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Jun 18 2022

Biden Falls Down Again

As the economy spirals downward toward recession due to his policies, Joe Biden is on yet another vacation. It is not going any better than his presidency. With no Easter Bunny around to chaperone, he ventured out on a bicycle without training wheels. The results were not pretty:

The Blaze reports:

Biden, 79, was on his bicycle when he rode toward members of the public around 9:40 a.m. at the Cape Henlopen State Park near his home in Rehoboth Beach, Delaware. Video shows Biden slow down as he gets in close proximity to the crowd, but then suddenly falls to the ground.

A pattern is starting to emerge…

In March 2021, President Biden tripped and fell multiple times while walking up the stairs to Air Force One.

Earlier this month, Biden lost his footing while walking up the stairs to Air Force One.

Biden’s mental is even more conspicuous than his physical deterioration.

This guy is seen by the world as the personification of our country. No wonder America’s enemies are on the march. Sorry Taiwan; your days are numbered.

If Congress won’t impeach Biden for treason, then the 25th Amendment should be used to put this husk in a rest home where he belongs. Let’s get President Cackling Kamala over with.

On a tip from Wiggins.

Jun 18 2022

Tyranny in the Name of the Planet and Perverted Children

Tyranny is tyranny, whether imposed in the name of the proletariat, the planet, or something bizarre and nonexistent, likely sexually perverted children. The pretext used by your rulers to grind their collective boot on your face makes no difference whatsoever. All that matters is how hard they grind it. They are grinding it hard.

In the name of the planet,

Single-use plastic drinking straws, cutlery, plates, drink-stirrers, expanded polystyrene food and drink containers, and cotton bud sticks will be banned from sale or supply in Victoria from 1 February 2023.

Victoria is home to Melbourne, Australia’s second largest and arguably most progressive city.

Businesses and individuals will be fined $54,000 and $10,900, respectively, for selling, supplying, or distributing the forbidden items. This is even more draconian than the punishment already in place for selling highly useful plastic bags: $49,500 and $9,900, respectively.

Even the most picayune aspects of normal life must be controlled and the most trivial conveniences suppressed, so that you cannot so much as sip your ice tea without doing it in compliance with liberal ideology.

In the name of sexually perverted children,

The Fairfax County School Board in Virginia approved changes to expand punishment for students for “malicious misgendering” at Luther Jackson Middle School Thursday.

The changes in the Student Rights and Responsibilities handbook, approved by a vote of 8-4, make it possible for students as young as fourth grade to be suspended for “malicious misgendering” or “deadnaming” their peers.

“Misgendering” means referring to someone with the correct pronouns even when these differ from “preferred” pronouns. “Deadnaming” means calling someone by their real name rather than a new name that has been invented to go with a new identity as a member of the opposite sex.

Thanks entirely to brainwashing by liberal social engineers, transsexual posturing is trendy among children, who are incapable of comprehending its implications.

Kids are forced to refer to other kids by bogus pronouns and phony names. This is compelled speech, which goes beyond even suppression of free speech to constitute the purest essence of tyranny.

Children who grow up in an environment where they are compelled to lie will have a hard time comprehending the principles America was built upon.

Transsexualized children, global warming hysteria, oppressed blacks, gun violence, toxic masculinity — all of it is idiot noise intended to validate that grinding boot. It is a waste of time to argue with moonbats about how many historically marginalized transsexual BIPOCs can dance on the head of a sustainably sourced pin. The only thing anyone should have to say to them is “Get your boot off my face.”

On tips from VoxAC30 and Bluto.

Jun 18 2022

Wilma Mankiller Put on US Quarters

Lest we forget who are rulers are, moonbats are placing their stamp on American currency, even as they reduce its value toward nothingness through inflation. For political correctness, this may top even replacing Andrew Jackson with Harriet Tubman on the $20 bill. Not only is she “the first female principal chief of the Cherokee Nation,” her name is Mankiller:

Enthuses CNN:

The “tails” side of the coin depicts Mankiller in a traditional shawl looking to the future, with the seven-point star of the Cherokee Nation at her side. The “heads” side still depicts George Washington — but in a portrait designed by the late sculptor Laura Gardin Fraser.

George Washington’s days on the quarter are numbered. The father of our country has already been slated for cancelation.

If only Wilma Mankiller were actually a guy in drag, they would put her on the front of the quarter and rename the nation’s capital after her too.

On a tip from Lyle.

Jun 18 2022

Open Thread

Give people plenty and security, and they will fall into spiritual torpor. - Charles A. Murray

Jun 17 2022

Transsexualization of Children Is Democrat Policy

If you thought nothing could lower your opinion of New York Mayor Eric Adams, think again:

That must be why New York City has spent over $200,000 of taxpayer money on drag queen story hours.

The only point of presumably homosexual men dressed as hypersexualized parodies of women reading “inclusive” stories to children is to groom them for induction into the exceedingly unhealthy LGBT lifestyle. If all goes as hoped, not only will kids be rendered vulnerable to pedophiles, they will have their bodies grotesquely and irreversibly deformed.

No reason to single out Adams. The entire Democratic Party is pushing the homosexualization and transsexualization of children. For example, Michigan Attorney General Dana Nessel proclaims that there should be “a drag queen for every school”:

Nessel made the comments during a civil rights summit in Lansing, Michigan, on Wednesday.

Nessel is the first openly gay person voted into statewide office in Michigan.

“Drag queens make everything better. Drag queens are fun,” she is quoted as saying by Detroit News reporter Craig Mauger.

This goes all the way to the top. The child-fondling creep in the White House just signed an executive order promoting the transsexualization of children — including sexual deformation that would have made Josef Mengele scream in horror:

The executive order will address the slew of Republican legislation banning transgender surgeries for minors and biological males from girls’ spaces — legislation dubbed by the Biden administration as “legislative attacks against LGBTQI+ children and families.”

Actually, the twisted concept of homosexual and transsexual children is an attack on children, whose innocence is respected by everyone except sex criminals, satanists, and Democrats. The concept of family is also under attack.

It will also “crack down” on conversion therapy, which the Biden administration describes as “a discredited and dangerous practice that seeks to suppress or change the sexual orientation or gender identity of LGBTQI+ people,” ordering HHS [the Department of Health and Human Services] to “explore guidance to clarify that federally-funded programs cannot offer so-called ‘conversion therapy.’”

If you attempt to dissuade children from sexual perversion or from believing that they are a member of the opposite sex, you have committed the thought crime of “conversion therapy.”

Notably, the order will specifically charge HHS to “work with states to promote expanded access to gender-affirming care.”

“Gender-affirming” is Orwellese for “gender-denying.” More specifically,

Gender affirming care is a phrase used by transgender activists and media that includes the more grisly sounding transgender top and bottom surgeries, such as removing a biological women’s breasts, removing a biological man’s genitals, sculpting a fake penis on a biological woman, facial feminization or facial masculinization, and more.

That and chemical castration with hormones are what liberals support when they support the transsexualization of children.

Democrat politicians and propagandists pretend that offering up kids as human sacrifices to LGBT ideology prevents them from committing suicide. Unsurprisingly, “gender-affirming” crimes against nature actually have the opposite effect.

No one should try to reach a compromise position with these people. We can only fight them with everything we have, and pray we are forgiven for letting them take power.

On tips from Anonymous, Chuck A, and Franco.

Jun 17 2022

How to Lighten Up a Funeral

If you are planning a funeral and don’t want it to get too heavy, invite Joe Biden to speak. He is likely to lighten the mood with some laughs by applying his trademark obliviousness:

Biden started his speech at the White House with words of condolence for the family of Matt Susz, the executive vice president and chief financial officer of Jo-Ann Stores. The company announced Susz’s death on Wednesday.

Mr Biden said: “And by the way, my sympathies to your family of your CFO, who dropped dead very unexpectedly.” He added: “My best to their family. It’s tough stuff.”

Too bad Biden didn’t venture a guess as to how to pronounce Susz’s name. That might have cracked up his grieving family almost as much as using the expression “dropped dead.”

The grim expression on the sign language interpreter’s face reminds us that it was no joke when Biden said Susz’s death is “tough stuff.”

At least Biden didn’t invite the deceased to stand up and take a bow, as he did with paraplegic Missouri state senator Chuck Graham:

On tips from Chris Neilson and Anonymous.

Jun 17 2022

Democrats Conspire to Recreate 2008 Housing Meltdown

You think the economy is bad now? You’re right, it is. The stock market is down 20% so far this year, and our savings are evaporating as Biden doubles down on the very policies that caused runaway inflation. But it will get far worse. At least for now our homes still have value.

Remember the financial crash of 2008, largely caused by Democrats forcing banks to give mortgages based on race instead of ability to repay the loan? Once might be explained by a combination of recklessness and extreme stupidity. But now they are doing it again. Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac will soon be back in the news:

Last week the government-sponsored enterprises [GSEs] released plans to promote housing “equity” that are chock-full of race-based subsidies.

Fannie and Freddie have been under federal conservatorship since Treasury rescued them during the housing meltdown with a $190 billion taxpayer bailout.

If only they had been allowed to die. Now leftists are again weaponizing these GSEs to punish white privilege on behalf of racial justice.

In September the Biden [Federal Housing Finance Agency] announced it would require Fannie and Freddie to “prepare and implement three-year Equitable Housing Finance Plans that describe each Enterprise’s planned efforts to advance equity in housing finance.” Translation: They must find ways to boost minority homeownership no matter the risk for taxpayers.

It doesn’t matter to Democrats whether you can afford a house, so long as you have the right skin color. Anyone who objects will be denounced as a racist.

Central to Fannie’s plan are “Special Purpose Credit Programs” that increase access to credit and encourage “sustainable homeownership for Black consumers.”

Remember the houses purchased by those who could not afford them with little or no down payment, leading to the crash?

One program would assist black borrowers with down payments. Most home-buyers are required to put down at least 20% of the cost of a new home to reduce the risks of default. Fannie’s plan would effectively require taxpayers to subsidize down payments for black borrowers. …

Another new program would reduce “loan level price adjustments” for black home buyers.

There are laws against racial discrimination. But under liberal rule, these laws are not enforced if the victims are white.

Still another program would “support the reduction of borrower closing costs for Black homebuyers”—for instance, via appraisal reimbursements. Taxpayers would help finance this “support.” Fannie also wants to help black homeowners avoid foreclosure by helping them “deal with unexpected expenses and repairs, or temporary disruptions to income.”

No job? No worries. So long as you are black.

This has the benefit of stoking racial resentment, which the media can milk for evidence that white people are racist, thereby propping up Democrats’ false and malicious ideology.

The profligate unfunded spending that caused inflation to spiral out of control remains in overdrive:

The GSE equity plans would let the Administration spend billions of taxpayer dollars on housing without Congress appropriating a cent.

The 2008 meltdown is too fresh in memory for this to be an accident. Democrats are deliberately creating another housing crisis. The last one swept Barack Obama into power and served as a pretext for the insanely intrusive Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act, moving us a great leap closer to a Soviet-style centralized economy.

Who knows what tyranny Biden et al. will be able to wring out of the next collapse? The more severe they can make it, the more of our wealth and freedom will go up in a puff of political correctness.

On a tip from Varla.

Jun 17 2022

Open Thread

I think we all know the budgetary environment we live in. We all know the troubling future for federal deficits. They should pay for everything. This shouldn't be special on this bill or another one. The Congress has to get serious about controlling spending. - Douglas Holtz-Eakin

Jun 16 2022

Vocabulary as a Weapon

At first glance, postmodernism appears to be a juvenile posture, an ironic embrace of literal insanity that no one outside of academia would have time for. Yet it forms the basis of critical theory, the ideology of our ruling class. This is because postmodernism focuses on power and provides useful tactics for securing it.

Postmodernists hold that objective reality is nonexistent or irrelevant. What matters is the alternative reality they can create through control of language. That is why liberals are obsessed with policing what we can say.

It is not by accident that swamps are now called “wetlands,” bums are called “homeless,” and privileges bestowed by authoritarians are called rights — as a master countermoonbat explains in the video below. Via Thomas Sowell Wisdom:

This is why progressive revisions to the Newspeak Dictionary are relentless, and why they must be ignored.

On a tip from KirklesWorth.

Jun 16 2022

Biden Regime Persecutes Innocent Border Agents

If one story sums up the insanity, injustice, and straightforward treason that characterize our Democrat rulers, this is it. Even now, the Biden Regime continues to persecute Border Patrol agents for attempting to defend the USA from invasion — despite the agents already having been cleared of wrongdoing.

Via Summit News:

Biden’s Department of Homeland Security is still going to punish Border Patrol Agents in connection with the infamous fake ‘whipping’ Haitian migrants incident that was hyped up by Democrats and the media, even though the agents were found to have done nothing wrong.

As we highlighted two months ago, the agents involved were completely cleared of all charges, a development that was practically ignored by every news network apart from Fox.

What left-wing propagandists passed off as whips were actually reins. Journalists may be interested to learn that these are devices used to control horses.

After the agents were cleared, Fox News reporter Peter Doocy asked then White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki when Joe Biden intends to apologise for saying he would make the agents “pay” for what they did.

Doocy finally has an answer to his question.

At the time, border agents involved in the incident were suspended, while their colleagues were forced to undergo woke re-education training

The shaved gerbil atop the DHS enhanced morale by denouncing the agents as perpetuators of “systemic racism.”

Rather than the apologies, commendations, and promotions they deserve, the agents will now be punished for unspecified “administrative violations.”

Meanwhile, the border remains open, with more needy, unskilled foreigners pouring in from every corner of the Third World than could possibly be assimilated or that our crippled economy could possibly withstand.

The persecution of the Border Patrol agents confirms that this is not incompetence. It is deliberate treason.

On a tip from Lyle.

Jun 16 2022

Special Thanks to Covid-Infected Fauci

Not the Bee offers special thanks to our lord and master, King of the Technocrats Anthony Fauci, on the occasion of his coming down with the disease that he could supposedly stop through authoritarian measures:

Thanks for proving that being a powerful, lockdown-driven, always-masked, daily-tested, quadruple-jabbed elite still doesn’t stop the spread!

Now can we stop with idiotic mask and vaccination charades? Absurdly, some places still require them.

Secretly, Fauci is probably taking ivermectin, or as the moonbat media calls it, horse de-wormer.

Say, what’s this?

Fauci was scheduled to brief Congress on the country’s response to the pandemic on Thursday. It remains to be seen whether he will participate in the hearing remotely.

Maybe he’s faking it so that he doesn’t have to commit any more felonies by lying to Congress again. Surely Dr Fauci couldn’t really have Covid. That would indicate that the repressive measures he advocates don’t work.

On tips from Steve T, Blackjack, and Mr. Freemarket.

Jun 16 2022

Jamaal Bowman Wigs Out as Musk Backs DeSantis

To turn this ship around before it goes completely over the falls, we will need a confirmed countermoonbat with proven leadership and political skills, but with no excess baggage and who is not part of the establishment, someone willing to fight the right people for the right reasons, someone young enough to stay in his prime for a while. We need Ron DeSantis. The world’s most successful entrepreneur agrees:

“I voted for Mayra Flores – first time I ever voted Republican. Massive red wave in 2022,” [Elon] Musk tweeted.

Flores on Tuesday defeated the leading Democratic candidate for an open congressional seat in a historically blue region of South Texas. …

After revealing his vote for Flores, Musk confirmed his plans to vote for Republican hopeful DeSantis.

Democrats are not happy:

Rep. Jamaal Bowman (D-NY), who represents parts of the Bronx and Westchester County, tweeted on Wednesday: “Elon Musk is not a leader. He’s just another Republican billionaire who supports white supremacy and authoritarianism because he doesn’t want his workers to unionize or to pay his fair share in taxes.”

Anyone Democrats want to destroy supports “white supremacy,” just as anyone who resists the ham-fisted authoritarianism of the Party of Government is guilty of authoritarianism.

As for his “fair share,” Musk’s tax bill for 2021 comes to $11 billion, said to be the largest single-year tax bill ever for an individual. But he still has a shirt on his back, so he hasn’t paid his fair share.

In contrast, billionaire George Soros must have paid his fair share, because Democrats don’t complain about him, as he installs leftist DAs who have been turning American cities into combat zones.

Bowman added: “The GOP just tried to end democracy and now he’s supporting them.”

He must be referring to the GOP trying to end democracy through institutionalized election fraud. No wait, that was Democrats. Maybe it was the GOP conspiring to pack the Supreme Court, in effect abolishing it. No, Democrats again. Is Bowman referring to plans to abolish the Electoral College? That’s not it. It could only be the guy in the buffalo costume who supposedly almost overthrew the government after being allowed into the People’s House.

DeSantis praised Musk on Wednesday after the world’s richest person indicated on Twitter that he was “leaning” toward voting for the Republican if he ended up as the GOP nominee for president in 2024.

DeSantis held a news conference in the Sunshine State during which he declared that he welcomed support “from African-Americans.”

Consider yourselves trolled, Democrats.

In other Jamaal Bowman news, the congresscritter yelps that there will be another civil war if Republicans take back Congress before Democrats are through destroying the country:

Bowman warned of a stark outcome if Republicans take back power in the November midterm elections — one that would “embolden” far-right extremists and white nationalists who he claims “have been pushing” for “civil war.”

He could be right about the potential for civil war. For Democrats to avoid a blowout will require election fraud so blatant that the media will not be able to cover it up. The political destabilization that began with Obama’s race-based community organizer tactics will reach a crisis point.

On tips from TCS III and Chuck A.

Jun 16 2022

Court Rules BIPOCs Have Different Legal Status

One of the most precious and fundamental aspects of American civilization is equality before the law. It is becoming another casualty of the liberal war on our heritage.

From Legal Insurrection:

The Washington State Supreme Court has issued a sweeping Opinion (pdf.) announcing that whether a person is deemed “seized” by the police must take into account race if the person is “Black, Indigenous, and other People of Color (BIPOC).”

BIPOC status, the court ruled on June 9, 2022, is relevant to whether the person “was not free to leave, to refuse a request, or to otherwise terminate the encounter ….” So two identical factual circumstances of a police encounter maybe result in different judicial results depending on whether the person is BIPOC or not-BIPOC (i.e. white).

BIPOC literally means “any race but white.” Progressives may be ready to drop the pretense that blacks are oppressed by the police. This isn’t about favoritism toward blacks in particular. It is about our woke ruling class’s institutionalized hatred of Caucasians.

How BIPOCs and whites who identify as BIPOCs (Elizabeth Warren, Rachel Dolezal, Shaun King, et al) will prove to the police that they are not Caucasian and therefore warrant special treatment remains to be determined.

On a tip from R F.

Jun 16 2022

Open Thread

A good deal of tyranny goes by the name of protection. - Crystal Eastman

On a tip from cintaroja.


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