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Category: DAISNAID

Mar 18 2021

John Kerry Flies Commercial — Maskless

Biden’s frequent flier Climate Czar John Kerry, who recently took a private jet all the way to Iceland to collect a reward for perfecting the weather by preventing other people from consuming energy, has apparently been shamed into flying first class commercial. However, getting him to wear a mask like the rest of us have to do is another matter:

Via Daily Mail:

Kerry has defended himself after he was … spotted without a mask on a flight from Boston to Washington D.C., dismissing concerns over a maskless photo of him onboard the plane as ‘malarkey’.

So much for Biden’s lame “No more malarkey” campaign slogan.

Having been caught red-handed ignoring a decree his fellow liberal elitists impose on everyone else, Kerry claimed that not wearing a mask on the flight was “momentary.” However,

An anonymous passenger who shared the image with Fox News and the Tennessee Star told the outlets that they saw Kerry wearing his mask before boarding but he took it off shortly after getting on the flight before other passengers.

Kerry quickly retreated into his characteristic sanctimony, barking,

‘I wear my mask because it saves lives and stops the spread. It’s what the science tells us to do.’

He could have just said, “Hey, I couldn’t breathe.” People might think of him as human, instead of some freakish alien arrived from an evil planet to inflict the Great Reset.

Masks are required on flights, according to a directive from the Transportation Security Administration – and those who are found in violation can face fines ranging from $250 for the first offense up to $1,500 for repeat offenders. …

The TSA said its mask mandates will remain in effect until May 11, 2021.

The little people might also dislike him slightly less if he would pay his fine like we would have to do.

But then, why should the great John F. Kerry care what the little people think? He’s the one who tells us what to think.

On tips from Jack D, ABC of the ANC, and Mr. Freemarket.

Mar 01 2021

Watch Teachers’ Union President Drop Kid Off at Open Private Preschool

If anyone could more perfectly personify teachers’ unions than Sarah Chambers, who defended pointless school closures from a beach in San Juan while indulging in “yummy seafood mofongo,” it would be Berkeley Federation of Teachers President and coronavirus hypocrite Matt Meyer, who has been caught on video dropping his 2-year-old off at a private preschool for the in-person instruction that public school students have been denied, thanks to unions and the Democrats who are owned by them.

Compliments of guerillaMomz:

Can’t a white guy in dreadlocks and a hoodie be brought up on charges of cultural appropriation?

Fox News reports:

The Berkeley Unified School District reached a tentative agreement with the Berkeley Federation of Teachers earlier this month to reopen public schools in March and April, contingent upon staff members receiving COVID-19 vaccinations.

By March, they mean March 29. Most grades would not open until mid-April at the soonest.

Meanwhile, teachers identified as high-risk individuals who document that they have condition’s [sic] on the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s high risk list, who live with someone who has those conditions, or who is a caretaker as defined by a medical professional for someone with these conditions, will be allowed to continue to work remotely.

The CDC list is extensive. Is someone in your household obese (almost half the population supposedly is)? If not, does someone smoke, or have high blood pressure? Then you shouldn’t have to come to work.

These schools never should have closed. The only reason they are not already open is that powerful unions prefer teachers to do a minimum of work for a maximum of pay.

On a tip from Henry. Hat tip: College Fix.

Jan 26 2021

John Stossel on COVID-19 Hypocrites

Now that John Brennan has fingered libertarians as potential Enemies of the State who should be investigated by federal intelligence agencies, we had better listen to what John Stossel has to say before people like him start disappearing. Here he sounds off on COVID-19 hypocrites displaying the Do As I Say Not As I Do mentality characteristic of authoritarian liberals:

The bigger Big Government gets, the more unjust the tyranny will be.

On a tip from KirklesWorth.

Jan 26 2021

Free From His Own Proscriptions, Ted Wheeler Applies Some Pepper Spray

Portland has been subjected to well over 100 riots over the past year. Mayor Ted Wheeler has forbidden the police to use tear gas to keep them under control. From September:

Wheeler, who was also gassed during a protest earlier this year, made the announcement saying “we need something different” to quell more than three months of nightly unrest in Portland following the May 25 police custody death [probably from overindulging in fentanyl] of George Floyd in Minneapolis.

However, chemical agents are okay if brandished by liberal politicians, as Wheeler did Sunday night:

Robert King, Senior Policy Advisor on Public Safety for Wheeler … notified the [Portland Police Bureau] that Wheeler had been involved in an incident in which “WHEELER used pepper spray against an unknown person.” …

According to Wheeler’s statement, he was leaving the Hillsdale McMenamin’s pub, and was confronted by a middle-aged male, who was taking video of Wheeler with a cell phone.

The male suggested he “had been photographing” Wheeler while he was inside the restaurant. The male accused Wheeler of not wearing a mask.

Presumably a constituent, the guy followed him to his car and would not get out of his face, so Wheeler “pulled out my pepper spray and I sprayed him in the eyes.”

Wouldn’t it be nice if police could do the same to rioters? Civil order might be restored.

Neither Wheeler nor [his companion former Portland mayor Sam] Adams indicated that the man who was sprayed posed an imminent threat or had physically threatened him, only that he was “in close proximity.”

But Wheeler fretted that he could have caught COVID-19 from him.

Let that be a lesson to the public. Even Ted Wheeler can be pushed only so far!

On a tip from Dragon’s Lair.

Jan 22 2021

Biden: Do as I Say, Not as I Do

To the large club of arrogant liberal elitists who ignore the COVID-19 restrictions they impose on others, we can add Joe Biden:

Biden faced criticism for removing his face mask while visiting the Lincoln Memorial on Wednesday night hours after signing an executive order requiring masks on federal property to prevent the spread of coronavirus.

In Biden’s defense, he probably doesn’t read all those executive orders he has been signing — or even his own tweets:

No worries. Jen Psaki explains everything:

“Well Steve…” condescends Psaki, mistaking Peter Doocy for his father, who is a host of Fox & Friends. Once they get his name straight, they are likely to ban Doocy from the White House press briefing room, as he is probably the last real journalist with access to it.

On tips from ABC of the ANC, Mr. Freemarket, and Varla.

Dec 03 2020

Profiles in COVID-19 Tyranny: Sheila Kuehl

Although she is not a major figure in the Democratic Party, the COVID-19 hypocrisy of Sheila Kuehl is so flagrant that it would be remiss not to note it.

Just hours after Los Angeles County Supervisor Sheila Kuehl voted to ban outdoor dining at L.A. County’s 31,000 restaurants over COVID-19 safety concerns, she visited a restaurant in Santa Monica, where she dined outdoors, FOX 11 learned on Monday.

The senseless ban on outdoor dining is an inconvenience to customers. To those who work at them, it is a major problem, because they will likely become unemployed, and if Democrats take over in Washington, unemployment will remain high for years (due to hyper-regulation, higher minimum wage, excessive immigration, and overtaxation). To the owners of the thousands of establishments effected, it is not merely an inconvenience or a problem, but a catastrophe.

Lately Democrats brandish the word “science” almost as aggressively as they exploit the increasingly meaningless word “racism.” But as Liz Wheeler observes, the COVID-19 tyranny inflicted by bureaucrats like Kuehl has nothing to do with science:

On a tip from KirklesWorth.

Dec 03 2020

Do As I Say, Not As I Do COVID-19 Update

“Do as I say, not as I do” could be the official motto of the liberal elite. It is implemented on a constant basis.

Today’s DAISNAID report features a big city mayor. No, it isn’t Denver’s Michael Hancock. From the Austin American-Statesman:

In early November, as health officials warned of [an] impending COVID-19 spike, Austin Mayor Steve Adler hosted an outdoor wedding and reception with 20 guests for his daughter at a trendy hotel near downtown.

The next morning, Adler and seven other wedding attendees boarded a private jet bound for Cabo San Lucas, Mexico, where they vacationed for a week at a family timeshare.

At the time, the city officially recommended that gatherings be limited to 10 or fewer.

One night into the trip, Adler addressed Austin residents in a Facebook video: “We need to stay home if you can. This is not the time to relax. We are going to be looking really closely. … We may have to close things down if we are not careful.”

The wedding was okay though, because Adler says people practiced social distancing.

Adler added that masks were distributed, although he acknowledged that guests were “probably not” wearing them all the time.

Just so long as you have the mask in your pocket, you can always whip it out if someone starts sneezing in your face.

It might not be a big deal that Adler blows off his own government’s recommendations — except that as always with Democrats, there is coercion involved.

Adler has been involved heavily in the city’s COVID-19 response, taking what many considered a bold and politically risky step in March of canceling the South by Southwest Festival, a premier event and economic boon for the city, days before the first local cases were confirmed.

Every time bureaucrats cancel an event, people who would have earned money from it get hurt. Most of these people probably have less excess wealth than Adler.

Even CNN propagandists are choking on the COVID hypocrisy. Daily Caller reports:

CNN anchor Brianna Keilar blasted several Democratic leaders who have been caught breaking or skirting their own COVID-19 safety recommendations during a Wednesday afternoon segment of “CNN Newsroom.”

Keilar took aim at California Gov. Gavin Newsom, New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo, San Francisco Mayor London Breed, Los Angeles County Supervisor Sheila Kuehl, San Jose Mayor Sam Liccardo, and Denver Mayor Michael Hancock, all of whom were publicly exposed for breaking COVID-19 regulations in various ways.

Let them have it, Brianna:

Nice scolding, but no one takes the hide off Democrats like Kayleigh McEnany. Via Not the Bee:

We will have to become accustomed to hypocrisy if the Party of Government isn’t turned back. Once limited government slips away, rules are for the ruled, not the rulers.

On tips from Lyle.


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