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Feb 16 2023

Biden Official Cancels Parents in Favor of Groomers

Surprise, surprise. Cross-dressing Assistant Secretary for Health Richard “Rachel” Levine believes parents should not be allowed to impede the recruitment of their children into the LGBT lifestyle:

Levine said some “LGBTQI+” children need to replace their parents with “one supportive adult” while criticizing a parental rights law as “a gag rule” in a video clip posted on Twitter Tuesday.

Parents who are not on board with the transsexualization of their children are to be canceled in favor of outside groomers.

“One supportive adult,” Levine, who is transgender, said in the clip posted on Twitter. “I’d love it if that was always the parent, but it’s not always a parent. Frequently it’s a teacher, or a guidance counselor, or some other coach or another school personnel.”

When moonbats bark “It takes a village,” they don’t necessarily mean the entire federal bureaucracy. A single sicko willing to advance the agenda will do.

The supposed “gag rule” is the Parental Rights in Education Act, among the feathers in the cap of the esteemed countermoonbat Ron DeSantis:

DeSantis signed legislation protecting parental rights in Florida in March, which came following a spate of lawsuits across the country centered around clandestine social transitions of children in schools. The law prohibits discussion of sexual orientation and gender identity from kindergarten through third grade and required schools to notify parents about services for mental, emotional and physical health.

That such a law has proved necessary indicates the seriousness of the situation. The conspicuously evil creep Levine having achieved a position of authority is not an anomaly. Far from it:

Levine previously endorsed a June 2022 executive order by President Joe Biden that expanded access to sex-change procedures for children…

Failure is not an option in the Culture War.

On a tip from Franco.

Feb 16 2023

Confirmation That Media Can Never Be Trusted

If you are ever tempted to take information presented by the mainstream media at face value, remember this headline:

Arkansas woman arrested, accused of making bomb threats in Oxford

At least WCBI made it to the second word of the headline without lying. DeSoto County News didn’t make it past the first. That wasn’t the first time the first word of a headline was a politically motivated lie.

The “woman” is this guy:

Considering that they will lie to you even where you can easily see for yourself that they are lying, it would be foolish to take their word for anything.

On a tip from Steve T.

Feb 16 2023

McDonald’s Introduces McNuggets Made of Plants

Moonbattery can make anything worse — even the garbage served at McDonald’s:

The Chicago-based fast food giant is introducing plant-based McNuggets next week. …

McPlant Nuggets __ made from peas, corn and wheat with a tempura batter __ are the second product McDonald’s has co-developed with Beyond Meat, an El Segundo, California-based maker of plant-based meats. McDonald’s has been selling a McPlant burger since 2021.

Next will come hamburger patties made out of insects, in keeping with the agenda.

At least we have a relatively edible alternative, thanks to Chick-fil-A. Oh wait:

Chick-fil-A panders to LGBT bullies and black supremacists, why not to the tyrannical social engineers who want to take even chicken away from us?

On a tip from Wiggins.

Feb 16 2023

Biden Named Best Communicator in White House

Hapless identity group box-checker Karine Jean-Pierre is clearly not the best communicator even in the White House, despite being the official spokesmoonbat. (She is, however, a historic lesbian of Haitian descent.) Who is the best communicator? Let’s ask Karine:

After being questioned by a reporter about whether Biden is viewed by his team as “equally adept in all settings in terms of communications,” Jean-Pierre insisted that the president’s communication skills are the best in his administration.

That’s right, this guy:

Joe Biden’s communication skills are so impressive, some of his characteristically lucid utterances have been set to music:

At least we can all agree that the best communicator is not Ms. Heartbeat Away:

Kamala Harris’s tenure as vice president has been marked by redundant word salads to the point that even left-leaning “The Daily Show” tweeted a video comparing her statements to the fake politician from the “Veep” political satire series.

Jean-Pair — who calls the country to our north “Canadia” and who can hardly formulate a complete sentence without referring to prepared notes — is not far wrong. Conspicuously inarticulate as Biden is, the subnormal kooks around him are comparably awful. This is especially appalling when you consider that these are political players; communication skills are the only skills they have.

On a tip from ABC of the ANC.

Feb 16 2023

Open Thread


Compliments of Chuck A.

Feb 15 2023

Profiles in Moonbattery: Erin Healy

Erin Healy is a Democrat state legislator not in some woke wasteland but in relatively based South Dakota. She presents the liberal view on family cohesion:

Like the word “fascism,” the word “un-American” has been repurposed to best advance the progressive agenda.

Healy says she is “disgusted” by the “extremist position” of defending the nuclear family.

People like this have power over us. Their degenerate ideology is destroying American civilization before our eyes.

On a tip from Occam’s Stubble.

Feb 15 2023

Columbia Replaces Hippocratic Oath

Since the days of the Greeks, doctors have been guided by the Hippocratic Oath, by which physicians pledge to administer only beneficial treatment and to refrain from causing harm. This oath is obsolete, now that killing children in the womb and sexually disfiguring them to advance a political agenda are considered “health care.” Columbia University — the American beachhead of the cultural Marxist Frankfurt School that has remained at the cutting edge of wokeness — provides an alternative:

The 140 members of the Class of 2025 were welcomed into the profession of medicine at August’s White Coat Ceremony with the usual traditions but with one twist…

Students decided on a new oath … that better reflects the values they wish to uphold as they enter their medical training.

These “values” consist mainly of leftist identity politics.

The VP&S [Vagelos College of Physicians and Surgeons] Class of 2025 has more students from underrepresented minority backgrounds than any medical school class in Columbia’s history.

Formerly, medical schools took pride in their students’ aptitude. Now they take pride in the students not being white. This does not bode well for the future quality of healthcare.

Going forward, each incoming MD class will have the opportunity to create its own oath.

This is important, because what is politically correct one year can fall behind into thoughtcrime the next as we rush at an ever-accelerating speed toward absolute moonbattery.

Here’s how this year’s oath starts:

“We enter the profession of medicine with appreciation for the opportunity to build on the scientific and humanistic achievements of the past. We also recognize the acts and systems of oppression effected in the name of medicine. We take this oath of service to begin building a future grounded in truth, restoration, and equity to fulfill medicine’s capacity to liberate.”

The loaded buzzwords “oppression” “equity,” and “liberate” signify that medicine is not about medicine anymore. Like everything else that has fallen to the Long March Through the Institutions, it is about leftism.

On a tip from Franco.

Feb 15 2023

Klaus Schwab Dreams Aloud of Mastering the World

The difference between the World Government Summit in Dubai and a futuristic James Bond movie is there is no 007 to rescue the world from the sinister Klaus Schwab, who is open about his ambition to “master of the world.”

Via Summit News:

Arch globalist Klaus Schwab has called for elites to come together globally in order to “master” advanced technologies, warning them that if they don’t act swiftly the world could “escape our power”.

Schwab is enthused about “Fourth Industrial Revolution technologies” like artificial intelligence that he says will produce “a fusion of our physical, our digital, and our biological identities.” This should entail “active implantable microchips that break the skin barrier of our bodies.”

No one can say we were not warned:

World domination is almost in the grasp of globalist moonbats. They mustn’t let it slip away as a result of resistance by those who see themselves as individuals:

Schwab can relax. It does not look like these alarming technologies will escape the power of the liberal elite to exploit them for social engineering purposes. For example, ChapGPT displays a hard left bias as extreme as anything on MSNBC:

We do not want to go where this is headed.

On tips from Occam’s Stubble, Marty, and Wiggins.

Feb 15 2023

Black Students Circulate List of Favorite Names for Whites

The white liberals who run universities have bent over backward for generations now to suck up to blacks. Let’s see what effect this has had on the opinion blacks have of whites on college campuses:

A document reportedly linked to black students at numerous universities refers to white people as “maggots,” “vermin” and “roaches.”

It lists hundreds of names used for the whites who created a standard of living notably higher than Africa’s and self-abasingly provide them with all manner of favoritism.

One of the listed favorites was “decomposing form of humanity.”

Other names referred to white people as “pigs” and “rats.” …

Listed slurs include “yeast maggots,” “mutated vermin” and “snow roaches,” according to the list, obtained by 1819 News from Heard.

Don’t blame them too much. Weakness naturally breeds contempt. The moonbats who feed them antiwhite race hate on our dime at universities present whites in the weakest state imaginable.

Listed names suggesting genocidal hatred include “not meant to exist” and “invasive species.”

Democrat welfare and immigration policies are designed to make whites a minority, subject to tyranny of the majority. Joe Biden has openly extolled this objective. He is lucky he won’t live to see the consequences.

Joked Anthony Watson, a contributor for TPUSA:

“If the university is actually against racism, they should treat this situation the same way they would if the races were reversed.”

Yeah right. Anyone who has been paying attention in racial justice class knows that “racism” now means “failure to hate whites.”

On a tip from ABC of the ANC.

Feb 15 2023

Open Thread

The key fallacy of so called gun control laws is that such laws do not in fact control guns. They simply disarm law abiding citizens, while people bent on violence find firearms readily available. - Thomas Sowell

Feb 14 2023

Academics Discover Lack of Wildlife in Cities Is Racist

If you pay academics enough, they can find racism anywhere. They have even managed to prove that racism causes wild animals to avoid minority neighborhoods:

“Systemic racism alters the demography of urban wildlife populations in ways that generally limit population sizes and negatively affect their chances of persistence,” write the University of Manitoba, Winnipeg’s Chloé Schmidt and Colin J. Garroway in a study published in Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.

In a study that examined 39 terrestrial vertebrate species in 268 urban locations across the United States, the researchers found “generally consistent patterns of reduced genetic diversity and decreased connectivity in neighborhoods with fewer White residents.”

The lack of urban wildlife was allegedly caused by iniquitous white people escaping to the suburbs to avoid crime several generations ago. Looks like wild animals are white adjacent and don’t like crime either. Or maybe they have other reasons to prefer not to live in densely populated cities.

The lack of wild animal equity has inflicted mental illness upon sacred BIPOCs:

Areas with less diversity could also be having negative effects on both the mental and physical health of the people who live in such ‘deprived’ neighborhoods.

They mean animal diversity, not the diversity that characterizes American inner cities, which wild animals are wise to avoid.

On a tip from Franco.

Feb 14 2023

Covid Fraud Cost Vast Fortune

Covid cost us a lot more than it needed to, but at least we bought some valuable lessons. Not to trust technocrats like Anthony Fauci is one. Not to entrust children to public schools is another. A third is that flinging $trillions of public money to the four winds is not a viable economic policy. The waste on fraud alone has been staggering:

The Government Accountability Office (GAO) estimated that total fraud in four federally-run COVID relief programs was over $60 billion “and perhaps much higher” during the pandemic, adding that the Labor Department has yet to implement an appropriate anti-fraud strategy to combat the problem.

No doubt the Biden Regime will get around to it right after it solves the more pressing issue of too many white guys being allowed to work in the construction industry.

The GAO’s report came out on the same day the Labor Department’s Office of Inspector General told the House Ways and Means Committee that “at least” $191 billion in emergency unemployment benefits paid out during the pandemic were likely lost to fraudsters.

The flood of COVID relief money from the federal government in 2020 overwhelmed state agencies charged with doling it out, according to Larry Turner, the inspector general. He said COVID created a “perfect storm” for fraud, explaining people were allowed to self-certify that they were eligible to receive Pandemic Unemployment Assistance, which went to millions of people who were not traditionally eligible for unemployment insurance.

The problem was already there; Covid hysteria just allowed it to spin out of control. According to the GAO report,

DOL reported an increase in estimated improper payments from $8.0 billion (9.2% estimated improper payment rate) for fiscal year 2020 to $78.1 billion (18.9% estimated improper payment rate) for fiscal year 2021. For fiscal year 2022, DOL reported estimated improper payments of $18.9 billion (22.2% estimated improper payment rate).”

Then there is the Paycheck Protection Program (PPP):

About 15% of the total funds that Congress appropriated in total for PPP was projected to have been obtained fraudulently, according to a 2021 study.

That same year, the House Coronavirus Oversight Committee found that some $84 billion in PPP loans were potentially fraudulent.

What the government reports is just the tip of a titanic iceberg of waste that will sink the US economy, in accordance with the Cloward–Piven strategy for imposing socialism.

On a tip from MrRightWingDave.

Feb 14 2023

Lis Cuesta’s Handbag Proves Communism Works

Following the horrific failure of communism everywhere it has been tried, resulting in the death of 100 million people and miserable enslavement of hundreds of millions more, it is a mystery why people keep trying it. Marxism has been called the greatest catastrophe in human history. Yet even in a country that has been wealthy and free, Democrat politicians are in the process of imposing it on an incremental basis, as if we didn’t all know that it doesn’t work.

The answer to the mystery is that communism does work, as Lis Cuesta’s handbag demonstrates. Lis Cuesta is the wife of Miguel Diaz-Canel, First Secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Cuba.

Bing translation:

Beautiful the Hermes bag of 17 thousand dollars of Lis Cuesta, first lady of #Cuba. While Cubans clamor for food, decent housing conditions and basic things that are impossible for them, #socialistas dress in luxury.

Hermes handbags sell for tens of thousands of dollars.

Similarly, Castro wannabe Bernie Sanders owns three homes and charges people $95 to listen to him denounce capitalism. In terms of economic policy, Joe Biden is Bernie Sanders.

Babalu Blog weighs in:

This fashion statement by the communist first lady stands in stark contrast to the life of poverty, misery, and oppression the Cuban people are forced to live in. Cubans spend their days standing in line for rationed food, which often runs out before many of them can get a morsel. Residential buildings are in disrepair and collapsing, the pharmacies are empty, and blackouts that last for hours have become an almost daily occurrence. But that didn’t stop Cuesta from buying and proudly displaying a purse that is worth several times the annual average salary in Cuba.

This contrast is actually a perfect illustration of how socialism works.

It works all right. It is a highly efficient system for enslaving a population on behalf of an extravagantly wealthy and powerful ruling class. It is a formula for converting mass envy and idiocy into tyranny.

On a tip from R F.

Feb 14 2023

Open Thread

Certainly one of the chief guarantees of freedom under any government, no matter how popular and respected, is the right of citizens to keep and bear arms. - Hubert H. Humphrey


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