community share some new names for the race they consider antiracist to hate:

Before long, these terms will work their way into the kindergarten lesson plan at schools both public and private — assuming they haven’t already.

On tips from Jester.


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