More Fun in New York City Subway
The New York City subway gives virtual tourists a glimpse of what life will be like after progressives have collapsed civilization into their anarchotyrannical conception of utopia. Let’s take another ride into our moonbat future:
Good thing there is video. Otherwise, police might be alerted every time someone sees any large woman who happens to be wearing a black jacket and sunglasses. No one in the media would be allowed to say, “The suspect is a black woman who looks like a man.”
If you enjoyed that NYC subway ride, more fun can be had here, here, here, here, here, and here.
On a tip from Wiggins.
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[…] Michele voted for more of this, and she will get it. Sometimes there is still justice, even in the ruins liberals are making of […]
[…] Michele voted for more of this, and she will get it. Sometimes there is still justice, even in the ruins liberals are making of […]