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Jun 08 2022

Chesa Boudin Recall Could Be Turning Point

We have hit peak moonbattery. Now the backlash can begin. Weather Underground scion Chesa Boudin has been recalled as DA in the world capital of degenerate woke lunacy, San Francisco:

Voters in progressive San Francisco on Tuesday overwhelmingly supported the recall of Chesa Boudin, the city’s radical left-wing district attorney, two years after he was elected on a platform that emphasized reducing the jail population and prioritizing “restorative justice.”

“Restorative justice” is Liberalese for mollycoddling criminals.

Boudin’s platform could be summed up as “F the Police.” This was fashionable as the Black Lives Matter riots raged, but less so now that the media-manufactured mania had died down and people are waking up to the inevitable effects of wokeism, which include rampant crime.

Boudin’s liberal credentials are impeccable. He worked as a translator and advisor for Hugo Chavez, whose ruination of Venezuela has served as the primary template for the Democrat agenda. Born into moonbattery, he is the offspring of Weather Underground terrorists Kathy Boudin and David Gilbert. He was named after cop-killer Joanne Chesimard (aka Assata Shakur), the patron saint of Black Lives Matter, who now resides in communist Cuba.

Because his parents were incarcerated for killing two police officers and a security guard during a robbery, he was raised by two other Weather Underground terrorists, Bill Ayers and Bernardine Dohrn. These same two terrorists launched the political career of Barack Obama from their Chicago apartment.

Boudin gave voters what they asked for:

He ended cash bail, stopped prosecuting drug-possession cases stemming from “pretextual” traffic stops, stopped using “enhancements” to extend prison sentences for convicted gang members, and stopped prosecuting so-called quality-of-life crimes — things such as prostitution, public camping, public defecation, and open-air drug use. Supporters of the recall say that sent a message that San Francisco was a consequence-free place to engage in low-level crimes, which simply encouraged more crime in the city generally.

By implementing the Broken Windows theory in reverse, Boudin helped make San Francisco into the uninhabitable hellhole it is today.

In 2021, a year that saw nearly 500 people in the city killed by a worsening fentanyl crisis, Boudin’s office didn’t convict a single person of dealing the drug. They chose instead to emphasize diversion programs and lower-level “accessory after the fact” charges, in part to protect immigrant drug dealers from deportation…

As with Biden, his administration has been a case study in applied liberalism.

That even left-wing San Francisco would overwhelmingly vote to oust one of the progressive-prosecutor movement’s leading figures shows just how much the nation’s mood has changed over the past two years as rising crime has plagued big cities across the country.

What are our rulers in the Democrat Party/mainstream media complex learning from this? Not a thing. Intelligencer honked in advance that if Boudin were to be recalled, it would be because San Francisco isn’t liberal after all. These kooks will continue to double down.

This does not necessarily apply to voters, even in San Franfreakshow:

Boudin’s ouster comes less than four months after San Francisco voters recalled three progressive school-board members who were widely condemned for prioritizing social-justice politics…

Those social justice politics included changing the names of 44 schools named after retroactively canceled thought criminals, including George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, Abraham Lincoln, and even insufficiently left-wing former San Francisco Mayor Dianne Feinstein. Not even being homosexual has spared whites from cancelation by the San Francisco Board of Education on a racial basis, as Seth Brenzel learned. The school board is so politically correct that it canceled the concept of acronyms for being racist.

Let’s see what voters can do about other Soros-backed maniacs in positions like Boudin’s (e.g., George Gascon [Los Angeles] Alvin Bragg [Manhattan], Kim Foxx [Chicago], Larry Krasner [Philadelphia], Kim Gardner [St Louis], and Marilyn Mosby [Baltimore]). At the national level, let’s see what we can do about prying the pernicious Democratic Party from power.

On tips from Occam’s Stubble, Varla, and Dragon’s Lair. Hat tip: Maggie’s Farm.

Jun 08 2022

Pregnant Ken Doll

The Babylon Bee used to keep a step ahead of liberal progress. It’s down to half a step. Would anyone be surprised to see Mattel marketing pregnant Ken dolls by the end of the year?

Pregnant Ken will go well with the pregnant man flash card included in the set used to indoctrinate kids while teaching them the names of colors.

On a tip from Mr. Freemarket.

Jun 08 2022

NFL Begins to Inflict Transgender Cheerleaders

As mentioned earlier, thanks to sports having been subordinated to moonbattery, you need a strong stomach to watch women’s cycling. The same goes for football.

Gushes ESPN:

Justine Lindsay, who is believed to be the NFL’s first openly transgender cheerleader, said [he] is happy to “break down that door” and share [his] “great accomplishment” as a member of the Carolina Panthers‘ TopCats squad.

This is what cheerleaders look like in woke utopia:

They think they can make us enjoy this freakshow. They can’t even make us look at it. There are other ways to spend your time than letting liberals insidiously indoctrinate you through their control of sports.

On tips from Varla and Steve T.

Jun 08 2022

Open Thread

Laws that forbid the carrying of arms . . . disarm only those who are neither inclined nor determined to commit crimes . . . Such laws make things worse for the assaulted and better for the assailants; they serve rather to encourage than to prevent homicides, for an unarmed man may be attacked with greater confidence than an armed man. - Thomas Jefferson

On a tip from cintaroja.

Jun 07 2022

Liz Cheney Shakedown

Americans would have forgotten by now about the rowdy behavior at the Capitol on January 6, 2021, considering how many serious problems have developed since. But Democrats won’t let them forget. The January 6 Commission is back in the news following the show arrest of Peter Navarro. Despite the resolution that created it calling for there to be five Republicans on the commission, there are only two; this renders the entire theatrical production invalid. Both are Democrats in all but name. The Pelosi Republican Adam Kinzinger is such a liberal that he weeps in public. As for Liz Cheney, we have confirmation that she is ready to switch parties:

Ahead of Thursday’s prime-time show-trial hearings for the Jan. 6 Committee, the panel’s vice chair, Wyoming Rep. Liz Cheney, is soliciting campaign contributions from those subpoenaed by the witch hunt probe.

Megan Small, who was director of operations for the Trump campaign and was subpoenaed by the Jan. 6 Committee in September, published a Cheney campaign mailer on Twitter Monday requesting donations. …

Small told The Federalist she received the mailer at her Florida address on May 21, calling the letter “unsavory at best” given the committee’s threats to refer those subpoenaed for criminal prosecution by the Department of Justice (DOJ).

Small had better pay up. She doesn’t want to be set upon by the KGB I mean FBI the next time they can catch her in a public place where they can parade her around in handcuffs and leg irons like Navarro.

Thuggishness and corruption? Or just incompetence? Either way, if it quacks like a Democrat…

Liz Cheney has all her chips on Democrats seizing control of elections through either legislation or executive order and thereby imposing single-party rule. She will never again be elected as a Republican in Wyoming.

Not that she doesn’t have plenty of campaign cash:

Cheney still has more than $6.7 million in cash on hand of more than $10 million raised with less than three months left in the race. A Federalist analysis revealed a vast majority of her donations came from her true constituents in Washington D.C. and Northern Virginia rather than residents of Wyoming. Thousands have come from the same blue-dollar donors who bankrolled the Lincoln Project.

Cheney could buy every minute of local ad time in Wyoming. No Republican who has a clue what she has been up to will vote for her — except of course the guy liberals used to call Darth Cheney, but for whom they now have a strange new respect.

On a tip from Occam’s Stubble.

Jun 07 2022

Cross-Dressing Men Dominate Women’s Cycling

It isn’t just baseball. Leftists have subverted sports in general into a platform to advance and normalize their sick ideology. You had better have a strong stomach if you try to watch women’s cycling:

On Thursday, at London’s ThundCrit cycling event, two biological males identifying as women took first and second place and then celebrated their “achievement” by kissing on the podium as the third-place winner, an actual female, held her baby.

The point of this tasteless farce is the subordination of reality itself to woke ideology.

The men who placed first and second call themselves “Emily Bridges” and “Lilly Chant.” The name of the actual winner of the race, who was awarded third place, has been lost in the mists of moonbattery.

If one picture could sum up the consequences of letting liberals win the Culture War:

On a tip from ABC of the ANC.

Jun 07 2022

Illegal Alien Gets Time Served for Killing Kate Steinle

Crime is not out of control because Americans have guns. Americans have always had guns; that is a large part of what makes us Americans. Crime is out of control because of liberal lunacy:

A federal judge on Monday sentenced the undocumented man acquitted of murder in the 2015 shooting death of a woman on a San Francisco pier to the seven years he’s already spent in jail — bringing to a legal close the case that ignited a national firestorm over immigration, crime and sanctuary cities.

The “undocumented man” had already been deported five times when he killed an American woman in front of an audience. But hey, it was just an accident.

Jose Inez Garcia Zarate was in the U.S. illegally when Kate Steinle, 32, was fatally shot along a crowded Pier 14 where she was walking with her father and a family friend. He faces deportation and U.S. District Judge Vince Chhabria told him court to never return to the U.S.

Why wouldn’t he return? It’s not as if the Biden Regime is keeping people like him out.

He was acquitted of homicide charges by a San Francisco jury in 2017 but faced firearms charges in federal court. In March, he pleaded guilty to being a felon in possession of a firearm and a person illegally in the country in possession of a firearm.

Killing people is okay, so long as they don’t belong to protected identity groups. Having a gun is bad though.

Here’s why this psychotic criminal was running loose in our country on the day he killed Kate Steinle:

San Francisco sheriff released him from jail despite a federal immigration request to detain him for at least two more days for deportation.

Garcia Zarate isn’t the only one who belongs behind bars for this.

On a tip from Wiggins.

Jun 07 2022

Democrat Proposes 1,000% Tax on Guns

Democrats love taxes and hate the Second Amendment, so this makes perfect sense:

Rep. Donald Beyer, D-Va., is introducing the bill which would tax all AR-15-style weapons at 1,000%…

When all you’ve got is a hammer…

Although most people understand that it would have the opposite effect, the ostensible idea is that preventing law-abiding citizens from exercising their right to bear arms would reduce murder. Why not cut to the chase and tax mass shootings? Better still, Biden could sign an executive order imposing a tax on maniacs who don’t obey laws.

Beyer, a member of the House Ways and Means Committee and chairman of the Joint Economic Committee, told Business Insider that the measure is “sensible gun control.”

It’s as if the word “sensible” had talismanic power to get people to go along with anything, no matter how unreasonable. Next comes, “Give up your car. It’s just sensible climate control.”

A 1,000% tax on AR-15 style guns could add as much as $5,000 to $20,000 to the sale price, as the price for them is typically from $500 to over $2,000.

At least liberal elitists could still afford them to protect their lavish homes.

This isn’t only about pricing regular Americans out of the market for self-defense, even as crime spirals out of control thanks to Democrat policy and their War on Police. The devious tax is intended to skirt both the Constitution and the filibuster.

Barks Beyer:

“We think that a 1,000% fee on assault weapons is just the kind of restrictive measure that creates enough fiscal impact to qualify for reconciliation.”

That way Democrats can ram it through on a party line vote.

The scheme doesn’t stop at AR-15s:

[H]igh-capacity magazines that have the ability to carry more than 10 rounds of ammunition would be included.

Modern handguns tend to hold more than 10 rounds. Women caught alone in the house when gangs of George Floyd types break in are glad for it.

“Shall not be infringed” reads the Second Amendment. As with all Democrat policy regarding firearms, the explicit point of Beyer’s tax is infringement. He should be removed from office for violating his oath to support the Constitution. The same goes for most if not all Democrats.

On a tip from Chuck A.

Jun 07 2022

Kathy Hochul Bribes Taxpayers With Their Own Money

The only thing keeping Democrats in office, other than their control of the media and Big Tech, is their tactic of bribing us with our own money. New York Governor Kathy faces a primary challenge on June 28. So she is sending out checks:

“Governor Hochul and the New York State Legislature are providing you this Homeowner Tax Rebate check that you can use to help pay your property taxes,” reads the letter accompanying a check shared with The Post.

The tax rebates are also coming much earlier than in past years.

The idea is that New Yorkers will be so pleased to get some of their own money back that they will forget that the reason taxes are so excessive in the first place is Democrat greed.

Hochul promised to make state government more ethical after succeeding the scandal-plagued Cuomo last year – a vow belied by attaching her name to a government form letter.

It’s not just the letter. For example:

Political rivals like [Thomas] Suozzi and Public Advocate Jumaane Williams, who is also running in the primary, have questioned the propriety of her support for allocating $850 million in state taxpayer money for a new Buffalo Bills stadium that could benefit a company employing her husband, who has recused himself from matters before the state.

If voters get sick of corruption, they could always try voting out Democrats while it is still theoretically possible. Once these people acquire enough power to ram through “election reform,” the game is over until the next revolution.

On a tip from Wiggins.

Jun 07 2022

Open Thread

The most effective means of fighting crime in the United States is to outlaw the possession of any type of firearm by the civilian populace. - Janet Reno

Jun 06 2022

More MLB Moonbattery — and Slight Pushback

Of all the institutions that have succumbed to the radical left, none is more maniacally woke than Major League Baseball. The Detroit Tigers fund sex change surgery for children. Liberal social engineering has reached the point that people who paid to watch a ballgame are subjected to drag queen performances:

At long last, a few players have worked up the nerve to resist endorsing this:

“In an effort to make their commitment [to the LGBTQ+ community] more visible, the [Tampa Bay] Rays this year decided to follow the lead of the Giants and add rainbow-colored logos to their Pride Night uniforms, to the “TB” on their caps and a sunburst on their right jersey sleeves,” reports the Tampa Bay Times.

However, numerous players chose to peel off the pride logo and wear their normal hats, including Jason Adam, Jalen Beeks, Brooks Raley, Jeffrey Springs and Ryan Thompson.

Adam was chosen to speak for the refuseniks:

“A lot of it comes down to faith, to like a faith-based decision,” Adam said. “So it’s a hard decision. Because ultimately we all said what we want is them to know that all are welcome and loved here. But when we put it on our bodies, I think a lot of guys decided that it’s just a lifestyle that maybe — not that they look down on anybody or think differently — it’s just that maybe we don’t want to encourage it if we believe in Jesus, who’s encouraged us to live a lifestyle that would abstain from that behavior, just like (Jesus) encourages me as a heterosexual male to abstain from sex outside of the confines of marriage.”

This viewpoint is regarded by our ruling class as beyond the pale. Enraged that anyone would dare decline to publicly endorse the sick LGBT agenda, progressives are vomiting bile:

“To the @RaysBaseball players refusing to wear the Pride patch referencing their beliefs In Jesus…. Absolute bulls**t,” one Twitter user declared. “Jesus took in and loved thieves, adulterers, prostitutes, and criminals. Don’t you dare use Christ as a [sic] excuse for your homophobic BS. Racist frauds.”

Refraining from endorsing sexual perversion makes you a racist, since racism is anything liberals don’t like.

“Hey @RaysBaseball, why did you allow homophobic players to express their homophobia on Pride Night?” another user asked.

Maybe Christian players should be forced to take the field dressed in drag at gunpoint. Anything less might qualify as allowing them to “express their homophobia.”

“Religious bigots are one of the worst aspects of American life and have to be condemned and fought at every turn,” another user said.

All Christians are bigots, since a bigot can be defined as someone who belongs to a group liberals hate.

“If your religious beliefs don’t allow you to wear a damn pride number on your jersey, [d]on’t give your fake performative bulls**t of ‘we accept everyone.’ [S]o Tampa Bay Rays please get f***ed with your ‘wouldn’t allow it’ f***ery,” another user waxed poetic.

According to liberal reasoning, you must accept all behavior, or you are intolerant. Behavior frowned on by liberals (e.g., refusing to endorse the LGBT agenda) doesn’t count.

Yet again we see that “tolerance” means no deviation from leftism is to be tolerated. It isn’t enough to all but criminalize criticism of the LGBT agenda. They want to compel speech in support of it.

You cannot be a Bible-believing Christian without rejecting the LGBT agenda. However, you don’t need to be Christian to resist. Degeneracy and depravity have been reviled throughout the world and throughout history by all healthy societies, Christian and non-Christian alike.

On tips from Wiggins and Chris Neilson.

Jun 06 2022

Pizza Hut Grooms Children

These days, belligerently pernicious companies are too numerous to boycott. But some deserve special mention, like Pizza Hut:

Pizza Hut is featuring a book about “drag kids” as one of the books promoted by its “Book It!” reading incentive program aimed at children in pre-kindergarten through 6th grade.

The “Book It!” website features a book titled “Big Wig,” and states that the reading is geared toward children in pre-kindergarten through 3rd grade.

This is the same age group protected from groomers in the classroom by Florida’s desperately needed Parental Rights in Education Act.

“Big Wig” is a picture book that “celebrates drag kids,” according to a description on the Simon & Schuster website.

Fellow Yum! Brands subsidiary Taco Bell is less surreptitious, shoving the LGBT agenda directly down the public’s throat by subjecting customers of all ages to drag queen acts right there in the restaurant.

Advancing the liberal agenda takes priority over profits. Otherwise, they would hesitate to alienate the hopefully overwhelming majority of the population that secretly finds the LGBT lifestyle and ideology abhorrent.

On a tip from Chris Neilson.

Jun 06 2022

Biden Regime Recruits Illegal Aliens in Mexico

In 1984, the Ministry of Truth manufactures lies and the Ministry of Love tortures potential dissidents. In the eerily similar USA under Democrat rule, Customs and Border Protection, rather than protecting the border, goes into the Third World to recruit illegal immigrants — specifically targeting the single mothers whose situation is both a symptom and a cause of America’s cultural decline, and who reliably vote for Democrats.

Monica Showalter waded into a weepy propaganda piece in the New York Times. It employed the usual emotional manipulation tactics to get readers to sympathize with the unsustainable multitudes of invaders who have exploited Democrat rule as an opportunity to invade our country in contravention of our laws and climb aboard the welfare gravy train. She reemerged with this gem, buried deep in the story:

In late April, the pastor who runs the shelter, Hector Silva, was asked to meet with U.S. government officials to discuss a process for sending some migrants who qualify for humanitarian exceptions to the public health rule across the pedestrian bridge linking Reynosa with the United States. The government allows such exceptions for migrants deemed particularly vulnerable, with decisions being made on a case-by-case basis.

Mr. Silva said Customs and Border Protection had been reaching out two or three times a day to ask for small groups of people who fall into certain categories. On May 1, for instance, Mr. Silva was asked to look for single mothers.

This also happens at other locations along the border, often the result of direct communication between local C.B.P. officials, lawyers and nonprofit groups that assist asylum seekers, according to asylum lawyers and officials with the Department of Homeland Security.

The word “asylum” is becoming meaningless. As Showalter notes,

Some 90% of asylum cases are rejected, while most so-called asylum seekers never bother to show up in court for them anyway, knowing full well what the outcome may be.

These are economic migrants, not asylum-seekers. Democrats exploit the concept of asylum to get them into the country for demographic engineering purposes. Once here, few of them leave. Their poverty has been imported for generations to come.

Public health is not a priority:

What if these people are bringing in COVID — or tuberculosis, monkeypox, malaria, leishmaniasis, or any of a host of diseases migrants are known to carry from their countries of origin, if not pick up while willingly placing themselves in the hands of human smugglers, who have zero concerns for migrant health? … The recruiting not only is unseemly in itself, but it also goes against Title 42 restrictions, which nominally keeps even the sobbiest of the sob stories among migrants out of the country based on public health concerns around COVID.

The Biden Regime has been skirting the court ruling upholding Title 42 until such time as it can get it reversed. Our rulers do not mean us well.

On a tip from R F.

Jun 06 2022

Teaching Preschoolers LGBT Ideology Along With Colors

Where the Left has achieved hegemony, the homosexualization of children is becoming ubiquitous. The idea is that if children grow up immersed in LGBT sickness from their earliest memories, they may assume that their natural revulsion is a flaw in their own character, and struggle to suppress it.

If they are old enough to learn the names of colors, they are old enough for sexual indoctrination. From Ballentine Elementary School in the town of Fuquay-Varina:

A North Carolina teacher used LGBTQ-themed flashcards – including one depicting a pregnant man – to teach preschoolers colors, lawmakers and district officials said.

A constituent alerted Republican state rep Erin Paré, who went to the principal to put the kibosh on the flashcards. It is not too late for pushback to work.

The teacher who doled out the laminated flashcards was not identified by district officials. They were made by a company called ByUs Box, which billed them as a way to “bring anti-racism and inclusivity directly into family homes,” according to its website.

If you don’t want the flashcards used on children, you are racist and not inclusive.

The flashcards used in the preschool classroom were intended to be a way to teach diverse “races, ages, sexualities, genders and abilities” to young minds.

Anyone trying to instill Democrat doctrine regarding “sexualities” and “genders” into the minds of small children belongs behind bars.

It was a special needs classroom, making the kids all the more vulnerable to groomers.

Kids were taught that men can get pregnant, as per the Party of Science. At least the teacher has resigned:

Let’s hope this moonbat never again works with children.

This is why we need cameras in classrooms — and why teachers’ unions will never allow it.

On a tip from MrRightWingDave.


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