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Feb 15 2022

What They Teach Instead of Math and Science

One reason adults take remedial reading classes at the college level is that grade school is taken up with liberal social engineering. Here is what kids are learning at extravagant public expense in government schools:

This is for real. As prominently displayed atop the 2022 Minnesota Student Survey website,

The Minnesota Department of Education (MDE), in partnership with the Departments of Health, Human Services and Public Safety, will be administrating the Minnesota Student Survey (MSS) in 2022.

Leading sexual questions are actually asked of kids as young as 6th grade, as you can see by linking to the Level 2 (Grades 6–8) version of the Minnesota Student Survey here.

Imagine if a guy in a raincoat came up to preadolescents on a playground and engaged them in conversations about gender fluidity and pansexuality. Any society in human history but ours would be revolted and enraged. Letting the government do it inside the classroom on a systematic basis is exponentially worse.

Each and every leftist social engineer and/or pervert involved in turning schools into LGBT indoctrination camps should be in prison for sexually corrupting minors.

On a tip from Anonymous.


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2 Responses to “What They Teach Instead of Math and Science”

  1. […] liberal obsession with depraved sexual social engineering does stop after grade school. When corrupting actual adults, liberals crank the corruption into overdrive. Check out the […]


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