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Jul 09 2024

BBC Version of 1066 Has Black Britons

As George Orwell wrote in his instruction manual for modern liberals,

“The past was erased, the erasure was forgotten, the lie became the truth.”

Here’s how the entertainment industry applies the strategy:

The BBC has chosen a “racially diverse cast” to play the characters in its upcoming historical drama about the Battle of Hastings, which occurred in 1066, leading one historian to decry the “bizarre notion that there were black earls in Anglo-Saxon England.”

The BBC inspired Orwell to name the torture chamber at the Ministry of Love “Room 101.” Once again this coercively subsidized propaganda platform pushes moonbattery to the furthest limits of self-parody. It would not be more preposterous to have an earl in Medieval England played by a talking kangaroo.

Maybe the BBC is hoping viewers will tune in to see whether William the Conqueror was now a transvestite. Or maybe the Beeb doesn’t care whether people watch the crap it excretes, since they have to pay for it regardless.

We can’t lay all the blame on Britain’s socialized media:

The eight-part series King and Conqueror, which is a CBS Studios co-production, will feature numerous non-white characters, including one taking the role of a real 11th-century leader.

This should at least prevent people from taking anything from CBS at face value — not that anyone does anyway.

Among those contributing to the DEI,

Black actor Jason Forbes will play the fictional character Thane Thomas, “with the “thanes” being a layer of nobility in the ethnically homogeneous society of Anglo-Saxon England,” reports the Telegraph.

Within a few generations, Britain will always have been populated by BIPOCs.

By erasing British history, they are retroactively erasing the British people. Immigration policy will see to the erasure going forward.

On a tip from The Great Cornholio.

Jul 09 2024

Richard Nixon Causes Ongoing Bloodbath in Chicago

Having succumbed to the Democratic Death Spiral, Chicago no longer celebrates America’s independence on the 4th of July. It celebrates Assassination Day.

As WLS reported Sunday:

At least 100 people have been shot, 17 fatally, in gun violence across Chicago since Wednesday evening during the extended Fourth of July holiday weekend, police said.

The media explicitly refers to it as “gun” violence to help Democrats exploit the senseless bloodshed to disarm the law-abiding population in the face of chaos.

Resident Erica Pinkerton grew up with a 74-year-old woman who was shot in the leg over the weekend, probably randomly by the thugs who own the streets under single-party Democrat rule. She says of the 4th of July,

“It’s assassination day…”

In case readers don’t draw the politically correct conclusion, another resident is found who can confirm that the problem is not caused by a debased, degenerate, barely civilized population that has elected pro-criminal leftist leadership that in turn has marginalized the police. Our right of self-defense is responsible:

“They got to stop the guns. You know?” Austin [on the west side of Chicago] resident Raul Perez said.

Or maybe we should blame Richard Nixon:

The mission of Democrats is to do to the entire country what they have done to Chicago, where their rule is unchallenged.

On tips from R F, Wiggins, and seaoh.

Jul 09 2024

California Star Chamber for Transsexualizing Children

If it would please you to sexually mutilate your child but the other parent objects, head to the erstwhile Golden State. Authorities will go to extremes to take you side:

“My ex-wife, Anne Georgulas, wants to castrate my son, James,” Jeff Younger, the father, told The Daily Signal in a statement Wednesday. James is 12 years old. “Judge Michelle Kazadi denied me access to my own case records. She illegally sealed my case with no public access.”

The trial has been made secret à la Star Chamber. The process is so rigged that Younger can’t even get an independent medical examination of his son.

Normally the moving vans go from California to Texas. But sometimes people have reason to move the other way:

Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton issued an official opinion on Feb. 18, 2022, stating that performing any sterilizing medical procedure on a child constitutes felony child abuse. Georgulas later described Texas as having a “dangerous political climate,” and she moved to California in November 2022. Gov. Gavin Newsom, D-Calif., had signed state Senate Bill 107, turning California into a “sanctuary state” for “gender-affirming care.”

“Bottom surgery” may be the fate awaiting the 12-year-old boy whose mother evidently decided he wants to be a girl at least 8 years ago. It would be difficult to overstate the evil of inflicting the LGBT agenda on children.

On a tip from R F.

Jul 09 2024

Open Thread

Compliments of Chuck A.

Jul 08 2024

The View Remains Servilely Loyal to Biden

Consistent with the nasty edge to his senility, Biden has been lashing out peevishly at other Democrats who have been forced to admit that he is unfit for office. It might improve his mood to remember that at least he still has the cast of The View on his side:

Whoopi waits for someone to show her that Biden can’t do the job. Biden himself has been showing everyone that for 3½ years.

From The View’s point of view, not even the mainstream media is dutifully partisan enough:

These moonbats are responsible for installing opinions into the empty heads of their daytime network television audience. Alarmingly, some of that audience votes.

On tips from ABC of the ANC and Anonymous.

Jul 08 2024

Shopping While White in Finland

Barring a remarkable reversal, the fate Emmanuel Macron and his ultraleft allies are inflicting on France will be shared by the rest of Europe. Here’s what it is already like to go out in public as a white girl in Finland:

On a tip from WDS 2.0.

Jul 08 2024

Biden Recalls Being a Senator From Pennsylvania

Congratulations to Joe Biden on adding another accomplishment to his résumé. He is now a former senator from Pennsylvania:

Two years ago, he proclaimed himself to be the first senator from Delaware:

Biden … mixed up his job title, telling a crowd at the White House that he was the nation’s first senator from Delaware…

“There have not been many of the senators from Delaware. It’s a small state. As a matter of fact, there has never been one. And so I want to take advantage of making sure I introduce [a fellow Delaware native],” Biden said at a White House event marking the end of Ramadan, the Muslim holy month.

Creepy Joe has accomplished one historic first for real. He is the first ChiCom asset to hold the presidency and even run for reelection after succumbing to severe dementia.

On tips from seaoh and WDS 2.0

Jul 08 2024

Alliance of Dishonor Sinks France

France provides confirmation that the supposed center right is part of the moonbat establishment. When push comes to shove, it will side with the ultraleft to advance the woke agenda. For yesterday’s second round elections, President Emmanuel Macron teamed up with literal communists to thwart voters.

Marine Le Pen’s National Rally (RN) won 32% of the vote. Add in their alliance partners and countermoonbats got over 37%.

In comparison, the far-left New Popular Front alliance of communists, socialists, and environmentalists led by radical leftist Jean-Luc Mélenchon only received around seven million votes or around 25.7 per cent and Emmanuel Macron’s neo-liberal centrist coalition received 6.3 million votes or 23.15 per cent of the vote.

However, despite receiving 1.7 million fewer votes than RN, the New Popular Front was awarded the most seats of any party, currently projected by Le Monde at 182. Macron’s coalition won an estimated 168 seats, and despite coming in first in terms of vote share, the RN and its partners were awarded the third most seats at a projected 143.

In France as elsewhere, the left-wing establishment has the game rigged.

The disparity between votes and seats in the National Assembly came as a result of the backroom deal struck between President Macron and the New Popular Front, in which each side agreed to drop out in favour of the candidate with the best chance of beating out the populist party in over 200 legislative districts.

NR leader Jordan Bardella aptly called it an “alliance of dishonor.”

Bernie Sanders and the rest of the globalist Left are delighted. Their local shock troops rioted anyway, just as a warning. They don’t want anyone to prevent the rest of France from becoming transformed like Paris:

On a tip from WDS 2.0.

Jul 08 2024

False Flag Front on the March

In their desperation over Biden’s implosion, Democrats are pulling out all the stops, even deploying phony right wing extremist groups:

Sharp khakis. Here’s how we know this is our tax money at work:

On tips from Wiggins, MrRightWingDave, and KirklesWorth.

Jul 08 2024

Why Dems Aren’t Worried About Alienating Voters

Some might wonder why Democrats are willing to take a political hit by leaving the border open. If they would take more than the most insolently phony measures to defend the country, it would quell some anger over the devastation the invasion has been wreaking. Why don’t they care what the American people think of them heading into an election?

Liberal Axios admits the answer:

They can’t wait for the demographic transformation to do to the whole country what it has done to the state that not that long ago elected Ronald Reagan governor twice. The Democratic Party is as hostile to the United States as its allies in Iran, and it’s too late to keep people from knowing it. The Great Replacement has to happen right now.

It would be crazy for Americans to vote for Democrats at this point, but for unlawful invaders from the Third World it makes perfect sense. Democrats allow them to enslave us via the welfare state.

On a tip from Anonymous.

Jul 08 2024

Running a Business in Our Democrat Future

No need to wonder what America will look like if Democrats achieve their demographic and political objectives; 68% nonwhite, 80% Democrat Oakland is already there:

An Oakland gas station manager [was] expressing anger and frustration Friday after dozens of people ransacked his business overnight – and to make matters worse, he says police never showed up after he called for help. …

Station manager Sam Mardaie believes some 80 to 100 people took part – apparently unhappy that they weren’t allowed inside the station and only offering window service which was normal for that time of night.

The looting started around 4:30 a.m. and went on for 40 minutes.

Mardaie estimates that the damage and theft totals are more than $100,000.

A small price to pay for social justice.

Mardaie and his family took over the business less than a year ago.

The marginalized police did finally show up:

It was only after a video of the mass looting was shared with the department that it was raised to a Priority 1 and an officer was sent to the store nine hours after the robbery began…

Liberal readers will be pleased to note that none of the looters appeared to be worried about the police inflicting systemic racism.

On tips from Wiggins and WDS 2.0.

Jul 08 2024

Open Thread

Compliments of Chuck A.

Jul 07 2024

What Moonbats Are Doing to the US Military

Remember the old public service ad with the egg and the frying pan? “This is your brain on drugs.” The drug problem is now worse than ever, but degeneracy manifests itself in other ways that are more pernicious still. This is your military on moonbattery:

The rot comes down from the top. As America’s enemies position themselves, Deputy Defense Secretary Kathleen Hicks, second highest ranking officer at the Pentagon, explicitly conflates the promotion of sexual depravity with military readiness.

If war were a San Francisco bathhouse, the US military under Commander in Chief Joe Biden would be plenty ready:

Stand by for a major war. Nothing provokes aggression like weakness.

On tips from ABC of the ANC and Wiggins.

Jul 07 2024

Biden’s Attitude Toward Blacks

Biden secured his position as the decrepit figurehead of the rotting liberal establishment when insidious kingmaker James Clyburn agreed to deliver the black vote, so it comes as no surprise that he panders to blacks even more cringe-inducingly than other Democrats, choosing the vice president and a Supreme Court justice explicitly for being black and delighting a black audience by croaking, “I may be a white boy, but I’m not stupid.” But that’s all politics. In real life, it almost seems he doesn’t know blacks are there:

This video isn’t likely to cause problems for Biden, considering that he has a history of racist comments that the media would exploit to end his career were he a Republican.

Remember now, if you don’t vote for Creepy Joe, “you ain’t black.”

On tips from Wiggins, WDS 2.0, and Anonymous.


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