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Jul 11 2023

Church of England Is No Longer Christian

If the Catholic Church is subverted by liberals, it will not be the first to fall. Already, the Anglican Church is no longer Christian in any meaningful sense. The principal leader of the church is not a Christian but a moonbat:

Archbishop of Canterbury Justin Welby, the world’s foremost Anglican prelate, wants universities that [allow] trans people to be “insulted” to face funding cuts and loss of status.

Coming out of Pride Month, we are all well aware that to “insult” a trans person is to say anything they construe as unsupportive. This will soon be a felony in Michigan.

This is not sensitivity. It is worship. Welby must have set aside his Bible in favor of the Guardian before he got to the part that reads “Thou shalt have no other gods before me.”

The Church of England, the mother church of the Episcopal Church in the United States, has become increasingly political, pushing open borders and encouraging children to “play with the many cloaks of [gender] identity” in schools. Anglican churches in Africa recently split from Welby after the Church of England decided to begin blessing same-sex marriages.

Male and female he created them” is another Bible passage Welby must have missed out on, as well as the many passages condemning homosexual behavior in the strongest terms (Leviticus 18:22, Leviticus 20:13, 1 Corinthians 6:9-11, Romans 1:26-27, Jude 1:7, et cetera).

Jesus taught the Lord’s Prayer. Anglican clergy could not get through the second word of it without tripping over their true religion, moonbattery:

The language in the Lord’s Prayer might be “problematic” for some people, the archbishop of York said Friday during his address to a meeting of the Church of England’s ruling body.

The Most Rev. Stephen Cottrell, the archbishop of York, was specifically referring to the words “Our Father,” which opens the prayer that Jesus taught when his disciples asked him how they should pray.

“I know the word ‘father’ is problematic for those whose experience of earthly fathers has been destructive and abusive, and for all of us who have labored rather too much from an oppressively patriarchal grip on life,” Cottrell said in his address.

Clowns like this are running the circus:

Cottrell is the second-most senior bishop of the church and the most senior in northern England, where he serves as the leader of 12 dioceses. Alongside the Archbishop of Canterbury, Justin Welby, Cottrell is a leading spokesperson on behalf of the Church of England.

Welby himself has declared God to be nonbinary.

This is what passes for an Anglican service now:

To prevent this appalling fate from befalling your church, never let moonbats get a foothold. As with every other institution, first they infiltrate, then they subvert and defile, finally they destroy.

On tips from Wiggins, Jester, and Franco.

Jul 11 2023

Baltimore Orioles Wore Braille Uniforms

Anything regarded as a defect is holy to moonbats. This includes races that they consider to be inferior, sexual aberrations, and even physical disabilities like blindness. Consequently, as far back as 5 years ago their relentless virtue signaling already produced absurdities like this:

It is unclear whether the Orioles encouraged blind fans to come down on the field during the game so they could read the uniforms.

At least the braille uniforms were only insane but not also nauseating. The rainbow-colored uniforms athletes have been forced to wear lately to signal submission to LGBTism could make you heave.

On a tip from Steve T.

Jul 11 2023

Open Thread

Marxism is the opium of the intellectuals. - Edmund Wilson

On a tip from Jester.

Jul 10 2023

Pope Meets With Bill Clinton and Alex Soros

Pope Francis has alarmed many Catholics with his seeming devotion to a different religion, namely moonbattery. This won’t reassure them:

Bill Clinton and Alex Soros met with Pope Francis during an unannounced private audience on July 5th. Alex Soros is chairman of the Open Society Foundations and the son of billionaire leftist financier George Soros.

As for Clinton, he was only recently supplanted by Hunter Biden as the apotheosis of liberal elite lawlessness and degeneracy.

Under George Soros, Open Society made significant monetary contributions to legalize abortion in traditional Catholic countries such as Ireland, Poland, and Mexico. The group has also supported efforts in the United States to promote abortion and change the political opinions of American Catholics in contradiction to Catholic teaching.

Not someone you want meeting with a left-leaning pope. Nor is Clinton, who likely hit it off with Francis better than he did with John Paul II as president:

Clinton previously made a 1994 visit to the Vatican, meeting with Pope St. John Paul II. Soon after the visit, the United States clashed with the Vatican about a UN proposal to guarantee abortion under international law.

When the Catholic Church succumbs to liberals on the sanctity of innocent life, you will know that it has become a church under enemy occupation.

On a tip from MrRightWingDave.

Jul 10 2023

Erasing Women From Holland to Oregon

Liberals cannot define what a woman is because according to their ideology, women cannot exist in any meaningful sense. But they do exist. Therefore, they must be erased. That’s why Miss Netherlands is a man:

Rikkie Kolle, a 22-year-old man, beat out nine women to attain the title of “Miss Netherlands” on Saturday, sparking outrage on social media as many users said the win showed we are experiencing a trend of erasing women.

Picking Mr Kolle was a twofer, striking a blow against not only transphobia but also lookism. The guy’s toothy face could break mirrors:

In the bad old days, Miss Netherlands would have been the beautiful woman on the right. Now that the people in charge are enlightened, it is the ugly man on the left. Progressives call this progress.

In other news on the erasure of women, a women’s track event has been won not by a man pretending to be a woman (that wouldn’t be news at this point), but by a woman pretending not to be a woman — because with moonbats the absurdity must always escalate:

Athletes converged on Hayward Field at the University of Oregon in Eugene over the weekend for the 2023 USA Outdoor Track and Field Championship in hopes of qualifying for a spot on Team USA at this year’s World Athletics Championships in Budapest, Hungary.

Despite biologically being a woman, 28-year-old Nikki Hiltz’s victory in the Women’s 1500M intersected with the inane because of her self-identification as a “transgender non-binary” athlete.

Also from Oregon,

As Portland struggles to manage crime and an increase in homelessness, city staff members are being told to adopt a more “culturally conscious” vocabulary that includes not using words such as “women,” “Caucasian” or “citizen.”

All three concepts are slated for erasure.

The Office of Equity and Human Rights pushed an Inclusive Writing Guide in June as part of a “city-wide collaboration” to alter commonly used terms that they feel have evolved.

The guide suggested removing femininity from terms commonly used for women, including replacing “pregnant women” with “pregnant people” to be inclusive of those “who have this experience [pregnancy] but do not identify as women.”

Only when all women have rejected womanhood can this transphobic concept be abolished, thereby opening the gates of utopia.

On tips from The Great Cornholio, Stormfax, ABC of the ANC, and Franco.

Jul 10 2023

Portland to Pass Out Free Fentanyl Paraphernalia

If you doubt that progressives are destroying American civilization on purpose, look to a locale where they have achieved total dominance — like Portland:

[T]he Multnomah County Health Department plans to distribute aluminum foil and straws to fentanyl smokers in Portland in July, officials say.

Spokesperson Sarah Dean confirmed to KOIN 6 that city officials announced their plan to distribute the supplies in a PowerPoint presentation… The supplies will also include glass pipes and snorting kits.

They were already giving out free needles, but heroin is giving way to the fentanyl that Democrats allow to pour over the undefended border.

Dean said the rise of fentanyl has decreased the demand for needle-focused “harm reduction” services. Because fentanyl is typically smoked rather than injected, she said visits to clinics have recently dropped 60% since 2019.

Jessica Guernsey, Multnomah County public health director, says the objective is to “engage people who may not otherwise engage in services.”

Not even a bureaucrat could believe that it benefits society for decent people to be forced to finance free fentanyl pipes for the homeless population — which liberal policies have been causing to explode. Underneath a thin veneer of bleeding heart idiocy, liberalism is depravity and malice.

On tips from Barry A and Chuck A.

Jul 10 2023

Global Warming Hype Boils Over

Global warming hoaxers exploit the fact that temperatures always fluctuate. When we get a cold snap, the media sneers, “That’s weather, not climate. Get educated.” When the inevitable heat wave comes along, it bellows, “YOU SEE!!!”

Lately propagandists have gotten carried away with their attempts to stampede the herd into believing that the apocalypse is nigh if we don’t forsake freedom:

Earth’s average temperature set a new unofficial record high on Thursday, the third such milestone in a week that already rated as the hottest on record and what one prominent scientist says could be the hottest in 120,000 years.

Wow, 120,000 years. I guess we’d better panic.

“It is certainly plausible that the past couple days and past week were the warmest days globally in 120,000 years,” University of Pennsylvania climate scientist Michael Mann said.

Seriously, they are still citing Michael Mann as an expert. He’s the guy who came up with Al Gore’s infamous hockey stick graph by “hiding the decline.” But don’t call Mann a fraud who fudges data. He is a moonbat, so he responds not with facts but with lawfare.

Thursday’s planetary average surpassed the 62.9-degree mark (17.18-degree mark) set Tuesday and equaled Wednesday, according to data from the University of Maine’s Climate Reanalyzer, a tool that uses satellite data and computer simulations to measure the world’s condition.

Hold on, a few scientists even within the government still care about credibility:

The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration on Thursday issued a note of caution about the Maine tool’s findings, saying it could not confirm data that results in part from computer modeling, saying it wasn’t a good substitute for observations.

Models show whatever they are designed to show. Garbage in, garbage out.

You don’t have to be a scientist to know global warming is a scam. Bankers and realtors know it too. Otherwise, think of the deals you could get on Florida real estate. Language alert:

On tips from Lyle and MrRightWingDave.

Jul 10 2023

Profiles in Liberal Hypocrisy II: Ben & Jerry’s

Few companies have been more obnoxious — or more preposterous — in their moonbattery than the Unilever subsidiary Ben & Jerry’s, which desecrated the Fourth of July by denouncing America for being built on “stolen” land that must be “returned” to people who populated it many centuries ago. The company now has an opportunity to prove it is not completely full of crap:

Don Stevens — chief of the Nulhegan Band of The Coosuk Abenaki Nation, one of four tribes descended from the Abenaki that are recognized in Vermont — told The Post in an interview that he “looks forward to any kind of correspondence with the brand to see how they can better benefit Indigenous people.”

Stevens added that if the ice cream maker is “sincere,” it should reach out to him as the company’s corporate headquarters — located at 30 Community Dr. in South Burlington, Vt. — is situated on Western Abanaki land.

Don’t hold your breath waiting for Ben & Jerry’s to turn over its land. Nonetheless, it insists that Mount Rushmore be handed over to Lakota Indians, presumably to be destroyed, since the four presidents represented “actively worked to destroy Indigenous cultures and ways of life, to deny Indigenous people their basic rights,” according to the woke roaches at Ben & Jerry’s.

Unilever lost $2 billion in market cap in the aftermath of the July 4th tweet, as patriots pushed back with the Bud Light treatment. That’s more than six times the $326 million it paid to buy Ben & Jerry’s in 2000. As they say, get woke, go broke.

On a tip from Occam’s Stubble.

Jul 10 2023

Open Thread

Sending money to Washington to have it administered and sent back is like getting a blood transfusion from your right arm to your left arm with a leaky valve. - Ernest Hollings

Jul 09 2023

Misogyny on Display at London Trans+ Pride Freak Show

Feminists are correct that some men hate women. Misogynists took to the streets of London yesterday at a disturbing spectacle called Trans+ Pride:

A TERF is a woman who refuses to give men credit for being women. Here a guy in a dress waving the flag of a terrorist outfit explicitly calls for violence against them:

Considering his history, this guy’s threats should be taken seriously:

Sarah Jane Baker … told the cheering crowd: ‘I was gonna come here and be really fluffy and be really nice and say yeah be really lovely and queer and gay… Nah, if you see a TERF, punch them in the f****** face.’ …

Baker was originally jailed for kidnapping and torturing [his] stepmother’s brother, [he] was then convicted while behind bars of the attempted murder of another inmate. [He] was released in 2019.

It’s almost as if there were some kind of link between psychosis and believing yourself to be a member of the opposite sex.

Another Trans+ Pride participant proclaimed that transsexual freakazoids are deities to be worshiped, which is preaching to the choir, where liberals are concerned.

On a tip from Wiggins.

Jul 09 2023

Profiles in Liberal Hypocrisy I: Mark Zuckerberg

Mark Zuckerberg — who aspires to replace the somewhat free Twitter with the heavily censored Threads — is among the most conspicuously progressive members of the ruling class. To showcase his leftism, he donates massively not only to Democrats but to groups devoted to destroying local police. The tsunami of violent crime that predictably followed the liberal establishment’s support of Black Lives Matter is of no concern to Zuckerberg, who has spent $43 million on private security in just the past 3 years.

Since 2020, the Chan Zuckerberg Initiative (CZI) has donated $3 million to PolicyLink, the organization behind, according to investigative reporter Lee Fang.

The anti-cop group boasts on its website that its funds efforts to “diminish the role of policing in communities, and empower alternative visions for public safety,” though it fails to list what those substitutes may be.

CZI, which Zuckerberg founded with wife Priscilla Chan, has also donated more than $2.5 million to Solidaire, Fang reported, which seeks to do away with policing.

Solidaire reported in a June 2022 overview of its Defund the Police for Funders program that it proudly led the “Anti-Police Terror Project,” which claims to have played a significant role in stripping the Oakland Police Department’s budget of $18 million.

Oakland is a crime-ridden hellhole in which it is unsafe to set foot — unless you can afford private security like Zuckerborg:

Meta, meanwhile, increased its pretax spending on Zuckerberg’s security to $14 million in 2023, up from $10 million over the last several years…

In 2021, Meta reportedly earmarked a total of $27 million for an “overall security program” that ensured the safety of Zuckerberg, Chan and their three daughters.

Like Zuckerberg, Threads is a joke:

On tips from Jack D and KirklesWorth.

Jul 09 2023

Planned Parenthood Pushes Sex Acts on Schoolchildren

The business model is to charge money for exterminating hundreds of thousands of inconvenient babies per year and to bring in coercive funding from the government in exchange for campaign kickbacks. Needless to say, moral qualms do not hinder Planned Parenthood. On the contrary, moral decay = more casual sex = more babies to abort. Another equation: moral decay = more liberal politicians elected = more taxpayer money. So we read this:

Planned Parenthood Regina delivered a sex education lesson to 14 and 15-year-olds in Lumsden High School, Saskatchewan, where a pupil picked up “Sex: From A-Z” which was available for free on a side table.

The deck of 26 cards, which includes explicit language, pushed children to be “sex positive” about each sexual term.

Pushback can still work, even in Canada:

Following complaints from parents, the Province’s Education Minister, Dustin Duncan, suspended the group from working in schools.

A healthy country would arrest those responsible, but then, in a healthy country, Planned Parenthood’s existence would be inconceivable. At least Duncan took a step in the right direction.

On a tip from ABC of the ANC.

Jul 09 2023

Open Thread

If they weren't so dangerous and destructive, one could smile and pat the Modern Liberal on the head and tell him how cute he is and go on about the business of being an adult. But he is dangerous and destructive, with the True Believer's very purpose being the total destruction of everything that God and science-most obviously Western Civilization-has ever created. ...The Modern Liberal will invariably and, in fact, inevitably side with evil over good, wrong over right and the behaviors that lead to failure over those that lead to success. - Evan Sayet

Jul 08 2023

Moonbattery as a Disability

Instead of pretending that every identity group that votes for leftists is somehow oppressed so that each can be granted special privileges at everyone else’s expense, why not cut to the chase and declare moonbattery itself to be a disability? Europe shows the way:

A high-flying banker’s obsession with avoiding germs and eating organic food amounts to a disability, an employment judge has ruled.

The London executive, who worked at Swiss bank UBS, was ruled to be disabled after claiming she was discriminated against at work.

In outlining her case, the finance exec, who was described as having a ‘successful career,’ claimed anxiety and a panic disorder saw her become fixated on her health.

This saw her obsess over the negative effects of germs, chemicals, non-organic foods and take ‘extreme steps’ to avoid them. …

A judge at the London Central Employment Tribunal said this fixation should be considered a disability under the UK’s Equality Act 2020.

She’s wacky, all right — even if not any wackier than the judge.

The City banker’s fixation with health saw her drive for two hours to buy groceries from a specialist organic farm shop, Daylesford Organic Farm, in the Cotswold’s on the weekends. …

Anxieties around contaminated air saw the executive buy a £1,000 air purifier, which she dragged ‘up and down the stairs’ each day.

In short, the banking exec has been granted precious victim status for being a neurotic kook.

On this side of the Atlantic, we call neurotic kooks “Democrats.” Why not declare all of them disabled and then abolish all other identity group privileges?

This would prevent conflicts in the Oppression Olympics, whereby groups that should be allied against regular Americans in accordance with the principles of cultural Marxism instead fight each other over who is more pathetic and therefore more deserving of favoritism.

Better still, it would prevent the bestowal of privilege upon the undeserving. If we are to judge by skin tone, Clarence Thomas is blacker than Barack Obama, but who would want the former to lay claim to the same special treatment when he openly flouts the ideology that has been assigned to his race?

By establishing moonbattery as the one and only disability, we can ensure that only the deserving receive privilege. This general principle has already been applied to our legal system, creating the two-tiered justice system that allows the Biden crime family to rake in $millions through influence peddling without consequence, whereas Donald Trump is repeatedly indicted for nothing much in particular.

There is of course a downside. If moonbattery is the only measure of who is oppressed and therefore deserving of privilege, entire academic fields will wither away. What’s the point of incurring a lifetime of debt to earn a PhD in Intersectional Victimhood Studies when the very concept of political intersectionality has been abolished?

On a tip from Ed McAninch.


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