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Category: Democrats

Jul 25 2024

History Rewritten After Crowning of Queen Kamala

Oceania has always been at war with Eastasia. By the same token, Kamala Harris — who was ranked the most extreme leftist in the US Senate — has always been a moderate. On behalf of the Democratic Party, the liberal establishment has spoken:

GovTrack, an organization that tracks congressional voting records, confirmed to Fox News Digital it had removed a 2019 web page that ranked Kamala Harris as that year’s “most liberal” U.S. senator sometime within the last two weeks.

The self-described “government transparency website” scored Harris as the “most liberal compared to all senators” in 2019, outranking Sens. Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren at the time.

“Transparency” is Liberalese for “opacity.”

It should be noted that Sanders and Warren are effectively communists.

If Elon Musk didn’t own Twitter, this might be memory holed:

Likewise, Cackling Kamala used to be the Border Czar. Now, in light of the border being an unmitigated catastrophe, she was never the Border Czar, according to the same Axios that repeatedly referred to her as the Border Czar:

Like they used to say in the USSR, the future is certain; it’s the past that keeps changing. If Democrats hold on to power, America will be the Soviet Union recreated by degenerate mental defectives.

On a tip from Mr. Freemarket. Hat tip: Legal Insurrection.

Jul 25 2024

Kamala Harris Might Go After Electoral College

Contra the pious bleating from Democrats about “Our Democracy,” the USA is not a democracy, or it never would have lasted this long, democracies being inherently unstable. The Founding Fathers blessed us with a constitutional republic — if we can keep it. Trump isn’t a threat to our system of government. Democrats are:

In March 2019, Kamala Harris, who was dubbed the “female Obama,” said she was open to discussing eliminating the Electoral College. …

“I’m open to the discussion,” Harris said in an appearance on Jimmy Kimmel Live.

You can see why a politician from California might like the idea. It would allow winner-take-all states with large populations to select the president. Rural states with small populations would have no say.

As quickly as they can get away with it, Democrats will dismantle everything that makes America America so as to achieve single-party totalitarian rule. That’s what Obama meant when he promised to “fundamentally transform” our country.

Hat tip: Liberty Daily.

Jul 24 2024

Democrat Base Welcomes Netanyahu

Welcome to the USA under Democrat rule, Prime Minister Netanyahu:

Via Breitbart:

Anti-Israel protesters released maggots and mealworms in the hotel where Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is staying while visiting Washington, DC.

The Washington, DC; Maryland; and Virginia chapter of a pro-Palestinian organization called Palestinian Youth Movement posted a video on Instagram showing maggots and mealworms on a banquet table at the Watergate Hotel.

Jamaal Bowman can take pride:

The group added that fire alarms had been set off on several floors of the hotel for “over 30 minutes”…

It isn’t just scumbag activists. Netanyahu was invited to speak before a joint meeting of members of the House and Senate — yet:

Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT) and Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) have both stated they will be boycotting “war criminal” Netanyahu’s speech.

That’s how prominent Democrats treat the leader of a close ally fighting for existence against Islamic terrorists.

You thought Biden was hostile to Israel, with his massive cash infusions for Hamas and pro-Islam propaganda in the aftermath of the October 7 terrorist atrocities? Stand by for Keffiyeh Kamala. She too boycotted Netanyahu’s speech:

Despite having become the presumptive Democratic presidential nominee, she decided that an earlier commitment to the Zeta Phi Beta sorority’s convention in Indianapolis mattered more than a speech by the leader of one of America’s closest allies at a time of conflict and crisis in a region involving vital U.S. interests.

Ms. Harris is expected to meet Mr. Netanyahu during his visit to Washington, but the snub is unmistakable.

Like her fellow hard left radicals, Harris sides with Israel against Hamas:

NBC News reported that National Security Council officials “toned down” a draft of remarks Ms. Harris was to give on the humanitarian situation in Gaza.

Israelis are “white adjacent” and therefore must be eradicated, according to her ideology.

Due to the leadership vacuum in the USA and Israel’s position at the front lines, Netanyahu is the de facto leader of the free world. As usual, he bore the responsibility well:

Netanyahu delivered a powerful speech to a special joint session of Congress on Wednesday, reminding the chamber that the U.S. has a stake in Israel’s fight against Hamas and Hezbollah terror.

But to the delight of Iran, Cackling Kamala — who is presumably our acting president now that Biden’s cognitive incapacitation has been acknowledged — couldn’t be bothered to listen.

“Our enemies are your enemies, our fight is your fight, and our victory will be your victory,” Netanyahu said.

He recalled the many attacks by Iran and its proxies against Americans, and noted Iran’s intent to target America after controlling the Middle East. In defending itself, he said, Israel was defending the United States as well.

As if to prove his point, the Democrat base, having gathered to support Hamas against Israel, burned Old Glory outside of Union Station:

That’s what our future will look like with Kamala et al. in control. The enemy is not just at the gates, but inside them.

On tips from Wiggins, David Kight, and Varla.

Jul 24 2024

That Was Awkward

It isn’t a pleasant job, but Democrat apparatchiks in the government and media have to do it. Resembling a desperate camper whose matches got wet, here is Chuck Schumer trying to ignite enthusiasm for Kamala Harris:

We have not seen crowds that psyched about a candidate since Jeb Bush:

What do you expect when you pull a switcheroo and overrule your own voters?

Even given their control of the media, Democrats will have to cheat like never before to stay in power. They were proactive to establish following 1/6/21 that objecting to a rigged election will not be tolerated.

On a tip from WDS 2.0.

Jul 24 2024

Biden/Harris Regime Hires Erotica the Drag Queen

Whether the figurehead is Joe Biden or Kamala Harris, we will be ruled by the same kind of people. Which kind? This kind:

A Democrat staffer, who recently announced on social media that he has joined the Biden-Harris campaign as a deputy press secretary, works as a “drag queen” on weekends…

Eric Lipka, who most recently worked in Sen. Elizabeth Warren’s, D-Mass., office before joining the Biden campaign, said he was “thrilled to share” that he has “joined the Biden-Harris campaign as deputy press secretary for Pennsylvania!” …

Lipka, who goes by the drag queen names “Erotica,” “Erica Lipka,” and “Erotica the Drag Queen” on social media, has several social media accounts on X, Facebook, and Instagram, but most of them were private as of Friday and then all of them were locked down shortly after Fox News Digital reached out to the Biden campaign for comment on Saturday afternoon.

But the Internet is written in indelible ink. His social media excretions have been brought to light:

In one Facebook post from January 2023, Lipka encouraged Facebook followers to “come get drunk and watch me slam my vagina into the floor”…

He’ll fit in great with Tyler Cherry, Rachel Levine, and the rest of the freak show constituting the Executive Branch under Democrat rule.

Personnel is policy, which helps explain why the USA went into precipitous decline when Biden/Harris took power.

On tips from WDS 2.0 and Barry A.

Jul 22 2024

Liberals Literally Cry Over Biden Withdrawal

To judge by the reaction of some moonbats, the incompetent, corrupt, cognitively disabled Joe Biden getting chucked overboard by his own party because he had become a laughing stock is a tragedy:

Biden/Harris campaign co-chair Chris Coons showed up on CBS News red-faced and weeping, saying that the president had made a ‘difficult decision’.

Coons, who is also a senator for Delaware, sobbed as he looked off into the distance, took deep breaths, and tried to regain composure on national television.

CNN’s Van Jones was also emotional and teary-eyed on air while speaking about Biden’s decision to back out of the race

Here’s a still more absurd response:

Rachel Maddow gave viewers an emblazoned speech about how Biden’s decision is not what he would have truly wanted – instead it’s something he’s done for the good of the country.

What’s going on in the White House these days is anybody’s guess, but there is one thing we can be fairly sure of: dropping out was not Joe Biden’s decision.

More moonbat tears:

Love the nails.

On tips from WDS 2.0.

Jul 22 2024

Democrats Overrule Their Own Voters

Kamala is cackling like never before. The joke is on you, Democrat primary voters:

On a tip from KirklesWorth.

Jul 22 2024

Biden Not the Only Dem Taking ChiCom Cash

Don’t worry, Democrats. Even without the Big Guy, cash from our communist Chinese adversaries will continue to pour into your coffers:

Stella Li, CEO of BYD Americas, and BYD Americas itself have been major campaign donors to Democratic candidates and organizations in California and beyond over the past decade, according to a Daily Caller News Foundation review of federal and state political spending records.

Parent company BYD is based behind the Bamboo Curtain.

BYD Americas and Li gave more than $40,000 to the Democratic National Committee between 2020 and 2023…

Naturally they have also showered money specifically upon Joe Biden (>$30,000 for his failed 2024 campaign) — but Crooked Joe is not their only friend:

Democratic California Gov. Gavin Newsom received about $60,000 from Li and BYD USA between 2018 and 2023.

As for the ROI,

Newsom drew scrutiny for his administration’s decision to give BYD a $1 billion no-bid contract to supply protective equipment during the coronavirus pandemic despite the company’s core competence being in a different business…

Speaking of California corruptocrats,

Former Los Angeles Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa received more than $10,000 from Li to help his failed 2018 gubernatorial campaign, while the California Democratic Party received approximately $19,000 from Li and BYD USA between 2018 and 2020…

Michael Anotovich, former chairman of the Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors and an architect of California’s bullet train project, received more than $11,000 from BYD USA and its executives in 2015 and 2016 to help his political career…

Anotovich often governed in ways that benefited BYD, such as when he, along with Villaraigosa, steered millions of dollars from a Los Angeles municipal clean bus testing program toward BYD, the Los Angeles Times reported in 2018.

As we learned from Obama, when Democrats talk about green energy, they don’t mean green like leaves.

BYD also gave $25,000 to Californians For Safe, Reliable Infrastructure, which helped defeat a proposition to repeal a suffocating new 12¢/gallon gasoline tax. Like their Democratic Party partners, the ChiComs do not mean us well.

On a tip from WDS 2.0.

Jul 22 2024

First Michelle Obama Campaign Ad

Biden was not shoved aside because he is senile, which has been common knowledge for years. They threw him overboard because he had become a laughing stock, making him unelectable.

Kamala Harris is also a laughing stock. This is why key Democrats have withheld their endorsement despite her DEI qualifications, including the four most powerful, Barack Obama, Chuck Schumer, Hakeem Jeffries, and Nancy Pelosi.

Not only are anti-Kamala ads already out there, so are ads supporting her possible replacement:

On a tip from seaoh.

Jul 22 2024

Anti-Kamala Ads Already Out

It’s easy to switch focus when you are actually still focusing on the same enemy:

Kamala Harris owns all things Biden. That’s like swimming with a millstone around her neck — and Ms. DEI Incarnate is not a strong swimmer.

On tips from Jester and seaoh.

Jul 21 2024

Biden Shoved Aside

No matter how bad American leadership gets under Democrat rule, it can always get worse:

Democrats will have to cheat like never before.

Jul 18 2024

Moonbat Greeter at RNC

How nice of Democrats to provide a greeter for women attending the Republican National Convention in Milwaukee:

With charm like that, he would make a great guard at a gulag if Democrats manage to consolidate power.

On a tip from Wiggins.

Jul 14 2024

Watch Democrats Encourage Political Violence

For the sake of appearances, Democrats now pretend to abhor the violence they have instigated. But we have plenty of video indicating otherwise:

Leftism entails violence. In the end, there is no other way to impose it. That’s why unmitigated rule by the sort of people who comprise the Democratic Party always results in piles of corpses.

On a tip from WDS 2.0.

Jul 12 2024

Dems in Senate Greenlight Voting by Illegal Aliens

Sure enough, Democrats are no longer hiding the ball regarding election fraud. The next time you hear one screech about threats to “our democracy,” remind him/her/zir/it of this:

We have to allow foreign invaders who are in the country illegally to enslave us via the welfare state by voting for the Democratic Party, because otherwise the sort of people who hate regular Americans for being white will call us racists:

It isn’t just conspicuous traitors like John Kerry and influence peddlers like Joe Biden. The Democratic Party is treasonous to its core.

On tips from Jester.


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