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Jan 01 2024

Open Thread

The Russian Bolsheviks have discovered that truth does not matter so long as there is reiteration. They have no difficulty whatever in countering a fact by a lie which, if repeated often enough and loudly enough, becomes accepted by the people. - Winston Churchill

On a tip from Anonymous.

Dec 31 2023

Lithium-Ion Batteries Burst Into Flames on Cargo Ship

Finally, some good news where electric vehicles are concerned. These batteries were out to sea when they burst into flames, rather than in cars in sleeping family’s garages:

A cargo ship carrying burning lithium-ion batteries remained anchored off the coast of Unalaska Saturday, as marine firefighting experts continued responding to the situation.

The 410-foot Genius Star XI reported the fire to the Coast Guard early Thursday morning while traveling to San Diego, and was directed to Dutch Harbor, where it arrived Friday.

The ship remains two miles offshore, and a one-mile safety zone around the vessel is being enforced.

You can see why Chevrolet has warned customers to park their EVs 50 feet away from the nearest vehicle.

Lithium-ion batteries pose particular dangers because they are hard to extinguish, emit toxic fumes and carry the risk of exploding.

Fortunately for the atavistic weather gods worshiped by our moonbat rulers, our safety is not a concern, so the campaign to force us into unsafe, unreliable, and economically insane EVs can continue.

The weather gods will understand about the smoke coming off the burning ship. They know that the important thing with liberals is intentions, not results.

On tips from Dr. Kufi Tutite and Steve T.

Dec 31 2023

Entertainment Diversity: Castration as Pornography

If you think the LGBT community looks sick on the surface, dig down a few micrometers. There you will find activists like Marius Gustavson:

A former queer activist from Norway has pleaded guilty in a London court after carrying out castrations and livestreaming the footage as pornography to a paying audience over a span of six years. Marius Gustavson, 46, uploaded recordings of the illicit surgeries to his ‘Eunuch Maker’ website, netting up to £200,000 from subscribers.

The idea is to turn men into eunuchs, or as they are fashionably known among the gender-diverse, nullos/smoothies.

Gustavson was in a leadership position at a Norwegian trans activist lobbying group prior to relocating to England to carry out his clandestine genital mutilation surgeries. From 2001 through 2007, Gustavson was Chairman of the Board for the Buskerud chapter of The Norwegian Organization for Sexual and Gender Diversity, now known as FRI (foreningen for kjønns- og seksualitetsmangfold). During this time, FRI, Norway’s oldest and largest LGBT organization, went by the name ‘The National Association for Lesbian and Gay Liberation,’ or LLH.

FRI successfully lobbied the UN’s World Health Organization to remove fetishism, sadomasochism, and fetishistic transvestitism from the International Classification of Diseases, just as homosexuality was removed from the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, putting those who indulge in it on track for normalization, to be followed by privileged “oppressed” status.

A society that encourages depravity will have no shortage of it:

The endeavor was part of a larger network of men who aided Gustavson and performed fetishistic amputations and other procedures for sexual gratification. …

A website owned by Gustavson,, sold graphic videos of castrations and amputations. Registered in 2016, it also offered the option of paid monthly memberships for streaming videos of penectomies.

Castration isn’t just for recruiting children via “gender-affirming care.” It also has entertainment value for members of the identity group at the top of the woke caste system.

Separately, Gustavson also pleaded guilty to making and distributing two indecent videos of a child between January 2017 and January 2020.

But of course only a bigot would oppress him with judgmentalism. Love is love.

On a tip from ABC of the ANC.

Dec 31 2023

Open Thread

Compliments of Chuck A.

Dec 30 2023

RINO Mike DeWine Enables Transsexualizing Children

To the list of moonbats who approve of castrating children on behalf of sexual perversion we can add Ohio’s RINO Governor Mike DeWine:

DeWine announced Friday that he vetoed a bill that would have banned gender transition medical treatments for minors, such as puberty blockers, hormone replacement therapy and surgery.

The legislation would have also barred boys claiming to be girls from competing in girls sports.

DeWine is attempting to placate decent people by positioning himself as too squeamish for lopping off children’s healthy body parts. Yet he gives a thumbs up to chemical castration. He is unfit for public office or to be left alone with a child.

At least DeWine has his reasons. A coward always finds it easier to go with the prevailing wind, even if it is blowing directly out of hell. Plus there is this:

DeWine … received thousands of dollars in donations from donors who provided transgender medical services or opposed efforts to ban the procedures for minors.

A review of donations from 2018 to 2023 found that the governor received $40,300 from the Ohio Children’s Hospital Association (OCHA), Cincinnati Children’s, Nationwide Children’s Hospital and ProMedica Children’s Hospital, all of whom support transgender medical care.

By “transgender medical care,” they mean horrific sex change procedures inflicted on innocent children to advance the LGBT agenda.

On tips from Bluto and Chris Neilson.

Dec 30 2023

Biden Spends to Promote Queer Muslims in India

Despite onerous taxation, the national debt is rocketing toward $34 trillion. Inflation caused by excessive government spending continues to gnaw away at our savings and our standard of living. Here is where some of the money is going:

The State Department is providing financial support to a “queer” Muslim organization in India so it can provide “LGBTQI” people in the regions with a platform to write, according to a grant listing.

Outside of Disney, it would be hard to imagine a more pernicious institution than the US State Department.

The grant was disbursed in September to Creating Resources for Empowerment and Action, a Soros-funded feminist group that advances “the sexual rights of all people,” and went on to fund the Queer Muslim Project, which is an “online platform for queer, Muslim and allied voices” based in India.

India is well known for Islamic violence, despite the attempt to avoid it by splitting off Pakistan and Bangladesh into separate countries. Provoking Muslims with gratuitous depravity is not constructive. The “queer Muslims” Democrats egg on are likely to get chucked off rooftops and have their corpses pelted with rocks.

As we learned on 9/11, resentment sometimes follows us home. Yet promoting sexual depravity around the world is an explicit policy of the Biden Regime.

On a tip from Franco.

Dec 30 2023

LGBT Groomer of the Day: Jeffrey Marsh

In former times, people like Jeffrey Marsh had mobs with torches and pitchforks to deal with.

Under moonbat domination, they are running our elementary schools, and not liking it can get you canceled.

Once again we see that TikTok — which has been instrumental in popularizing Osama bin Laden among Generation Z — may be the most devastating weapon in communist China’s formidable arsenal.

Previously we saw Mr Marsh sporting eye shadow and a 5 o’clock shadow in an ad for “organic” tampons by a company called L. We are living in a surreal horror movie.

On a tip from Anonymous.

Dec 30 2023

Open Thread

Remember: Bureaucracy elevates conformity ... Make that elevates 'fatal stupidity' to the status of religion. - Frank Herbert

Dec 29 2023

Gay Sex Spreads Shigella in Portland

There is good reason we find sewage inherently disgusting. Contact with it can make us very sick. The same goes for homosexual behavior. In ultraliberal Portland, there has been an uptick in shigella cases:

Shigella — a bacteria that is spread through fecal matter — can cause fever, stomach cramps, vomiting, and diarrhea, which can last three to 10 days, and can include blood, health officials warn.

“Shigella spreads when one person’s infected poop gets into another person’s mouth through food or water, from objects or surfaces with shigella bacteria on them, or during sex,” Multnomah County said.

They mean the sort of sex promoted by the liberal establishment, not the kind that results in human reproduction.

The county said the illness has historically affected men who have sex with men, international travelers, and noted other outbreaks have occurred from food service and contaminated water.

According to county officials,

“Local disease patterns suggest that fecal-oral spread through sexual contact may account for between half and more than two thirds of all cases without international travel.”

The rainbow fun doesn’t stop with AIDS and monkeypox. At least shigella is sure to get plenty of government funding, since it primarily affects a top-tier “oppressed” identity group.

Once it starts spreading, you don’t have to partake of sexual diversity to catch shigella. The bacteria can survive up to 5 months on inanimate surfaces.

On tips from Barry A, Eddie_Valiant, and Bluto.

Dec 29 2023

Brandon Johnson Escalates Looting in Chicago

Elections have consequence. An inevitable consequence of electing a supporter of Black Lives Matter looters is more looting — this time not just enabled by the government, but committed by it. From Chicago:

Mayor Brandon Johnson believes reparations for descendants of slaves will help improve his city’s rising crime rate. …

Johnson’s 2024 budget includes $100 million for violence prevention, but also $500,000 to form a Commission on Restoration and Reparations.

If it costs $500,000 just to form a commission, wait until they start passing out other people’s money based on race.

“Violence prevention” means useless gestures, probably largely consisting of public service announcements to the effect that violence is bad. As a BLM supporter who openly sides with criminals against law enforcement, Johnson ran on a platform of defunding the police.

Chicago has well and truly succumbed to the Democrat Death Spiral. Residents are advised to get out while it is still possible to sell their property.

Johnson on Wednesday claimed reparations would also help reduce violent crime, though he was yet to directly explain how.

Free money is not going to reverse the collapse of civilization in diverse hellholes like Chicago. On the contrary, that’s what caused it. The welfare state provided both the mentality and the manpower to fill the streets and now City Hall with mobs of looters.

On tips from Ed McAninch, WDS 2.0, Dr. Kufi Tutite, and ABC of the ANC.

Dec 29 2023

Gen Z Approval of Osama bin Laden

Until recently, Adolf Hitler served well as the personification of evil. But as Nazism fades into history, he has lost his relevance. He inflicted his horrors in a different age against different people. A more poignant incarnation of evil for current times is Osama bin Laden, the maniac associated with the terror atrocities of 9/11. These were witnessed first-hand by many alive today (including yours truly) and represent a threat that has only escalated since. That we now live under a Commander in Chief who opposed killing bin Laden is alarming — but not as alarming as this:

One in five young Americans has a positive view of 9/11 mastermind and Al Qaeda founder Osama Bin Laden, according to disturbing results of a poll.

The alarming survey also found three in 10 Gen Z voters believe the views of the anti-Semitic terrorist leader who slaughtered thousands of innocent people were a ‘force for good’.

This explains how it is possible that demonstrations in support of Islamic terrorism could dominate the streets of the same city that saw the World Trade Center fall.

Why should we be surprised? Bin Laden shared a main objective with the leftists who control our schools and the media: to eradicate Western Civilization. As we have seen in the aftermath of October 7 Islamic terror atrocities, “anticolonialism” aligns naturally with Islam — at least until the common enemy is destroyed.

If we cannot even agree that Osama bin Laden was a bad guy, unity is not a short-term possibility. All we can hope for is to limit the power of those who have succumbed to leftism, prevent the media/schools from creating more of them, and counter the cancerous ChiCom tool TikTok, which has been instrumental in glorifying Osama bin Laden.

On tips from Bluto and Wiggins.

Dec 29 2023

Maine Follows Colorado Across Ballot Rubicon

We knew that Democrats using the tinpot dictatorship tactic of removing their chief opponent from the ballot was not going to stop in Colorado. Maine — whose Secretary of State Shenna Bellows is as hyperpartisan as Colorado’s all-Democrat supreme court — follows suit:

The state’s top election official removed the Republican frontrunner from the [primary] ballot, citing Section 3 of the 14th Amendment, which prohibits elected officials from holding office if they committed an insurrection.

That Trump committed insurrection by explicitly telling supporters who later rioted to protest “peacefully” is a popular talking point in leftist fever swamps. Trump was acquitted of this preposterous charge by the US Senate.

Speaking of the Constitution, it requires each state to provide a republican form of government. However, this form of government is among the many American traditions the leftists comprising the Democratic Party aim to eradicate. Single party rule is more conducive to imposing their agenda.

A few states run by radicals cannot prevent Trump from being the GOP nominee. Ham-fistedly taking him off the ballot in the primaries is a trial balloon, to test whether the population is still American enough to be enraged. If not, expect future ballots to feature Democrats only. As they incessantly remind us, opposition is a threat to “Our Democracy.”

Vivek Ramaswamy observes the obvious:

“This is what an actual threat to democracy looks like. The system is hellbent on taking this man out, the Constitution be damned.”

Watch in astonishment at the Democrat capacity for hypocrisy as Bellows quacks righteously about the sacred “will of the voters”:

On tips from Varla, Bluto, and Dr. Kufi Tutite.

Dec 29 2023

Open Thread

Compliments of Chuck A.

Dec 28 2023

Body Positivity Movement Kills

With minimum wage madness, moonbats recently provided an elementary lesson in economics. Now they teach us about public health by adding the morbidly obese to the Cultural Marxist coalition with the body positivity movement:

Aggressively promoted by the liberal establishment, obesity confers precious oppressed status, resulting in legal privileges and free seats on airplanes. A conspicuously unfit 400-pounder named David Lopez believes himself entitled to a job as a gym teacher despite suffering from asthma, hypertension, diabetes, etc. on the grounds that he is overweight; he is suing Wayne State University for “discrimination.”

However, there are drawbacks to not keeping your weight under control, including:

• All-causes of death (mortality).
• High blood pressure (hypertension).
• High LDL cholesterol, low HDL cholesterol, or high levels of triglycerides (dyslipidemia).
• Type 2 diabetes.
• Coronary heart disease.
• Stroke.
• Gallbladder disease.
• Osteoarthritis (a breakdown of cartilage and bone within a joint).
• Sleep apnea and breathing problems.
Many types of cancer.
• Low quality of life.
• Mental illness such as clinical depression, anxiety, and other mental disorders.
• Body pain and difficulty with physical functioning.

The privileges of oppression are hard to enjoy when you are sick or dead.

On a tip from R F and Mr. Freemarket.


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