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Jun 29 2022

Open Thread

The paradox of liberal tolerance is that it extends to Marxists, transsexuals, and Islamic radicals, but not to conservatives or Christians. - Dinesh D'Souza

Jun 28 2022

Boy Scouts March Under the Flag of Their Conquerors

Once Boy Scouts of America was a wholesome pillar of a healthy society. That’s why leftists had to destroy it.

LGBT militants bullied their way in. Spineless BSA bureaucrats were too terrified of being called homophobes even to defend children. Child sexual abuse suits predictably reduced the organization to bankruptcy. Membership went into a nose dive. Here’s what’s left of the Boys Scouts now:

The same parade featured adults cavorting fully naked in front of kids.

Formerly, the Boy Scouts instilled patriotism. Scouts are taught differently now. As Not the Bee notes,

The Boy Scouts of America now carry LGBT flags at the same height, or even higher, than the Stars & Stripes.

Before long Old Glory will be phased out completely in favor of the flag of their conquerors.

Anything the left is allowed to infiltrate, it will subvert, pervert, render disgusting, and destroy. For examples, look in any direction.

Giving even another millimeter to moonbats is not an option.

On tips from Franco and Mr. Freemarket.

Jun 28 2022

Beavis and Butt-Head Discover White Privilege

What might it look like if hated white males took the intelligentsia’s rhetoric seriously and behaved as if they had privilege? After receiving college indoctrination, Beavis and Butt-Head demonstrate:

The scene is from Beavis and Butt-Head Do the Universe, in which “they actually seem to get away with making fun of woke culture,” as The Blaze cheerfully reports.

We haven’t seen much comedy lately that dares to transgress against the rigid ideology of the liberal ruling class. That’s why comedy usually isn’t funny anymore.

If Beavis and Butt-Head can get away with laughing at moonbattery, the thought police are losing their totalitarian grip. That would be the best possible news not only for comedy but for American culture in general.

On a tip from Occam’s Stubble.

Jun 28 2022

Doctor Threatens to Withhold Treatment From White Men

As part of the Long March Through the Institutions, leftists are subordinating the medical profession to their rigid and bigoted ideology, the American Medical Association already having gone full Marxist. The implications for private medical practice are not good:

Early Sunday morning, the Twitter account Libs of TikTok shared a tweet from a doctor who reportedly worked at Sarah Bush Lincoln Health Center in Mattoon, Illinois.

In an apparent response to the Supreme Court’s decision, she said she planned to withhold treatment from certain patients.

Consistent with her ideology, this tolerant liberal has it in for white men who vote conservative:

We are reaching the point where it is unsafe to seek medical care unless you belong to a “marginalized” group.

On a tip from ABC of the ANC.

Jun 28 2022

Open Thread

When half of the people get the idea that they do not have to work because the other half is going to take care of them, and when the other half gets the idea that it does no good to work, because somebody else is going to get what they work for, that my dear friend, is the beginning of the end of any nation - Adrian Rogers

Jun 27 2022

My Body, My Choice?

A striking feature of liberal ideology is its lack of internal coherence. Even if you spent your life locked in a cell with a television that could only receive CNN/MSNBC/PBS/CBS/ABC/NBC, you still would have no excuse for not understanding that moonbattery is hogwash, because it contradicts not only reality and morality, but also itself. An obvious example is the bumper sticker slogan, “My Body, My Choice,” as Alex Stein has fun illustrating:

Moonbats with a sign shouting “SICK OF HYPOCRISY” will be hard to top. These people are hypocrites even about being hypocrites.

At the risk of stating the obvious, the difference between abortion and mandatory vaccines is that with abortion, it is not about your body. It is the baby’s body that stands to get dismembered.

On tips from Lyle and MrRightWingDave.

Jun 27 2022

Moonbats Attack the Good for Being Good

In the Roe v. Wade aftermath, it is open season on good people, who are physically attacked explicitly for being good.

For example:

One of the more notable attacks (among many) took place at the Life Choices Christian crisis center for pregnant women in Longmont, Colorado. When police and firefighters arrived at the center after three o’clock in the morning, the building was already ablaze. The graffiti we’ve come to expect in these attacks was on display, proclaiming the usual messages pushed by Jane Sent Us.

The media participates by keeping reporting on this terror campaign to a minimum.

No injuries were reported that time, but it isn’t only property tolerant liberals target for violence:

A Seattle street preacher found himself in a maelstrom of hate on Friday, according to multiple social media posts that showed the man lying on the pavement and his Bibles torn to shreds.

Black-clad gangs of what appeared to be antifa agitators targeted the preacher as violence erupted in the aftermath of the Supreme Court overturning the Roe v. Wade ruling that had legalized abortion nationwide.

Not since the Roman Empire before Constantine was it this dangerous to be a Christian:

This is not only about the right to life, or about whether the Constitution says what it says as opposed to whatever leftists choose to pretend that it says. Good and evil have never been in starker opposition.

On tips from gregtuco and TCS III.

Jun 27 2022

Pelosi Demonstrates Her Warmth Toward Children

Kids are icky. When they can’t be aborted, at least don’t let them stand too close:

The girl’s mom is a new member of Congress, Mayra Flores — who personifies Hispanics giving up on the deranged and dysfunctional Democratic Party.

On a tip from Wiggins.

Jun 27 2022

Enraged Moonbats Are Letting Their Mask Slip

It isn’t enough for leftists that they can dismember their own inconvenient children. They demand that abortion be the law of the land by judicial decree, even in states they don’t live in, where the people do not want it and consequently elect representatives who would restrict it.

Not getting their way has caused them to go ballistic. Ana Navarro is far from the only moonbat whose mask has slipped, revealing something truly hideous beneath:

Keep recent Democrat calls for insurrection in mind next time Democrats shriek about alleged threats to democracy.

No reasonable person believes that the US Constitution secures a right to abortion. Pretending it says what it does not say renders the document null and void.

Speaking of founding documents and the rights they secure, this line might still ring a bell:

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.

Note the unalienable right that is listed first.

However, leftists have no more respect for the Constitution or the Declaration of Independence than they do for the sanctity of innocent human life.

Among the excellent advice offered by Sun Tzu:

“If your opponent is of choleric temper, irritate him.”

The choleric temper of progressives has never been more obvious. In their arrogant rage, they will overplay their hand. Countermoonbats need to take full advantage.

On tips from KirklesWorth and Eddie_Valiant.

Jun 27 2022

What to Know About Covid Vax for <5-Year-Olds

Even as Covid peters out, CDC chief technocrat Rochelle Walensky now recommends the jab for all children 6 months to 5 years old, despite the ChiCom virus not constituting a significant threat to them. Marty Makary lists six things parents need to know before listening to her:

1. The research was inconclusive

2. The FDA lowered their standards for acceptable vaccine efficacy needed to approve

3. Most children have natural immunity

4. Safety was based on a small sample

5. Healthy children have a very low risk of a serious consequence from COVID-19

6. CDC’s announcement lacked humility

Click through for details.

Regarding the last point,

Less absolutism and more humility by public health officials would go a long way in rebuilding public trust. Not surprisingly, only 18% of parents said they were planning give the COVID vaccine to their child under five anytime soon.

However, Rochelle Walensky remains a credible authority if you want to keep up to date on demands from teachers unions.

On a tip from Varla.

Jun 27 2022

Open Thread

Some people don't mind a little constitutional sophistry in a good cause; and for liberals, centralizing all power in the federal government is always a good cause. Since most Americans don't know or care what the Constitution says, let alone what their ancestors thought it meant, the great liberal snow job has been very successful. - Joseph Sobran

Jun 26 2022

Ana Navarro Confirms: Abortion Is About Eugenics

The long overdue overruling of Roe v. Wade has highlighted the moral depravity of the liberal commentariat. For example, self-proclaimed Catholic Ana Navarro laments that babies who might grow up to be like her relatives will be more inconvenient to kill:

“I have a brother who’s 57 and has the mental and motor skills of a one-year-old and I know what that means financially, emotionally, physically for a family and I know not all families can do it.”

It isn’t only her brother who should have been dismembered prior to birth.

“I have a step-granddaughter who was born with Down Syndrome — and you know what? It is very difficult in Florida to get services…” she continued without shame, “and I got another step-grandson who is very autistic.”

She may even have a cousin whose congenital halitosis causes others to suffer…

The “pro-choice” position is about more than facilitating sexual profligacy. It is also about eugenics.

The more power progressives acquire, the more frightening our world will be.

On a tip from Franco.

Jun 26 2022

Global Warming Worse Everywhere Than Everywhere Else

We have not abandoned our standard of living and turned over our wealth to our moonbat rulers with sufficient alacrity. Consequently, global warming has gotten so bad that it is even worse everywhere than it is everywhere else:

Normally a picture is worth a thousand words. This picture is worth one: hoax.

Compliments of Henry.

Jun 26 2022

Recommended Reading: Equality

The more radical and intransigent liberals become, the less remote the possibility of a second civil war. A Democrat power grab could set off a chain of events that would split the country apart, giving progressives their chance to create the utopia of their dreams. For an idea of what that might look like, read Equality by Daniel Watts.

Equality is a nation where all outcomes are guaranteed to be equitable. It offers everything liberals demand, including a right to basic needs, alternative pronouns, omnipotent bureaucracy, nasty vegan food, green transportation, total government control of child-rearing, and a prevailing horror of firearms that are not in government hands.

In this collectivist nightmare, everyone lives in terror of causing offense, and is expected to have perverted sex with anyone who wants it. As per current Democrat policy, a miserable standard of living is inflicted in the name of the climate.

The Friendship Exchange, Equality’s answer to Facebook, enlists the citizenry to police itself for political correctness. Weaponized mobs destroy “bigots.”

The book’s best feature is the dry sense of humor, but it has its heavy moments. A school field trip to witness an abortion is more horrifying than anything Stephen King will come up with, as is the fate of children who don’t adjust well to pedophilia. The story ends with a punch to the gut.

If you liked 1984 and Brave New World and want something that extrapolates from current trends, Equality is highly recommended.


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