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Jul 25 2023

Country Fans Hit With Evident Hate Hoax

Jason Aldean has taken a stand for community cohesion and basic decency. In response, the liberal establishment has been trying to destroy him. Ultra-woke CMT canceled his hit song “Try That in a Small Town,” which cultural gatekeepers denounced as racist because it sides with regular Americans against BLM/Antifa rioters. The media’s specialty is characterizing villains as heroes and vice versa on behalf of the leftist agenda, but Aldean is not an easy case, because no well-meaning person could oppose his viewpoint. One propagandist became so desperate to discredit his fan base that even as the country guffawed at Carlee Russell, she pulled off what looks like a hate hoax.

From Wisconsin:

A TMJ4 reporter was “left humiliated” while reporting from Country Thunder’s opening night in Twin Lakes Thursday after being yelled at and subjected to a racist slur.

Uncoincidentally, Jason Aldean played “Try That in a Small Town” at the Country Thunder festival, though not that same night.

Taylor Lumpkin, a Black multimedia journalist for WTMJ-TV (Channel 4) since 2020, tweeted Thursday night that “a guy ran up and yelled at me (unprovoked), and called me a N***** twice. No one helped. Everyone stared at me, and laughed.

“Do better people,” the tweet said.

The aptly named Lumpkin proved herself a true modern journalist by making herself the story. Her tweet has racked up 1.3 million views.

Naturally liberals are fawning self-righteously over how oppressed she is. The Milwaukee Journal Sentinel squawks piously about the “core commitment to equity, diversity and inclusion” that likely put her in her job. She ought to set up a GoFundMe page.

Have a bucket handy as you brace for her follow-up:

Please. With apologies to talented black journalists who deserve their positions, everyone with access to a television who knows that blacks make up only 13% of the population also knows that the Powers That Be bend over backward to place them in front of cameras. Being a left-wing Woman of Color obviates the need for other qualifications, as Kamala Harris and Ketanji Brown Jackson comically confirm.

The improbable incident may earn Lumpkin a promotion, but it also earns her a spot on the Hate Hoax List.

On tips from Dave F and Todd Burgess.

Jul 25 2023

Democrats Denounce Cambodia for Acting Like Democrats

Maybe it isn’t hypocrisy and projection taken to surreal extremes. Maybe our moonbat rulers are developing a sense of humor. First Hunter Biden’s lawyer lodged an ethics complaint against a Republican representative investigating the Biden Crime Family’s corruption. Now the regime ups the chutzpah by denouncing Cambodia for threatening and harassing the political opposition.

Jests Biden’s State Department:

The United States is troubled that the July 23 Cambodian elections were neither free nor fair.

Ahead of the elections, Cambodian authorities engaged in a pattern of threats and harassment against the political opposition, media, and civil society that undermined the spirit of the country’s constitution…

As the ruling Cambodian People’s Party forms a new government, authorities have an opportunity to improve the country’s international standing, including by restoring genuine multi-party democracy, ending politically motivated trials, reversing convictions of government critics, and allowing independent media outlets to reopen and function without interference.

Patterns of threats and harassment are serious. What did the Cambodian regime do, indict the opposition leader on patently bogus charges? Subject peaceful dissidents to 11 months of solitary confinement essentially for protesting against election fraud?

Are Cambodia’s politically motivated trials as Stalinesque as the theatrical January 6 inquisitions? Did the Cambodian equivalent of the New York Post get silenced by social media conspiring with the Cambodian equivalent of the KGB/FBI so as to kill a bombshell story that would have changed the election result?

Maybe the Cambodian FBI also classifies regular Cambodians who oppose the regime as “domestic extremists.” Maybe that regime has conspired to pack the highest court.

Democrats complaining about banana republic politics is like Pol Pot calling the kettle a communist. As Revolver News observes, under Democrat rule,

We’ve become a laughingstock and are no longer the moral leader of the world — “the shining city on a hill.”

It is still not too late to turn this around. But it won’t be accomplished by half measures.

Not a joke, as Creepy Joe would croak.

On a tip from seaoh.

Jul 25 2023

California Parents Cave to Newsom on LGBT Curriculum

Sometimes parents and even teachers put up a fight against progressives using public schools to indoctrinate innocent children in the ruling class ideology of politicized sexual depravity. Usually, it is not enough of a fight:

A Southern California school board on Friday adopted a social studies curriculum that includes gay rights that was approved by parents and teachers after initially rejecting it.

When CNN says “gay rights,” it means glorification of LGBTism.

Why did parents agree to this? Arms were twisted.

[Leftist Governor Gavin] Newsom previously warned that the district could be sanctioned if it didn’t use the state-approved curriculum.

Newsom denounced attempts to protect children from the glamorization of sexual sickness as “extremists’ desire to control information.”

Don’t worry, it isn’t as if children are being brainwashed into revering perverts who prey on them. According to Allison Barclay, a Temecula Valley Unified School District board member,

“There is no mention of Harvey Milk in the textbook that I know of,” she said. “He is listed in a supplemental section titled ‘Biographies’…”

Supervisor Harvey Milk was shot along with San Francisco Mayor George Moscone by Dan White, a former supervisor who became unhinged when he couldn’t get his job back. White received a wrist slap after using the infamous Twinkie defense. Because Milk was a pervert who molested children, the same sort of liberals who don’t want you to see Sound of Freedom exploited his death to enshrine him as a martyr to their cause. The Navy even named a ship after him.

We grew up with George Washington. The next generation will grow up with Harvey Milk. Because all societies need heroes.

On a tip from ABC of the ANC.

Jul 25 2023

Open Thread

The surest way to work up a crusade in favor of some good cause is to promise people they will have a chance of maltreating someone. To be able to destroy with good conscience, to be able to behave badly and call your bad behavior 'righteous indignation' — this is the height of psychological luxury, the most delicious of moral treats. - Aldous Huxley

Jul 24 2023

Ethics Complaint From Hunter Biden Lawyer

It’s as if this were all for laughs. A more ostentatiously unethical scumbag than Creepy Joe’s bagman Hunter would be difficult to imagine. Yet Hunter’s lawyer has lodged an ethics complaint against Marjorie Taylor Greene for presenting tasteless materials at a congressional committee hearing:

Abbe Lowell requested that an ethics watchdog ‘immediately’ initiate a review of Greene’s conduct after she showed the censored sexually explicit photos of Hunter, which came from his infamous laptop.

In a letter to the Office of Congressional Ethics (OCE), he said Greene’s ‘abhorrent’ behavior blatantly violates House Ethics rules and standards of official conduct.

The word “abhorrent” more aptly describes the Biden Crime Family, which has now pushed liberals’ tendency to project their crimes and deficiencies onto their enemies to a comical extreme of absurdity.

Greene displayed the images in order to ask about Hunter Biden writing off taxes for costs related to escorts, prostitutes and sex clubs.

For this, she is scolded about ethics. If progressives can call other people racist for resisting their race-based ideology, why not?

On tips from Blackjack and Lyle.

Jul 24 2023

68-Year-Old Woman Beaten by Looters Then Fired

A 68-year-old white woman was beaten black and blue by blacks when she attempted to stop them from shoplifting from her employer Lowe’s. What do you suppose happened next? She was fired, of course.

From Georgia:

According to the Rincon Police Department, three people entered the store June 25 and loaded up a shopping cart with about $2,000 worth of items.

Police said as the group was trying to leave without paying a 68-year-old employee named Donna Hansbrough tried to stop them and grabbed their cart.

But that’s when one of the thieves hit her in the face three times.

This left her with a swollen black eye and no job after 13 years of service. Confronting thieves instead of letting them help themselves is a violation of policy.

When moonbats bark about “social justice,” they are calling for more of this. They figure it will be Donna Hansbrough who gets hurt and not them. They don’t have the character to stand up for civilization even when it is safe, much less to face down entitled savages.

Social justice.

On a tip from Varla.

Jul 24 2023

Democrats Come After Light Bulbs

The light bulb is emblematic of human intelligence and ingenuity. Banning it is emblematic of Democrat rule:

The Biden administration is preparing to implement a sweeping nationwide ban on commonly used light bulbs as part of its energy efficiency and climate agenda.

The regulations, which prohibit retailers from selling incandescent light bulbs, were finalized by the Department of Energy (DOE) in April 2022 and are slated to go into effect on Aug. 1, 2023.

Good thing Thomas Edison never could have imagined that his country would deteriorate into a lunatic tyranny where light bulbs would be made illegal in the name of the weather, or he might not have bothered.

As usual, those with less money will be hardest hit by the Party of the Liberal Elite’s authoritarian green gestures:

While 54% of households with an income of more than $100,000 per year used LEDs, just 39% of households with an income of $20,000 or less used LEDs.

As a coalition of free market and consumer groups wrote in a letter to the Department of Energy last year, alleged global climate benefits of banning affordable light bulbs are “speculative, assumption-driven, and prone to bias in the hands of agencies with a regulatory agenda.” They forgot to mention delusional and absurd — like this:

According to the DOE announcement, the regulations will save consumers an estimated $3 billion per year on utility bills and cut carbon emissions by 222 million metric tons over the next three decades.

Yeah right.

It isn’t enough for us to take cold showers. We need to take them in the dark. Then The Climate will be pleased.

On a tip from Chuck A.

Jul 24 2023

California Court Decrees Free Parking for Vagrants

Being a vagabond does not confer the privileges enjoyed by the sexually insane and members of favored races, but in California it does come with perks — including free parking.

That’s the main takeaway from a California Court of Appeals opinion issued Friday that ruled cities that tow cars with five or more unpaid parking tickets violate the 4th Amendment’s prohibition of search and seizure without a warrant.

The Coalition on Homelessness sued the City and County of San Francisco seeking an injunction against towing scofflaw cars that piled up parking tickets, and the trial court had denied the petition. But the Court of Appeals reversed, because “appellant [Coalition on Homelessness] presented declarations regarding the severe impacts of vehicle tows on unhoused San Francisco residents.”

The interests of The Unhoused (formerly known as bums) take priority in places like San Francisco. Those who don’t like it are homelessophobes.

Good luck finding a parking place that isn’t taken up by a dead vehicle housing a dope fiend.

On tips from Brian Brandt and Dennis G.

Jul 24 2023

Democrats Have Cold Showers on Tap

Do you like taking cold showers? Too bad:

The U.S. Department of Energy on Friday proposed energy efficiency standards on water heaters it said would save consumers $11.4 billion on energy and water bills annually.

Sounds wonderful. Except that was the liberal spin. Here’s reality:

Some won’t be able to afford the upfront cost regardless. Good thing we won’t need hot showers. With Democrats running $trillions through green energy money-laundering boondoggles, the whole country will be taking a bath.

On tips from Wiggins and Franco.

Jul 24 2023

Democrats Come After Gas Generators

When Democrat energy policy inevitably results in rolling blackouts as in California, don’t expect to fall back on a gas generator. The Biden Regime is all but banning them:

A proposed Consumer Product Safety Commission rule limits the amount of carbon monoxide a product can emit, with the commission admitting that 95 percent of portable gas generators on the market cannot comply with its new standard. As a result, industry leaders say, the rule will prompt widespread generator shortages, as manufacturers only have six months to design generators that meet the proposed regulation. That process normally takes years, Portable Generator Manufacturers’ Association executive director Susan Orenga told the Washington Free Beacon.

They know we will be needing the generators. This latest decree…

…comes as many Americans face an increased risk of power outages as the country increasingly relies on green energy to produce its electricity. A whopping two-thirds of North America faces an “elevated risk” of power blackouts this summer, a leading grid watchdog found in May, a vulnerability that stems from America’s increase in green power generation and decrease in fossil fuel power plants. California, for example, saw power outages in the summer of 2022 as electricity demand surged.

Portable gas generators can help those who experience a power outage keep the lights on, and nearly five million households use them. Should the Biden administration finalize its rule, however, the generators could become difficult to obtain. The commission’s rule prohibits manufacturers from stockpiling non-compliant generators prior to the rule’s enactment.

Given the conspicuous malevolence of many prominent Democrats, banning generators might be attributed to sheer malice. More likely, it is part of a strategy.

Consider the Black Lives Matter riots that were aggressively encouraged by the entire liberal establishment, prominently including the mainstream media, the Democratic Party, and virtually every major corporation. Consider the violent chaos that has been deliberately unleashed by openly pro-crime attorneys general installed throughout the country by the Democratic Party’s #1 donor, George Soros (e.g., Alvin Bragg [New York] George Gascon [Los Angeles], Kim Foxx [Chicago], Larry Krasner [Philadelphia], Chesa Boudin [San Francisco], Kim Gardner [St Louis], Marilyn Mosby [Baltimore], Monique Worrell [central Florida]). Democrats believe that societal collapse works in their favor.

Leftists have gotten a lot of mileage out of the January 6 kerfuffle. Imagine how they will exploit the genuine political instability that will inevitably result from their pretended attempts to control the global climate through repressive regulations that leave us shivering in the dark.

All they need is enough unrest to justify door-to-door gun confiscations. If that flies, it is game over. Off to the gulag for Moonbattery readers.

On tips from R F and Stormfax.

Jul 24 2023

Open Thread

The Left is not interested in prosperity, it is interested in equality - Dennis Prager

Jul 23 2023

New York Utility Bills to Double

Hopefully you have excess money, because you will need cushion to withstand Democrat plans to raise the price of heating your home and keeping the lights on. This is especially true in New York, where liberals have achieved total dominance:

Next month alone, Con Ed will spike rates across the city by a staggering 9% as part of the three-year rate plan greenlighted by the state Public Service Commission Thursday.

As for those who heat their homes with gas,

A typical Con Ed customer that uses an average of 100 therms in a month will notice their bill increase a hefty $17.28 — or 8.4% — from next month, per the PSC analysis.

It’ll go up again in January by an average of $14.90 (6.7%) and then $15.61 (6.6%) the following year.

Essentially, the rate hikes mean a current monthly electricity and gas bill of $70 will now double to just over $140 come 2025.

Remember when Barack Obama said electricity prices would “necessarily skyrocket” if people like him were elected? For once he wasn’t lying.

On a tip from Wiggins.

Jul 23 2023

Senator Bob Casey Applies for Ninth Circle of Hell

Dante’s Ninth Circle of Hell is dedicated to treachery. It is the deepest circle of hell, where Satan resides. The Ninth Circle might be a suitable final destination for Senator Bob Casey (D-PA), who wants to spend our money to promote communism and transsexualize children:

A pro-LGBTQIA+ center in Pennsylvania that hosted youth drag shows and promoted Young Communist League of Philadelphia events has received the support of Sen. Bob Casey, D-Pa., who has pushed federal funding for the group.

Throughout 2023, Casey has voiced support for additional funding for the Philadelphia-based William Way LGBT Community Center. Earlier this year, the senator requested a $1 million earmark in the FY 2024 appropriations bill for the organization.

Providing an idea of what you are expected to pick up the tab for at the William Way LGBT Community Center, Philadelphia Gay News effuses over a 2016 “youth drag show”:

Feather fans begin to cover a table. Dozens of curling irons, combs, make–up mirrors and brushes emerge on another, along with make–up and glitter in every color, and a Hello Kitty box. A bearded man in studded leather platform boots approaches and begins to apply make–up to the face of a little boy.

This is Esai, and he is 11 years old. According to his mother, Dre, he has been sneaking her heels into his bedroom since he was much younger. Dre is a drag performer herself, having produced another drag show by the name of “Fierce” — the only queer burlesque festival in the world. She also produced the first non–gender binary talent show for kids, “Twinkle.”

Despite being the poor kid’s “mother,” Dre is actually a he.

Here’s why the Ninth Circle is a good fit for Casey:

Early in his tenure, Casey identified himself as pro-life and supportive of the traditional definition of marriage.

However, like many other members of his party, the senator has drastically shifted to the left on social issues. In addition to his full-fledged support of the LGBTQ movement, Casey last year came out in support of “codifying abortion rights.” He claimed that the landmark Dobbs decision would “put women’s lives at risk.” Casey now has a consistently pro-abortion, pro-same-sex “marriage,” and pro-“trans” voting record.

Casey is the son of late Pennsylvania Governor Bob Casey Sr., a pro-life icon who was the respondent of the 1991 Supreme Court case Planned Parenthood v. Casey.

Pennsylvanians must have thought they were getting something along the lines of Bob Casey Sr. Now that the switcheroo has been pulled, they are left with an entrenched incumbent who has the liberal establishment behind him — including a deep-pocketed guest at Jeffrey Epstein’s Pedophile Island:

The Democrat tech billionaire who helped rehab Jeffrey Epstein’s image and visited his island has poured thousands in donations into several vulnerable Senate races across the country.

LinkedIn co-founder Reid Hoffman recently gave the maximum donations of $6,600 each to the campaigns of Sens. Jon Tester, D-Mont., Jacky Rosen, D-Nev., and Bob Casey, D-Pa., according to Federal Election Commission (FEC) records.

Naturally Hoffman throws money at Creepy Joe too:

Fox News Digital also reported this week that the Biden Victory Fund, a joint fundraising committee authorized by the Biden campaign, received a whopping $699,600.00 donation from Hoffman on April 26 and a maximum donation of $6,600 went directly to Biden’s campaign.

In addition to the maximum allowable amount directly to Biden’s 2020 campaign, Hoffman gave $1.5 million to a super PAC supporting it. Biden attended a fundraiser hosted by Hoffman in June.

According to White House visitor logs, Hoffman visited the White House five times last year.

Hoffmann does look a little like someone who would rape children and fund Democrats:


LinkedIn cofounder Reid Hoffman went to Jeffery Epstein’s island AFTER his CHILD PROSTITUTION CONVICTION and just became one of the biggest donors to Joe Biden’s 2024 campaign. These are the pedophiles attacking the movie Sound of Freedom.

True enough; the liberal establishment has even employed an open advocate of pedophilia to attack Sound of Freedom.

As noted earlier, ruling class rot goes to the core.

On a tip from MrRightWingDave.

Jul 23 2023

Why They Don’t Want You to Watch Sound of Freedom

Sound of Freedom exposes other movies that have come out over the past several decades as popcorn by comparison. Cultural gatekeepers are willing to make fools of themselves to trash it. They want us to watch woke vacuous crap like Barbie instead.

In part, this is because the Powers That Be want a public shallow and stupid enough to consent to their rule.

In part, it is because the producers of Sound of Freedom proved that you can make a great movie by circumventing Hollywood. It may be the only way to make one.

Mainly, it is because Sound of Freedom forcefully brings home the reality of the struggle between good and evil. The liberal establishment opposes this, because evil flourishes in the darkness. That’s why Bloomberg published an attack piece written by an actual child rape advocate.

Presenting America’s ruling party:

Stacie Marie Laughton is America’s Historic First Transgender-Identifying Former State Lawmaker to Be Arrested for Distributing Child Pornography. He was presumably put in power specifically for embodying the ideology of the ruling class, which has increasingly focused on promoting sexual perversion. This outweighed already being a convicted felon when he was elected.

Chilling details have emerged on how Laughton acquired child porn with the help of an accomplice working at a daycare center:

Laughton, 39, of Nashua, N.H., was referred to as “PERSON 1” in the federal criminal complaint against Lindsay Groves, 38, of Hudson, N.H., who was charged last month with taking pornographic images of children at the Creative Minds daycare in Tyngsboro, where she worked.

“I want to do this with you with one of my kids,” Groves allegedly texted her former romantic partner — who has now been identified as Laughton following Tuesday’s federal complaint filing — the afternoon of June 14 alongside a picture of a prepubescent boy with a focus on his genitals. “I took that picture a couple minutes ago.”

Laughton allegedly responded to that text with “I also need to be honest I mean yes that picture was hot of that little boy but you probably have gotten the picture by now that I prefer little girls (sic), but he is cute,” and allegedly requested that Groves to touch the little boy inappropriately. …

The feds say the messages included at least four sexually explicit images of children appearing to be between 3 and 5 years old, and lots of sex chatter about hooking up with each other and others, including children.

We can only assume that he was elected to the state legislature for the same reason the conspicuously incompetent Pete Buttigieg is the Secretary of Transportation: out of reverence for his warped sexual proclivities. Voters didn’t know just how warped, but they did know that no one should be judged for whom they love.

If it feels good, do it — right? Or maybe liberals have a deeper moral creed that I am unaware of. Let’s ask James Gordon Meek, a former ABC News producer who was nominated for an Emmy five times as a reporter. Someone that well entrenched in the liberal establishment ought to be able to help us:

According to the DOJ, Meek was visiting South Carolina in February 2020 from his home in Virginia when he sent and received disturbing images and videos that depicted minors engaged in sexual activity with adults.

He allegedly discussed in detail his sexual interests in children during conversations on a smart phone while using a chat application.

Files found on the phone reportedly included images and videos of prepubescent children and at least one file that depicted an infant being raped.

You could call this anecdotal — or you could call it symptomatic.

It isn’t just academia, Hollywood, and the upper echelon liberal elitists who visited Jeffrey Epstein’s Pedophile Island. The degenerate ruling class is rotten to the core. This rot is the perfect soil for evil to grow.

Where else would progressives progress to next after transsexualizing children if not to raping them? By shining a klieg light on this issue and providing moral clarity, Sound of Freedom impedes the agenda.

On tips from Barry A, ABC of the ANC, Ronin, and Ed McAninch.


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