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Jun 22 2022

Why China Will Soon Invade Taiwan

Taiwan has been an island of freedom and prosperity, thriving beneath the looming shadow of communism thanks to implicit protection by the USA. This will not last. An invasion is imminent — if the ChiComs have seen this:

The Navy is training its members to create a “safe space” by using proper gender pronouns in a new instructional video modeled after a children’s show.

“Hi! My name is Jony, and I use he/him pronouns,” Naval Undersea Warfare Center engineer Jony Rozon, who sports a rainbow-colored t-shirt, states in the video’s opening.

It isn’t just the Navy.

The Army mandates similar gender identity training and trains officers on when to offer subordinates gender-transition surgery, the Washington Free Beacon reported in March. These programs are part of a larger push by the Biden administration to make the military more welcoming to transgender individuals.

Watch in horror at what the enemy within has done to the Armed Forces:

Then there is this:

Less than a month after a US Air Force base in Germany cancelled a series of drag shows, including a Drag Queen Story Hour for kids, nearby army base Kleber Kaserne is hosting its own drag story time event, for kids.

The event is being hosted by the KMC Theater Guild on June 30 and will feature “Drag Story Time for all ages,” a “history of drag,” and a “discussion on theater inclusivity.” The “out of character family-friendly Pride event” will be held live on stage, and is touted as a “family friendly Pride event.”

We have seen what “family friendly” means in the context of events featuring drag queens.

The military has been repurposed. Once it defended American liberty. Now it has a new objective: to promote degeneracy on behalf of liberals.

While our military devotes itself to pandering to the sexually deranged, China’s has other priorities:

China’s launch of a new aircraft carrier, its third and the second built entirely at home, speaks to Beijing’s ambitions to become a military power of global standing and reach.

A consequence of Biden and the moonbattery he personifies being allowed to take power will be the end of Taiwan. This will produce further consequences, including a crisis closer to home due to our reliance on Taiwan for computer chips.

On tips from Franco, Chris Neilson, and Wiggins.

Jun 22 2022

Vegan Sandwiches Cost Too Much

One reason liberal elite types are the only ones who find trendy solutions to nonexistent climate problems appealing is that they are the only ones who would. Another is that they are the only ones who can afford them. Electric cars are one example. Vegan sandwiches are another.

From Britain:

Tesco’s vegan sandwich range has shrunk by 28 per cent since 2019, while Morrisons and Asda have entirely removed their plant-based sandwich options.

People won’t buy them, in part because they cost too much. A “sustainable food alliance” called Eating Better confirms that vegan sandwiches are the most expensive kind.

Nonetheless, vegan sandwiches will help save the planet, because if we stop eating food that tastes good, fewer cows and pigs will be raised and their flatulence will not make it be too warm out, according to moonbat doctrine.

Simon Billing, the executive director of Eating Better, said: “Three years on from our last sandwich survey, and with yet more evidence from climate scientists on the need to reduce our meat consumption, it’s deeply disappointing that the sandwich aisle is still too meaty and that plant-based is too pricey.”

Clearly, vegan sandwiches must be mandatory if we expect the climate to stop fluctuating. At the very least, they must be subsidized by taxpayers.

On a tip from Steve T.

Jun 22 2022

How Biden Elevated the Pain Americans Are Feeling

The fright wig lady has a qualification other than being a historic black female sexual deviant whose parents come from Haiti. Unlike her predecessor, she is not too snarky to help explain how Biden elevated the pain the whole country is feeling regarding the rising cost of energy that is driving up the cost of everything else:

The senseless destruction of our economic well-being is not a result of Biden’s characteristic incompetence. It is by design, as he was incompetent enough to let us know in advance.

On a tip from Jester.

Jun 22 2022

Open Thread

We've got Nancy Pelosi. She never shuts up. It's just occasionally we have to hood her like a falcon so we can get some sleep. - Dennis Miller

Jun 21 2022

Moonbat Blames Religious Right for Gas Prices

Even some leftists have figured out that Vladimir Putin is not really the cause of skyrocketing gas prices. Unfortunately, they stop short of grasping that Biden preventing the USA from producing its own energy is driving up the cost. In the video below, a liberal settles on another favorite scapegoat — the religious right.

Sorry about the language, but without resorting to obscenity, how could moonbats express themselves?

Hatred is never uglier than when the woke say the words, “religious right.” It’s almost as if they are so ashamed of themselves for embracing evil that they cannot endure the existence of those who haven’t.

If cretins like this refrained from voting, gasoline would be under $3, because Trump would still be president. She only needs to adjust her mirror to see who to blame.

On a tip from Mr. Freemarket.

Jun 21 2022

Men Barred From Women’s Swimming

Finally, a step toward sanity. Men will no longer be allowed to make a mockery of women’s swimming — at least not where FINA (Fédération internationale de natation) has a say:

FINA, the world’s top international swimming association, announced a new policy on gender inclusion on Sunday that further restricts biological males identifying as females from elite swimming competitions.

Looks like someone still cares about fairness:

“We … have to protect competitive fairness at our events, especially the women’s category at FINA competitions,” FINA President Husain Al-Musallam said in a statement.

There may be an “open” category for lunatics who can’t figure out whether they are male or female. The women’s category will be for women — unless things get even sicker than they are now. Swimmers would have to “transition” to a nightmarish parody of the opposite sex by age 12.

This will keep creeps like Will Thomas, aka “Lia” Thomas, from bullying their way into the girl’s locker room at international swimming events.

According to a FINA spokesman,

“You can’t transition by that age in most countries and hopefully you wouldn’t be encouraged to.”

The constitutional prohibition on cruel and unusual punishment may need to be repealed to deal appropriately with those who inflict sex change horrors on children.


The World Professional Association for Transgender Health just lowered its recommended minimum age for starting gender transition hormone treatment to 14 and some surgeries to 15 or 17.

Given that some moonbats groom their children to be trophy transsexuals from before they can speak, it would be naïve to rule out fully “transitioned” 11-year-olds.

On tips from Jester and Chuck A.

Jun 21 2022

Open Thread

If ye love wealth better than liberty, the tranquility of servitude than the animated contest of freedom - go home from us in peace. We ask not your counsels or arms. Crouch down and lick the hands which feed you. May your chains sit lightly upon you, and may posterity forget that you were our countrymen! - Samuel Adams

On a tip from Anonymous.

Jun 20 2022

Fitting Celebration of Juneteenth

Jason Whitlock aptly calls this “George Floyd Day.” The supposed holiday today was contrived by quintessential RINO John Cornyn and friends to pander to this generation’s more radical answer to the Black Panther Party, and to reward its lowlife foot soldiers for spending most of 2020 looting stores and setting fire to other people’s property in the name of a career criminal who robbed a pregnant woman at gunpoint and whose claim to fame is dying of a fentanyl overdose while resisting arrest.

Reward anything and you get more of it. This especially applies to violence, so it would be hard to imagine a more appropriate way to celebrate “Juneteenth” than this:

A 15-year-old boy was killed and three people including a cop were wounded after shots rang out at a social justice-inspired musical festival in Washington DC.

A total of four people -the dead boy, two adult partygoers and a cop – were shot Sunday evening near the intersection of 14th and U Street NW, where the Moechella music festival, a Juneteenth celebration, was underway. …

Video shared on Twitter showed revelers twerking on top of cars as shots rang out, forcing people to flee for cover.

That is the subculture we are called upon to celebrate today.

Cornyn et al. will be all the happier with their handiwork if events like this can be exploited to attack our right to defend ourselves.

On tips from Wiggins and Varla.

Jun 20 2022

North Korean Defector Terrified by Our Public Schools

Yeonmi Park escaped from North Korea at age 13, so she recognizes what has been going on in our government schools:

“This is exactly the dictator’s handbook. … They always go for young children because they have [not] lived their life enough to… have critical thinking skills. Their brains are very plastic, very malleable…”

She also recognizes the attempt by the ruling class to control us by controlling our language:

“So the thing about North Korea is that is so oppressed to the point we don’t even have the word for oppression… There’s actually even the control of the language in words. And this is why it concerns me where there’s such a something called a speech code, the things that we cannot talk about in America right now,” she added.

Warns Park,

“I think it’s our personal responsibility to protect as many … children as we can from this massive indoctrination coming from the left.”

The price of failure will be America becoming another North Korea.

Park added that Ibram X. Kendi’s antiracist socialism, whose concepts are taught in many U.S. schools, terrifies her. She recalls how North Koreans gave up their land and rights for the sake of equality and ended up getting nothing in return.

At least Park had the possibility of escaping to America. If leftists like Kendi prevail, where will the next generation of Americans escape to?

Cultural Revolution survivor Lily Tang Williams seconds Park’s warning:

On a tip from seaoh.

Jun 20 2022

Open Thread

Only Americans can hurt America. - Dwight D. Eisenhower

Jun 19 2022

Making Covid Tyranny Permanent

Power seized by government is not readily relinquished. That’s why Covid may never be over. Even if the ChiCom virus dies away completely, restrictions will linger.

Authoritarians in the land of Karl Marx and Adolf Hitler plan to impose mask mandates permanently:

Here’s a link to the study PJW mentions, “Correlation Between Mask Compliance and COVID-19 Outcomes in Europe.” Key quote:

These findings indicate that countries with high levels of mask compliance did not perform better than those with low mask usage.

Mask mandates are a mere inconvenience compared to the underlying agenda. Their purpose is symbolic, like Gessler’s hat. Cheryl Chumley details what they symbolize in her new book Lockdown: The Socialist Plan to Take Away Your Freedom. Via Frontpage Magazine:

Chumley … is not reticent about identifying as “evil” the forces wreaking ruin in the world today; nor is she vague about their aim: leftists “want total and complete lockdowns of individual freedoms, individual rights, individually held liberties so they can stage their reset and reshape a new America, a new world, more in line with their collectivist and elitist beliefs. It’s called destroy, then rebuild. What they’re destroying is the Constitution; what they’re trying to rebuild is cultural Marxism and communist control.”

Jane Fonda isn’t the only leftist who regards Covid as a godsend. As Chumley writes, “Democrats saw opportunity to control. To expand power. To rule. To crush. To subjugate. To usher in political reforms, economic changes, and societal shifts…”

The fight against the ChiCom virus is petering out, but the real menace was always Big Government’s exploitation of Covid. That fight continues.

If pushback is not sufficient, the next pandemic will provide a pretext to move the ratchet yet another notch toward absolute tyranny.

On tips from Blackjack, Lyle, and KirklesWorth.

Jun 19 2022

Catholic School Excommunicated for Worship of Moonbattery

Joe Biden is such a fanatical proponent of abortion that he may declare a state of emergency if Roe v. Wade is overturned, so that the federal government can continue to impose abortion on states that don’t want it. Nancy Pelosi absurdly holds that to restrict abortion is to “politicize” the issue, which she opposes. Both of these pro-abortion radicals call themselves Catholic, even while aggressively opposing church teaching on this fundamental moral issue.

Evidently, being Catholic has no meaning. You can call yourself Catholic for political or social purposes, despite refusing to live by or even refrain from attacking basic Catholic principles. The Church will collaborate in the blasphemous farce by confirming your membership. Or maybe not:

A private Massachusetts Catholic middle school has been excommunicated by a local bishop over its refusal to refrain from flying the Black Lives Matter and rainbow LGBTQ pride flag, contending that the ideology behind them is not consistent with the church’s social and moral teachings.

“Not consistent” is putting it mildly. The “pride” flag represents making a lifestyle out of sexual depravity that is firmly and repeatedly condemned in the Bible. The Black Lives Matter flag represents a political movement that stands not only for siding with criminals against law enforcement, but also for valuing people by their race rather than by their souls, and for deliberately destroying the nuclear family in favor of perversion and degeneracy.

Worcester Bishop Robert McManus issued a formal decree that the Nativity School of Worcester can no longer call itself Catholic while continuing to fly the flags after he ordered that they be removed, a demand that was ignored by school officials…

Actions can have consequences even for leftists, accustomed as they may be to getting away with anything.

“I publicly stated in an open letter dated, May 4, 2022, that “these symbols (flags) embody specific agendas or ideologies (that) contradict Catholic social and moral teaching.” It is my contention that the ‘Gay Pride’ flag represents support of gay marriage and actively living a LGBTQ+ lifestyle,” McManus wrote. “This is also true of ‘Black Lives Matter.’ The Catholic Church teaches that all life is sacred and the Church certainly stands unequivocally behind the phrase ‘black lives matter’ and strongly affirms that all lives matter.”

That would include the lives of babies who according to liberal ideology are not officially human yet due to the technicality of not having been delivered. So why have prominent proponents of abortion like Biden and Pelosi not been excommunicated? Why are they still allowed to take communion?

To his credit, Archbishop Salvatore Cordileone blocked Pelosi from taking communion in San Francisco. But she and Biden continue to desecrate the faith by being allowed to take sham communion in DC.

If allowed to metastasize, this cancer will destroy Catholicism. Infiltration by leftists has reduced other denominations to mockeries, featuring drag queen pastors and gay pride worship services. Already there is an outfit calling itself Catholics for Choice so comically depraved that it advocates men having abortions.

The Long March Through the Institutions will subordinate not only Catholicism but organized Christianity in general to leftism if the line drawn by Bishop McManus is not held resolutely.

On tips from Anonymous and Chuck A.

Jun 19 2022

Open Thread

Children must be taught how to think, not what to think. - Margaret Mead

On a tip from Jester.

Jun 18 2022

Biden Falls Down Again

As the economy spirals downward toward recession due to his policies, Joe Biden is on yet another vacation. It is not going any better than his presidency. With no Easter Bunny around to chaperone, he ventured out on a bicycle without training wheels. The results were not pretty:

The Blaze reports:

Biden, 79, was on his bicycle when he rode toward members of the public around 9:40 a.m. at the Cape Henlopen State Park near his home in Rehoboth Beach, Delaware. Video shows Biden slow down as he gets in close proximity to the crowd, but then suddenly falls to the ground.

A pattern is starting to emerge…

In March 2021, President Biden tripped and fell multiple times while walking up the stairs to Air Force One.

Earlier this month, Biden lost his footing while walking up the stairs to Air Force One.

Biden’s mental is even more conspicuous than his physical deterioration.

This guy is seen by the world as the personification of our country. No wonder America’s enemies are on the march. Sorry Taiwan; your days are numbered.

If Congress won’t impeach Biden for treason, then the 25th Amendment should be used to put this husk in a rest home where he belongs. Let’s get President Cackling Kamala over with.

On a tip from Wiggins.


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