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Jan 27 2024

Seattle Pays Black Lives Matter Rioters $10 Million

The reason Black Lives Matter rioters were able to loot, destroy, and vandalize statues of our national heroes throughout the country with minimal resistance from police is that big cities are run by liberals, who are on the same side as the rioters. This was made obvious from the beginning, when soy boy Minneapolis Mayor Jacob Frey turned over the Third Precinct to be burned down by the mob. It continues to be underscored by municipal moonbats who shower public money upon rioters to reward their behavior.

Philadelphia. New York. Denver. Now Seattle:

The city of Seattle has agreed to pay $10 million to 50 Black Lives Matter protesters who sued the police department for claiming they used excessive force during the riots in 2020, in a settlement announced by attorneys from both sides on Wednesday.

The supposedly excessive force consists of using “aggressive” crowd control devices like flash-bang grenades, foam-tipped projectiles, and blast balls that emit pepper gas.

Traditionally, rioters are shot.

Big Government taxes what it wants less of, like wealth generation. It uses the money expropriated to subsidize what it wants more of, like race riots.

Democrats want rioters to know that their services will be compensated, in case they are needed in 2024 as they were in the last presidential election year.

However, it isn’t only Democrats who side with leftist rioters against the rest of us. Senator Mitt Romney (R-UT) infamously marched with a Black Lives Matter mob. Senator John Cornyn (R-TX) was instrumental in establishing Juneteenth a.k.a. George Floyd Day as a national holiday to reward the rioters with a celebration of their viewpoint. This obscenity passed the Senate unanimously.

On tips from DCGere, WDS 2.0, and Franco.


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One Response to “Seattle Pays Black Lives Matter Rioters $10 Million”

  1. […] Moonbattery notes Seattle giving BLM rioters $10 million […]


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